The Jackson 5 Mantra 💙
HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO there! I'm so sorry I've been MIA for all this time, so I'm making up for it by posting a bit more. I've missed you all!!!
So a while back, my wonderfully dear friend @CrystalPoet tagged me for this new tag that I didn't even know existed! It's called the ABC tag, and you answer questions that start with every letter of the alphabet. If you get the title reference then you deserve cookies!! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 And if you don't just take one anyway, and ask me about it in the comments! Alrighty then, onto the tag!
Also side note, yea I know I spelled CrystalRose00 's name incorrectly 😉 She's one half of the CrystalPoet ship with NebulosePoet273 (best Wattpad ship ever btw). I think I put Dreams_In_A_Book into cardiac arrest with that reference heh heh, sorry/not sorry Kate XD Onto the tag!
Age? I'm not gonna say my real age, but I'm in high school so take a guess. Then again, most of us are in high school lollll
Biggest Fear? That I'll lose the people I love, because there's no way I could possibly live without them. A life alone isn't fun for me, plus my relationships mean so much to me.
Current Time? 9:14 PM
Drink you last had? Limoñada rosa, or pink lemonade lol. I'm basically obsessed with lemonade...and mashed potatoes...and chocolate...ok just food in general haha
Easiest person to talk to? Ooooh that's hard. I'm going to have to say my parents or my best friend, I trust them all with anything I need to talk about.
Favorite songs? They change constantly, I can never choose just one lol.
Ghosts? I think the question is asking whether I believe in ghosts, so I'll just say maybe. I do believe there are spirits and souls that live in Heaven and such, but not necessarily the same ghosts that are shown in movies or anything like that.
Hometown? Somewhere in the USAAAAAAAAA
In love? Sure, you could say that.
With my books lol
For actually being in love with someone romantically, no. Sometimes I wish I do, though. But the single life isn't so bad.
Jealous of anyone? Not really, I only get jealous of people who have really cool talents. It's not a bad jealousy though, if anything that makes them even cooler people. I love my friend's ability to sing reallllly high notes, for example.
Killed anyone? Besides killing my friends with cringy puns and jokes, the answer is a definite no. Guess you could say my jokes are killer.
Sorry lolol
Longest trip? Uhhhhhh I think it was going to Asia for about two months. It was awesome!
Middle Name? Vivian
Number of siblings? One brother that I love very much
One wish? That I could see my best friend more often. Sometimes technology isn't enough, so I wish I could see her more in person.
Person you last called? I don't remember lol.
Questions you're always asked? Okay this happened like five days ago, and I'm still a bit annoyed by it XD
So this one person walks up to me, and it was at a social event. They were looking at me kind of funny, and I asked them what happened. The question they asked was "Are you 12?"
And I've always been asked this, even though I'm a teenager. I don't know if it's because of my height, or how young I look, but people how don't know me think I'm a small child or something XD
Reasons to smile? My family, friends, books, music, all the blessings I've been given throughout my life. Being able to make others happy, having all these opportunities to succeed.
Song you last sang? I actually sang two songs pretty recently. The first one was "On My Own" from Les Miserables, which was for an audition for my school musical! The second was "Hurricane" by Bridget Mendler. Aghh the nostalgia from these songs! I grew up listening to Hurricane on the radio, and Ready or Not, so I'm still a huge fan of Bridget's.
Time you woke up? Around 12:30 ish? Haha I've been trying to catch up on sleep, school has taken up a lot of my sleep time.
Underwear color? Well, this is just like the center of a Tootsie Pop. The world may never know.
Vacation Destination? Aghhhh so many to choose from! Greece, Rome, Japan, Paris, New York, and so many others! I love exploring new places, and trying new things. Travel is amazing!
Worst habits? Procrastinating on schoolwork every once in a while (but it's gotten a lot better!), tending to talk too much, not always listening when I should be.
On a side note, where's that X question? I really wanted to tell you guys my opinion on xylophones......
Yoyos are? Oh, so you want to know my opinion on yoyos, but not xylophones?????? Pshhhhhh
lol I'm just kidding, yoyos are cool. There was a guy at my school who could do amazing tricks with them, but he graduated already.
Zodiac sign? GEMINIIIIIII (which makes sense because I have a best friend, who's basically my twin 💙)
And whoever else wants to do this!! I'll try to update more tags this weekend.
Love you guys!!!!
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