Tag 3
Hi, I was reading CrystalRose00's tag book, and the fourth one seemed really interesting. So I was like, oh what the heck, I'll do it too lol. Thanks for the challenge CrystalRose00! Everyone go check out her profile~
1) Name: I'm not going to share my real name. Just call me Keeper XD (KotLC fans where you at?!)
2) Height: 5'1 (and proud of it!) (I know, I'm really short XD)
3) Weight: I'd rather not share that, so moving on!
4) Age: Old enough to be a teen
5) Girl Besties: (Nicknames will replace real names for these questions) Lisa, Ravioli, and Ash.
6) Guy Besties: Baguette and Banana Bread lilllllll
7) Last Hug: My mom
8) Crush: Actually, I'm taking a break from love life stuff. It's nothing bad, but life was pretty hectic when I had one XD. So no, for now.
9) Fallen in love?: No, but I do believe that it will happen one day.
10) Favorite food: I can't just choose one! Salmon, Lasagna, Ice Cream, etc. And I love made up foods like mallowmelt and ripplefluff (Kotlc again lol), even if I've never eaten them before.
11) Favorite Color: Blue, any kind
12) Last Text: Hmmm, I think I texted my friend about Proximity, this music artist that does really cool remixes. You guys should check out his channel on Youtube!
13) Longest relationship: Nonexistent at this point, because I've never been in one :)
14) Grade: Again, not going to name specifics
15) Want kids?: Yeah, I think it would be nice. I've already come up with 100 name combos lol
16) Battery Percentage: 45%
17) Eye Color: Brown
18) Addiction: Books, Music, my tv shows, Wattpad is my newest one, and my OTPs (I have too many lol)
19) Favorite Animal: PANDA
20) Favorite Singer: URGH too many to choose from. For now I'll just say Hunter Hayes (I've memorized his entire Encore album)
21) Had a Piercing?: Nope, never
22) Sing in the shower?: For sure (though I don't know how good I am at it XD)
23) Longest Relationship: Again, nonexistent.
24) One wish: Spread happiness to those who need it most!
25) Best time of your life?: I have a lot of examples, but I can't choose one exact moment. If I could, I guess one example would be traveling to Asia for the first time ever
26) Home Country: Ohhh say can you seeeeee (aka America)
27) Pets: None, but I would love a dog one day
28) Plan to get married?: Yeah, definitely. Someday it'll happen, I'm sure
29) Favorite Classes: Science and English, and possibly Spanish (the verbs throw me off)
30) First Kiss: HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA............ oh, you're serious. Nope lol
31) Insecure?: Yeah, but I'm planning on learning how to confront my insecurities head on.
32) Self-harmed?: No. I do, however, want to reach out to those who have, and be there for them so that they know they aren't alone.
33) Who I love: My family and friends. They mean everything to me
34) Miss Anyone Right Now?: My best friend. I haven't seen her in a while, but I'll talk to her again soon. Life's just been crazy busy (love you Lisa, even though you don't have Wattpad lol)
35) Hair Color: Brown, but I think it would be cool to try lighter streaks in my hair
36) Relationship status: Single, but I'm pretty happy with that right now :)
37) Last song I listened to?: The Schuyler Sisters, from Hamilton
38) Been Drunk?: NO, and never will be
39) Cried yourself to sleep?: Yeah, a few times. But I feel like that's the best way to cry
40) Biggest fear?: I'll lose the people I love. But that just allows me to love them more
41) Believe in ghosts?: In a way, sure. I suppose there are ghosts out there, but not the scary kind. The kind of ghosts that resemble who they were in real life? I don't know, but sure why not?
42) Smoke?: NO, and never ever will
43) Been depressed?: No, I've only been really sad before. But if you are, and you were willing to tell me, I'd try to do my best to be there for you.
44) Felt lonely?: Yes. I feel like this is a more accurate description of any negative feelings I normally experience instead of depression. But the loneliness is getting better, and I try and prevent other people from feeling the same way. It's definitely not fun, I can tell you that.
45) Cheated?: No, and even if I ever got into a relationship (by some miracle), no way in the world would I ever want to do that to someone!
46) Something you hate?: Arrogance and greed
47) Changed clothes in a car?: I don't think I want to answer that?
48) Something you could change about yourself?: Uh, nothing really. I like myself the way I am
49) Turn on's: FOOD
50) Turn off's: Arrogance, acting like the world owes you something (it doesn't)
Ok, that was interesting. Well I nominate:
pipereliza14 ( love your name btw)
LOL I just chose people I started following today. Anyway, see you in the next chapter!
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