Break Time Tags!
Hi guys, so I'm studying for my truckload of tests next week. But it's been a long five days, and Friday is here! So I might as well take some time to rest, and do a couple of tags right? Thank you CrystalRose00 for being a lovely friend, and for these two tags!!!! ALSO HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND NEBULOUS (Dreams_In_A_Book knows what I'm talkin about 😜❤️).
The link above is Meghan Trainor's "Hopeless Romantic", and I've been obsessed with this song all week! It spoke to me more than I thought it would lol. Anyway, onto the tags!
Alright so for the people I tag, you can do either one or both. Do whichever one you want to do!
This is a choosing tag, which is pretty cool!
1) Pink or Blue? Blue! I like pink, I used to wear pink stuff all the time when I was a kid. But recently I'm sticking with blue, gray, and white stuff lol.
2) Hamburger or Pizza? Pizza! I adore pizza, especially Blaze! It's a pizza place that lets you make your own pizza (alongside salads and other stuff, but I like building my own) with all these different toppings and sauces. Then they put it in an oven, and it cooks in 3 minutes! Trust me, for those of you on the West Coast there are definitely locations that you should try!
3) Samsung or Apple? Apple. I like Samsung, there are some features on their devices that I'm interested in (like the stylus), and my best friend says she likes hers. But my family is an Apple family haha.
4) Guitar or Piano? Aghhhhh this is such a hard choice, because I love both of them! I'm going to go with guitar, because I've always wanted to learn how to play it. But piano is a close second, and I used to play it when I was younger!
5) Rain or Snow? *sits in room trying to work out fake snow machine* Uh yea so I'm totally Team Rain. 😜
Just kidding. I live on the West Coast guys, plus I've only seen snow once in my lifetime. I loved it, though I almost got frostbite after my glove accidentally fell in the snow at Utah XD. The point is, I want more snow in my life!
But pattering rain on rooftops is one of my favorite things (yes I know I referenced Sound of Music, but I actually do love rain lol).
6) Dogs or Cats? I love both, but my brother and I ave always wanted a dog. Plus my mom is allergic to cats, so there's no chance of us having one.
7) Sporty or Girly? Hmmm I guess a little bit of both. I played sports a lot, and I still have good memories playing soccer and basketball even though I'm not super good lol. I don't wear makeup or skirts or anything like that, but I do love dresses with a passion. So I guess I'm in the middle.
8) Football or Basketball? I can't throw a pigskin to save my life XD. Basketball it is! Plus my brother watches basketball all the time.
9) Singing or Acting? Singing for sure! I have tried acting in a drama class, but I mainly do it for fun. Music speaks to me on a different level, and recently I've been singing randomly with my friends. If only my dancing was as good XD
Oh Mom, I'm so sorry your money on ballet classes went to waste XD. Anyway, here's the other tag, and they're all just questions:
I'll do the tags at the end.
1) How is your status today? Uh do you mean how am I? I guess I'm alright, tired from sleeping at 1 AM getting homework done. I need sleep ASAP, or else I might fall asleep while walking or something lol.
2) How did you find Wattpad? I was looking for stories, specifically fanfictions. I had to make an account to read them, but I didn't actually start using it until October in 2016. I'm really happy I did though 😊
3) What's your favorite color? Blue, white, gray, or green. But blue is a little bit better 😜
4) Where do you live? Uh obviously I'm not going to tell you where I really live. But the West Coast should cover it lol
5) What's your life like, cartoon or anime? CARTOONS! I personally don't watch a lot of anime, but cartoons are my childhood. I still watch Ninjago on Cartoon Network sometimes, and We Bear Bears is great!
6) 5 things that symbolize your life? Hmmmmm, I guess I'd say my grandmother's necklace pendant (it's in the shape of a cross), my old glasses (those bring back memories lol. Though I like that I wear contacts now), my little stack of books, a fox drawing, and my journals.
7) 3 facts about yourself? I dance around the house even though I'm not good at it, border collies are my favorite breed of dog (that one was hard to figure out lol), and I know how to knit! I wish I had more time for all these things, though.
8) Tag 5 Wattpad friends:
If I didn't tag you, know that I still love and adore you no matter what! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
9) Did I hurt your feelings? Nah man, I'm alright 😋 How are you though?
Alright nominee time!
And that's all for today! I'm going to be working a lot this weekend, so let's see how well I can handle all my stuff lol. Have a great day/night, lovelies!
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