Tagged (26)
Haven't done one of these in a while! Nice to do one again lmao
1. Maxx Brett LastName. Fun.
2. Writing (duh), theatre, and I'm on my school's Color Guard team now, which is basically just marching band except I'm throwing around a 6ft tall pole with a flag attached to it.
3. Oooo that's a tough one, but I'm gonna have to say Microphone by American Authors. It's mostly just about wanting to have a voice in society or whatever. It's really good tho
4. I'm not gonna bother dropping a picture because it's been the same for a very long time and in the other tags where I'm asked this it's the same thing. It's just Janus's logo basically
5. I really wanna write a book. Like, an ACTUAL book. I have an idea for one, a Soulmate!AU sorta thing but with two aromantic/asexual characters who slowly come to terms with the fact that they're actually platonic soulmates so they get an apartment together and get married for the tax benefits. Along the one aro/ace boy's sister is soulmates with the other aro/ace person's best friend. And then there's just a bunch of other stuff going on. I wanna name it Naro Chances because... well, the pun
6. I believe I went to bed around 11 or 12 which is pretty early for me, and I woke up at 6:30. So you tell me
7. I have ~10 online friends and maybe 4 or 5 real life ones. 85% of these people are homosexuals, including two or three of my real life friends and most of my online ones
8. Okay don't @ me but YES. I LOVE MATH. Specifically Algebra. I think I just like it because of the rules involved. Honestly if y'all ever need help with Algebra just pm me. Unless it's like the "to the power of" stuff, that's the one thing I can't do-
9. English. Wow, I bet that's surprising. I also really like science and, as I said, math tho
10. THE U S OF A BABYi hate it here
11. I think Color Guard is technically a sport, so I like that. I don't know anything about like football or soccer or anything though
12. I mean, I'm pretty skinny but that in no way defines how healthy someone is, I just have a very high metabolism. I probably don't drink as much water as I should and I keep forgetting to eat because I have the memory of a goldfish soooo probably not, no, I'm not healthy
13. I know a lot of people are gonna be like "I only cost 1 cent because I'm worthless 😞" but let's look at this logically. I have been going to private school since I was in preschool, highschool is $20K a year, middle/elementary/preschool was around $10K a year. I'm guessing that when I get to college it'll be close to $16K a year. The average person spends around $2,800 per year on food. Doctors appointments and prescriptions add up to maybe $400 a year considering I've gone about twice a year to the doctors. Since we're counting all of highschool and college funding I'll make the doctors and food stuff go up until I'm 21 years of age. Add all that up, not counting the cost of clothing among other devices and such things, and I would cost approximately... $331K.
Now, at the same time, the trafficking of an afab child my age in my country would probably go for around $10K. So you decide which one of those is correct :))
14. Thomas is pretty great- of course he is. That's all lmao-
15. I have a dog, does that count?
16. A little bit. I think. I can draw people. Sort of
17. At the moment my school is set up so I have 4 90-minute periods a day, sooo yeah
18. I have more than that ;)))))
19. ;)))))))))))))
20. No one, because hhhhholy shit would it be weird to bring a 31-year-old gay man into my house just because I could
That's all, folks!-
See ya in the next tag!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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