So. Many. Tags. O_O
So AluraFlare tagged me again so here we go guys:
Have you ever...?
•Snuck out?
Umm, no. I can't imagine myself doing so either tbh.
•Broken a bone?
•Cried myself to sleep?
•Been arrested?
Uh, no? And I don't plan to be lol.
•Felt lonely?
Yeah, but hasn't everyone else at some point??
•Been depressed?
Yes, but not until recently. High school has me down for the count, honestly.
What is your...?
May 6th, Taurus represent ✌🏻️
•Biggest fear?
It's kinda stupid... Finding out no one actually likes me.
•Dream job?
Game designer or artist 😊
•Dream car?
A lime green Camaro with black racing stripes 😎🤑
•Dream house?
A nice house in the suburbs in a neighborhood of all my friends once we're all happily married and our children can be best friends as well :D.
Do you...?
•Like someone?
Oh gawd yes 😞
•Love someone?
As I said before, Oh gawd yes, I can't even explain it...
•Have tattoos?
Nopity nope.
•Have piercings?
Mah ears.
Whale, I like to but it's not like I do it often XD.
Twenty one pilots or Volbeat.
I physically can't do this question right now, I'm so dead XD.
Hero by cash cash, ft. Christina Perri.
•TV series?
Oh lord, not this again. If you care enough, go check my other tagged to see 😂.
Would you ever?
•Get married?
Heck yes, I just hope I find the right guy...
•Have kids?
I'd love to, if I find the perfect guy to be a great father...
•Swim with sharks?
Actually, believe it or not, this has been on my bucket list since I was like six. So heck yes.
•Eat rotten food?
•Marry a foreigner?
I don't see a problem with it?
CANADIANS ARE PEOPLE TOO! marcosist 😂😂😂 (whale, unless you're a potato)
So that's that.
Love y'all, bye! Oh yeah, and feel free to answer these questions if you're bored!
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