Tag 9
So I've been reading through Maze Runner, and I wanted to do a tag. But first:
A letter to James Dasher:
Dear James,
I'm very concerned with the mistype on page 256 of the Death Cure. It seems as though you might've been a bit under the weather when you wrote that, because I could've sworn you knew about the fandom's extreme obsession with the character of Newt. Therefore, you have been forgiven for your obvious mistake in writing the events that occurred on said page, for in the minds of fangirls everywhere, Newt is still very much alive. Thank you.
Moving on, here is the Maze Runner Tag!
1) Favorite Glader?: A three way tie between Minho, Thomas, and Newt. All of them are awesome and lovable for different reasons.
2) Teresa or Brenda?: Is that even a question? Well, yes it is lol. But Brenda, obviously! I mean, I understand that Teresa redeemed herself, but it was still pretty awful what she did to the guys. Plus, Brenda is awesome! I love both of the actresses that portray them in the movies.
3) Wicked or the Right Arm?: I don't know, they both seem to have good intentions. But their actions were both extremely flawed in the path to peace. At this point, I'll just side with our Glader rebels
4) Thomas, Minho, or Newt?: I love all three boys with all my heart, but I would choose Newt. Mainly because he's portrayed by Thomas Brodie-Sangster, but also because he seems the most compassionate and the LEAST DESERVING TO DIE *COUGH JAMES COUGH* AND, just to make him more perfect, his accent is really cute lol
5) Which book was your favorite?: Scorch Trials, though there were parts I liked about all of them.
6) Do you like the cast?: I LOVE the cast. Ki Hong Lee does a good job portraying Minho, but I could be slightly biased since I knew about him before TMR franchise. But the entire cast is perfection.
7) Favorite member of Group B?: Sonya, because Katherine McNamara. Also because she seems like the counterpart of Newt, and Newt is my all time favorite, so......
8) Have you/are you going to read The Kill Order?: I want to! It sounds awesome, but I haven't had time to pick up any books lately.
9) Least favorite book of the series?: Death Cure, because of that ONE PAGE. Otherwise wise I'd say none 😒
10) Favorite TMR quote?: "Great, we're all bloody inspired," LOL I LOVE NEWT
Alright tag time!
And whoever else wants to do this!
I honestly have no idea who has read Maze Runner, so if you guys know people who do tag them! I'd love to meet more TMR fans lol
See you in the next chapter! Have a great day guys!
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