Once again, tagged by centaura243 :D
1) When did you join the site you are in? I joined this site on September 5th, 2016
2) How many family members do you have? Four
3) Do you prefer friends or family? Why? I love both, because I can tell my friends stuff all the time. My family also makes me feel safe, and inspire me to work hard and do my best. (Yes that sounds cliché but it's very true.)
4) If you could bring a person from the dead, who and why? My aunt that recently passed away. She means a lot to me, and I miss her very much ;(
5) Would you rather do something you love but you're bad at it, or do something you hate but you're good at it? Well I already do the first one by singing all the time, so I'll stick with something I love lol. Besides, what's the point of doing something if it makes you unhappy?
6) What are you good at? Talking with people, playing violin, loving people too hard lol
7) Your nickname? Lola
8) Many "friends" or a few besties/close friends/true friends? Definitely a few close friends. I used to be friends with these people that had a lot of connections, but they weren't true friends. I'm much happier with people that love me for who I am, instead of who I'm friends with. :)
9) Favorite fictional character? Arghhhhhh this is the hardest question. I'm just going to say no one, because I love almost all the characters I read about!
10) 10 Hobbies: Singing, reading, listening to music, writing, knitting, binge watching in an impressive amount of time, cooking, origami, playing violin, soccer, and fangirling too hard XD
Alright now here are the nominees!
GlitzyDiamond (KOTLC FANS her username is the same as one of Dex's siblings, which is awesome!)
Girlmeetsworld1234 (I'm so sad the show is ending ;( ;( )
Honestly I chose people that I follow by random lol. Alright leave comments and I'll answer them!
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