Tag 8
Hello, so this tag was invented by the awesome M___e___i , who was really creative and mei-ed her own tag (see what I did there? Ehhhhhhh?????? Yea you were warned of these bad jokes in my bio XD) Thank you for the great tag, I'll be sure to pass it on!
1) What is my eye shape?: I want to say that my eyes are downturned, because they seem pretty big. Close enough to the picture.
2) What is my eye color?: Chocolate brown
3) Do I like my eyes? What would I change about them?: Nothing much. I like the way my eyes are, but I've always wanted to see what I'd look like with blue or grey.
Well, since I'm doing an eye tag, I guess I'll just add a little update. I'm getting contacts yayyyyyy! I hear they're a bit painful in the beginning though, so we'll see. But woooooo contacts.
Have a great MLK holiday! Ignited Hearts will be updated soon, I promise. Spread the tag!!!!!
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