Tagged by the always funny and lovely PansexualHoe13 😘😘
1. Weird Fact about You;
Uh, when I was a kid I would eat butter straight out of the tub. 😬
2. Favorite food;
Ugh damn. Pie. Probably my grandmother's blueberry. Fries come a close second.
3. First Fandom;
This is an impossible question. When I knew what a fandom was? Supernatural. Before that? I mean, teletubbies probably. 😂
4. Best Friends;
The pen and the sword.
5. Your current lock screen;
Won't load, but it's fanart of Brie Larson's back in that dark blue dress. 😍
6. Favorite OTP;
Well fuck. This is a cultish answer. Ren and Kelsey from the Tiger's Curse series. They are my Endgame.
7. Birthday;
April 21st
8. Five fears;
First of all this reminds me of Four from Divergent. Had to say it.
-Growing Callous
-Reliving my Past
-Things that lurk in the Dark
-Not fulfilling my Purpose.
9. What you look like;
Pudgy, slightly askew teeth, white, nearly black brown eyes, round cheeks, brown hair with light blonde streaks that get lighter at the bottom. Short. Will definitely fight you.
10. Favorite Song;
As Time Goes By by Jimmy Durante always fucking gets me.
11. Why you made your account;
Got to have some outlet.
12. Favorite character ever;
Oh bloody hell this is impossible. I'm cheating and saying one of my own; Josephine Leigh. Never before has a character been so easy for me to write. I love her so very much. ❤️
13; 20 of your favorite accounts;
I'm not on here enough just reading these days. 😬 But I love all of you so 😘
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