The Tag to End All Tags
I got tagged by the lovely centaura243. Thank you!
1) I used to do ballet when I was 5, but I stopped because I didn't like it. (Though if you DO dance ballet, props to you! It's much harder than it looks lol)
2) The books that really got me into reading was the Percy Jackson series.
3) Chocolate is the best candy ever and no one can convince me otherwise.
4) I want to try having light brown highlights in my hair, though I've never dyed it.
5) I still get upset every time I read Newt's death in The Death Cure. I am not excited to see the same happen to Thomas in the movie ;(
6) I watch a lot of NBC shows, and I'm obsessed with all of them. Especially the Chicago trilogy, which will turn into a quartet soon! :D YASSSS CHICAGO JUSTICE
7) I sing mainly soprano or mezzo soprano. The alto parts are a bit low, but sometimes I can hit them.
8) I want to travel to Europe someday
9) I don't have any pets, but I still want to be a veterinarian when I grow older.
10) I ship myself with Tam from KotLC, because he's awesome and his shadow powers are amazing. His picture on Lodestar is so cuteeee.
11) Uhhhhhh I've reached almost 40 followers on Wattpad (Thank you all you lovely people! You guys are amazing).
12) my favorite kinds of dogs are border collies, labradors, and shitzus.
13) I love books too much, to the point that I annotate some of them lol
Have fun! And if you're reading this, do this tag too! :)
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