This Means War! :)
This was tagged to me by the lovely JoyBug14 who thinks she can outlast me XD *brings out Celestial Bronze dagger* *tried to assume cool battle stance* *trips and falls*
These be her questions:
1. Have any pets?
Yes, two cats and a dog. I live on a farm (*gags* I was raised in the city and now this -_- No offense to those of you who like the country, but I'm definately a city girl!), so we also have chickens, cows, and rabbits.
2. Favorite T.V. show?
Welcome Back Kotter, hereafter reffered to as WBK! It's a show from the seventies starring Gabriel Kaplan, John Travolta (*squeals*), Rob Palillo, Robert Hegyes, and Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs. It is AMAZHANG!
3. Favorite gem?
Ooh, pearls definately. (Explanation: in Anne of Green Gables, when Anne is a girl she think diamonds will be purple, because she's never seen them before and purple is her favorite color. Then she sees a rich lady wearing one and it's just this colorless stone, and she is so disappointed that she swears that when she gets married, she won't wear a diamond ring. So she wears one with pearls, and I think that that's absolutely fab, so I'm going to do that too. :) )
4. Skiing or skating?
Never been skiing, but I love skating, both ice and roller! OH MY GAHDS speaking of skating, the 2016 Four Continents Championships is on right now! The Japanese guy did good...the American guy fell at least once, poor soul, having an far my favorite is Bayong Jin, he's representing China. (I'm watching the men's short competition right now, in case you're confused.) Ok, enough with the commentary, back to the tag. Oh, and in the media is Meryl Davis and Charlie White, they're my favorite skaters of all time!!!
5. Favorite book?
*feeling cornered* Um, uh, well, uh...let's just go with PJO, yes?
6. Best thing about you?
Er, I dunno...I'm pretty good at cheering people up I guess...
7. If you could change your name, what would you make it?
Well, I like my middle name pretty well, so probably Philomena.
8. Favorite animal?
Sea/river otters!
9. Fandom BFF for girls?
For my classic rock/Beatles besties, I would have to say Peingverislife and Beatlefan64. We PM a lot. :) Oh, and I carn't forget PaulieMaccaLover! We fangirl over Paul together! For PJO, I dunno, I've been neglecting that side of my fandoms lately... daughterofpercabeth7 is pretty cool, though. And my irl best friend is TheRenewedEve! You should check them all out, because they are all amazhang!!
10. Am I a good singer?
Hm. (I hate self-evaluation questions, I don't want to sound conceited or self-derogatory.) I would say I'm okay, I mean, I got into choir. I'm a soprano, and next year I think I might try out for Singers (which is basically show-choir.)
11. Favorite color?
Pink and gold :)
12. If you had $1,000, would you spend it wisely?
Pfft, only if you consider buying bunch of classic rock albums 'wise'. XD
13. Weirdest saying ever?
I'm going to have to say 'UP YOUR NOSE WITH A RUBBER HOSE!' This is from WBK, and Mr. Litter actually recorded a song of this. It's hilarious, you should look it up! XD
And because I'm feeling even lazier, and should honestly be working on my other stories, just answer the same questions, okay, loves?
And now, let the tagging commence!
I would tag JoyBug14 back but it's the same questions she answered so that's kind of pointless...
Comment, vote, and tag back! Love y'all! Clare ♡
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