Tag #8
It been a long time since I have been tagged but.... does it really have to be such nosy one?! Well anyways thanks for this tags Yujin_Tojiru
1. Height
5'1 or 5'2. I haven't measure myself but I know I have grown quite a bit from when school start to now.
2. Weight
Last time I weighted myself I was 91 lbs hopefully I gain some weight..
3. Shoes Size
Size 3
4. Virgin
Of course! If someone dare do it with me without my permission I will seriously punch them!
5. Ever smoked
That a no.
6. Crush
I do have a crush irl and I ain't tell you guys his name~
7. Middle name
Don't have one but my friends once seriously tried to create one for me and it didn't go really smoothly...
8. Have tattoos
Nope. Ever will since I hate pain.
9. Want tattoos
Heck no! I seriously ask every person this one question when they ask me to try something new, ' does it hurt?'
10. Ever drank
11. Best friends
12. Biggest Fear
Being in a room alone or when my phone stops working and I can't get a new one!! Or when my ships all falls apart!! No my ships!!
13. Pet peeve
I have a serious OCD issue.
14. Things I hate about myself
I hate my OCD issues, it hate my forgetfulness and Clumsiness. I hate how I seriously can't say no to people most of the times and I hate how I always hide my true feelings in front of my friends. I hate how weak I am. I hate how I never think before I act.
15. Things I love about myself
I love how I have a al last perfect memory. I love how I am always cheerful and optimistic. I love how I am always full of energy and talks a lot. I love how I sometimes act serious like a mother and I love how I can stay up late and sleep late as well as early.
16. Relationship status
Single but I think my friends are planning to set me up with my crush but here the thing. They actually don't know I have a crush on him and I don't plan on telling them~
17. Insecurities
Well maybe my intelligence.
18. Favorite songs
All Kuroko no Basket Op and Ed! I also like Ai no scenario.
19. Music Style
Pop music
20. Favorite Number
TWENTY ONE!!!! 21!!
21. Favorite dream
Well I must have been the dream when my crush went shopping with me and when I was crying he picked me up bridal style as I cried in her shoulder.....
22. Last thing I ate
Noodles. I ate the whole thing since I was so hungry after drama club
23. Last text I received
My last text I received is from Nura_and_Momo
24. Person I hate
alright there is this boy in my grade that I hate! I literally did nothing to him and he just keeps acting like a jerk to me! Ok this is literally what happened one day. I was at school and in my study call playing in my phone rping and he came in stay at the back and talked to his friends about drama club how the teacher told him people complained to them about him and the teacher mentioned none of the people's names who told on him. He started making assumptions and literally and said this out loud or something close to this, "you know who I am talking about". I was so mad at him and let me tell you everyone in my study hall doesn't do drama club other than me and him! I seriously 100% did not tell on him and he thought it was me?! Who told on him! I was trying to be nice to him for giving him for all those stuff he said and blamed on me but he had to say that line out loud in the study hall!
25. First kiss
I still have it
26. Childhood confessions
I got none
27. Dream date
My dream date is going around the town or city having a nice walk before heading to the movie watching a romantic movie before heading out for lunch and after linch we will go to a nearby park for some walk and when we get home we will call each other and talk. Most likely not happening for me.
28. Ever cute myself
Well no but I have accidentally cut myself when I was chopping something
29. Ever been hospitalized
Nope well maybe.. I am seriously not sure of that situation would count as being hospitalized
30. Ever been suspended
Nope. Never in life and literally this is what the teacher most likely think of me. They think of me as like the GG or Goodie Goodie of the grade.
31. Ever got expelled
Heck no!! I ever want such thing to happen on my school record.
32. Opinions on same sex marriage
I say go head. If you love them truly then nothing can stop you!
33. Opinion on hates
I am cool with them. I don't mind them hating me since it their own choice on hating me.
34. Opinion on animal abusers
Go die in a hole. They are just polluting the oxygen for being alive..
35. Childhood memories
Well I don't remember ally of stuff from childhood so don't ask me
36. Favorite Place
In my house on my bed sleeping or playing on my phone
37. Father name
Secret. Not telling
38. Nicknames
GG, Miss perfect, Mom, Mimi, Miyako, Bakayako, Miyako-chan or sama.
39. Worst nightmare
Seeming my friends and family getting hurt...
40. Anything else
Nothing else I have to say since I want to be secretive.
Too lazy to tag more people
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