Ok so I was tagged by KbaeStar aka my twin so yeah...
1. I lost my i.pod so idk
2. When I was like 3 or 4 I fell backwards on a bench at a carnival and almost cracked my head opened on cement if it wasn't for my uncles who cought me.
3. 4 (a twin, a little sister, & 2 little brothers)
4. Jiu Jitsu, Kick Boxing, singing (sometimes), writing, and photography
5. Somewhere in London
6. Painting, swimming, ice skating, math, roller skating, and a lot more things
7. Phillipa Anne Soo (The amazing woman that plays Eliza in Hamilton)
8. Currently Daveed Diggs (the amazing man that plays Lafayette & Thomas J. in Hamilton)
9. I can't choose, I love too many 😅
10. Neither, I don't like soda
11. I have never been to a concert
12. I don't have one
13. ^^^
14. Dogs!
15. December
16. Grapes 🍇
17. Carrots? Idk
18. That I will mess up on the Wolfstar book and nobody will like it.
19. Any shade of blue 💙
20. Mint chocolate chip
21. I have a lot, my mom is the main one though
22. Yes, I have had 3 jobs (all part time)
23. Shower
24. I would like to think so
25. Lamo no 😂
26. I think it's messed up and nobody should do it
27. Nope
28. Single as a Pringle
29. Panromantic Asexual 💗💛💙
30. Black olives and pepperoni
31. The entire Hamilton album 😅
32. Heather by Conan Gray
33. My music
34. I can't rember, I don't really watch t.v.
35. I haven't been in an argument with anyone recently so idk
Even though it doesn't say tag people I'm gonna tag a few people...
@ZaynMaliksEarlobe (idk why it isn't grey)
And anyone reading this is now officially tagged 💖
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