Tag 13
Ok so I've got some time on my hands, so here's the second tag of the week! Before you start, if I sound narcissistic then I' really sorry XD. Also, I meant to title the tag before this #13 instead of #14 lol. And for the people I tag, you don't need to do all of these if you don't want to. Only do the ones you want to! That's why I'm skipping some.
1) Who was the last person you held hands with?: My mom lol. I don't really hold hands with anyone, more like suffocate them with suprise hugs 😜
2) Are you loud, outgoing, or shy?: I can actually be all three on different occasions. Most of the time I'm reallllly loud, as in ranting for hours loud lol. You know that girl in the library who you can hear from the other side of the room? Unfortunately I may or may not be one of those people, but not intentionally! I just have a loud voice lol. But sometimes I would get nervous while talking to guys (I don't know why), and I'd turn into a character from a silent movie XD. Thankfully that doesn't happen much anymore, though it's probably because I've gotten more used to talking with them.
3) Who are you looking forward to seeing?: Probably my best friend, because I haven't seen her in person for quite a while. I miss her so much 😔
4) Are you easy to get along with?: I think so! I'm good at making people smile or laugh if I'm willing to reach out to them. Though I'll admit I can be sort of stubborn about some things, to the point when I'll argue over which cookie is better. But I'm working on that lol
5) Have you ever given up on someone, then gone back to him or her?: No. Well, that actually kind of ties into a few friendships I broke off, but I never felt the need to go back and reconcile. I don't know if that's a bad thing, but if they make me feel bad about myself then what's the point of going back to them? That's just my opinion.
6) If you were drunk, would the person you like help you?: I mean, I didn't really talk to my old crush that much when I was into him. So probably not lol, but if we were better friends then I would say there's a possibility. In an alternate universe XD
7) Do you think you'll be in a relationship two months from now?: Probably not, but that's okay with me. The single world isn't so bad after all lol, but maybe someday.
8) Who of the opposite gender is on your mind?: Well thanks to this tag *looks suspiciously at tag page* I'm thinking of my old crush now. I don't even like him anymore, but I'm only thinking about him because of these questions. Side note, is it strange that I don't like someone anymore but still find them attractive? Lol I may not like him anymore, but I'll admit he's actually pretty cute. I hope that's not weird
I'm skipping #9 because I don't really want to talk about that kind of stuff because
1. Trying to keep my stuff here PG
2. It's not my kind of thing I like talking about (huh, I guess I did answer the question then. Lol)
10) Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?: My friend Banana Bread. We talked about a few friendships I broke off a while back, and he gave me advice about it. For once he was actually serious about stuff lol.
11) What does your most recent text say?: I sent someone a link of a Hamilton video. Here's the link, it's a performance of Take A Break from the original cast production. It's so good!
12) How do you feel about abortion?: My own opinion is being somewhat against it, since I love children and I dislike the idea of not giving them a chance to live life. But I also understand why some people decide to do it, perhaps even for the good of the future baby. So even though I don't feel comfortable with the idea, I understand most people's reasons for doing so.
13) Do you like big crowds of people?: I'm actually alright with crowds, except for my height. No one ever notices me because I'm so short, and so in the hallway at school I keep getting jostled into lockers XD
14) Do you believe in luck or miracles?: Of course! And miracles don't even have to be big, life changing ones. They can be small things, like having a chance to spend time with my friends or having enough chocolate in the house for me to devour lol. But in all seriousness, I do believe they exist.
15) What good thing happened this summer?: I went to visit family in China! It was super great because I got to spend time with people I don't see very often. So that was especially meaningful to me.
16) Would you kiss the last person you kissed?: How ironic that I'm listening to "Kid in Love" by Shawn Mendez as I'm typing this lol. Well, I've never kissed anyone before, so that question shouldn't technically have an answer. But I actually had a dream once about kissing my old crush, back when I liked him, so with that context I would say yes. BUT only if I still liked him, which I don't, and only if he was okay with it.
17) Do you think there is life on other planets?: Hmmm I think so. Mars has evidence of once having water on its surface, and where there's water there must be life. So who knows, I think it's possible.
18) Do you still talk to your first crush?: My first crush was in kindergarten to third grade, when I was at my old school. But I moved away to the one I go to now, so the answer is no. Though it would be interesting to talk to my old classmates, at least the ones I remember, because I think they would be surprised by how much I've changed since elementary school lol.
19) Do you like bubble baths?: Yea, they're awesome! I haven't had one in a while, but they make my muscles less strained whenever I exercise. Plus they're fun!
20) Do you like your neighbors?: Yes, most of them are alright. Some of them I'm especially good friends with. Most of them know me because I sell Girl Scout cookies lol.
21) What are your bad habits?: Procrastination and talking too loudly. I may or may not be doing the first one right now......
22) Where would you like to travel?: So many places! London, Italy, Paris, Greece, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Portugal, Spain, and Canada. And a lot more! I want to go try local foods, see new sights, all of it!
23) Do you have trust issues?: No, in fact I think I trust people too easily lol. Yea, that leaves me to be vulnerable to getting hurt, but I feel like it's better to be open to others than to shut them out.
24) Favorite part of your daily routine?: SLEEP
25) What body part are you most uncomfortable with?: Uh none of them? I like myself the way I am.
26) What do you do when you wake up?: Try and go back to sleep lol.
27) Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?: Not really, no. Though I dislike the small freckles on my skin if that counts. They just seem a bit annoying lol.
28) Who are you most comfortable around?: My parents or my close, close friends that I know won't judge me. Or my brother. Basically anyone I trust won't judge me, and who I know will support me and care for me when I need them.
29) Have any of your exes told you they regret breaking up?: Lol I don't have any exes, because I've never been in a relationship. One of the things I don't mind about that is avoiding the drama that seems to come with it (seriously, the drama I see at school is ridiculous.)
30) Do you ever want to get married?: Yes, I do. It's something I've been wanting in my future, but I'd have to get in a relationship first to have a chance at that happening lol.
31) Is your hair long enough for a ponytail?: Yep! It actually grew much faster than I thought after I cut it a little below my shoulders, so it's perfect for putting up. At least on a good hair day XD
Skipping 32). I don't even know the answer to that one, I don't think about that kind of stuff. 33) is just weird LOL
34) Do you play sports?: I used to, yea! I mainly played soccer/football, basketball, and archery. I also tried gymnastics, ice skating (those shoes hurt, dam), tennis, swimming, table tennis, and softball, but I either didn't do well in them or I wasn't interested. Well, actually ice skating and gym were fun lol.
35) Would you rather live without TV or music?: TV, because a world without music would make me go insane. Music helps calm me down when I need it, among other things.
36) Have you ever liked someone and never told them?: Basically all my crushes ever lol. But the problem with my last one was, I think I told too many people, and he might know about it. Actually, I don't know if he found out that I don't like him anymore. Hmmm, anyway. Lol but yes, I have.
37) What do you say during awkward silence?: If it's with friends, I try to make them laugh? If it's someone else, I try to bring up a new topic. Though that doesn't always work lol
38) Do you think age matters in relationships?: For me personally, I want to be in a relationship with someone at least 2-4 years around my age. But I think that if you love someone that's a bit more older than you, you should have the freedom to pursue that relationship if it's what you truly want. Love is love, irregardless of race or age or anything.
39) What are your favorite stores to shop in?: I do more online shopping, but I love Hot Topic because of their Marvel collections, and sometime I find other fandom stuff there too. The bobblehead figurines are so cute!!!!! And Old Navy has nice jeans lol.
40) What do you want to do after HS?: Go to college, become a veterinarian, and keep being the person I am today. And also have a family. Yea, this sounds like the cliche life you hear about all the time, but it's something I actually do want for my future lol.
41) Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?: Well, I guess it depends on what they did that would call for the possibility of a second chance. If it's something small, like forgetting to pay someone back, then they should have another chance to do so. If it was something as bad as cheating, in any situation, then they shouldn't. Even if it was "unintentional", that doesn't change the fact that it happened, and the possibility of it happening a second time.
42) If you're being extremely quiet, what does that mean?: Then I'm either really upset or super tired. Sometimes I pull all nighters, so if I'm quiet then chances are I'm falling asleep lol.
43) Do you smile at strangers?: Yea, sometimes. I like to give people a little happiness whenever I can, because you never know if someone is having a bad day!
44) Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?: Bottom of the ocean! I need to find Atlantis somehow lol. Also, MERMAIDS!!!!! (I don't care if they're real or not, I still want to go anyway).
45) Do you want a roommate?: Hmmmm I don't know. If I did then I'd probably have to share with my brother. That is DEFINITELY not something I think either of us would be happy with XD. I mean, our rooms are really close to each other so we can hang out whenever we want. So my answer would be no.
46) What are you paranoid about?: Uhhhh nothing that I can think of. I have a few fears, but I don't really get paranoid over them.
47) What was the meanest thing someone said to you?: I don't remember exact words, but one of those things was said by an ex-friend. She told me that I annoyed her and that I sucked, among other things. I'm just glad we aren't friends anymore.
48) The nicest thing?: When my best friend told me I was like a sister to her. And whenever people tell me that I helped make them feel happy :D
49) Have you done something recently that you hope no one finds out about?: No? I mean, I have a lot of dumb moments in the past that are absolutely embarrassing, but nothing that's gone down recently.
50) What language do you want to learn?: I'm already learning Spanish, but I'd want to learn Japanese or Korean. I know Mandarin, and I think one of those has a similar alphabet as the Chinese one, so maybe it would be a bit easier for me to learn? I don't know lol
OK! That took forever lol. Here are the nominees:
And anyone else who wants to do this! It's sort of long, sorry XD. Have a good day!!!!
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