Moth Memory
Ok, I usually start off by saying who started it, but I'm so sorry, I carn't figure out who! All I did was screen shot the questions, but that was a couple of days ago, and I didn't catch the name of the person who tagged me. So forgive me, namless person, and lemme know if it's you! Oh, and this chapter's titled Moth Memory because that's what my friend TheRenewedEve calls it when you forget stuff really quickly. (Her reasoning for the name is that moths float from light source to light source, and when you forget stuff as fast as she and I do, your brain is kind of like a moth floating from subject to works it's totally logical, it's definitely legit, I promise. Don't judge me. XD)
Ok, so He/She Who Cannot Be Named's questions are as follows:
1.DC or Marvel?
Um, I like both...but if I had to pick, Marvel.
2. OTP and why?
UMM UHHH UHHH PERCABETH! And Caleo! And Cleo (Clare and Leo ;D). And Clercy (Clare and Percy ;D).
3. Favorite superhero and why.
My favorite comic-book superhero is Captain America. And Ant-Man. And Hawkeye. Cap because he's awesome and like the perfect guy and from the forties and he's awesome. Ant-Man because the movie was hilarious. And Hawkeye because those are the only actual comic books that I read and they're very good and very random and very hard to follow. :D
4. What is your ethnicity?
I'm American, but if ya want roots, then my da's family is southern, but I can trace them back to Holland, so I'm Dutch. Actually, my great-grandfather came over with his brother and sister in like 1902. You can find their original name (van de Zelf) changed to my last name (Van Zelfden) in the immigration books at Ellis Island. My mum's family is German (I had to do an entire presentation on this stuff, so I've got it down).
5. Is TheUltimateShipper awesome?
Yeah, all my followers and following are awesome, you should follow them! Now, just in case I haven't said it enough, follow follow follow!
6. What is your favorite childhood show?
Um, I remember watching Max and Ruby and Scooby Doo and the Wiggles a lot...
7. Current wallpaper?
Hmm, I don't think that's gonna show up. Well, it's a picture of the Beatles and they're all standing around this marble thing and everybody's looking to the left except Paul, who's giving the camera his sexy eyes. XD
8. Got a crush?
Yes, and he's a real person, too, not just a fictional character or an old/dead classic rocker...
9. On a scale of 1-10, how big of a procrastinator are you?
Depends, if I'm into something, I'm pretty fast, if I'm struggling/don't want to do something, I drag it out as long as possible. In general, though, about a 6 1/2 out of 10.
10. Avatar: the Last Airbender of Legends of Korra?
I'm not really an anime person, like, at all. I like movie Avatar, though, that's got to count for something, right?
11. Any little siblings?
*sighs dramatically and points to the previous chapters* Every time...
12. Favorite villain and why.
I'd have to say Snivellus. I've got about half of HP and The Deathly Hallows done, but I haven't finished yet SO DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME. If Snape turns out not to be a villain, well, it still counts because there's no way I can know that at this point in time. Snape's my favorite because he saves Harry in the first book, and Lily obviously saw something in him, sooo... Plus, Alan Rickman plays him fabulously (RIP, Alan. Always ♡).
13. Do you like pick up lines and if so what is your favorite?
In theory, yes. In practice, no (not that anybody's ever tried one on me). But to all the fanboys out there, if you ever use a fandom related pick up line on a fangirl such as myself, you will most likely have an automatic girl friend canidate. So, any PJO/HP/Beatles/insert-fandom-here sounds good to me ;)
And now, for my questions! Because I like some of the questions up above, I might just use some of those and make up the rest myself.
1. Favorite superhero and why.
2. Had your first kiss yet?
3. First fandom you ever joined.
4. Favorite song?
5. OTP and why?
6. Favorite season (fall, winter, soring, summer)?
7. Coffee, tea, soda, hot chocolate, or water?
8. Funniest/favorite fandom meme? (One of my favorite's up there in the media. HP + the Beatles = Awesomeness! XD)
9. A time when you Siriusly wanted to smack the daylights out of someone.
10. Sport you're best at? (Or at least don't fail miserably at.)
11. Comfort foods?
12. Something you never leave the house without.
13. Ok, before I ask, please take this one seriously. If you could do/get/meet anyone/thing money (within $6,000-8,000) could buy, what would you do? Who would you meet? What trip would you go on? If you literally had a Wish, what would you Wish for?
Awright, iiiit's tag-time! (I feel like a game-show host XD) I'm just gonna tag y'all in the order you come up, so everyone has a fair chance of being tortured, yes? Here's our lucky winners! :)
And a bit out of the order, but a tag war's a tag war! ;)
Comment, vote, and tag back! Love y'all! Clare ♡
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