Tagged (20)
Not gonna lie, this is a bit of an odd tag. Oh well, I'm still gonna do it.
(P.S.- this one ended up really long, almost 3K words. Sooooo yeah. You're not required at all the read any of this lmao.)
Dear ex,
Hey. We "dated" in elementary school and I don't even consider you a real ex since we I broke up with you when we were ten. But you identify as gay now and I feel like I steered you off from women. I'm oddly proud of that though I don't think you deserve any romantic partner, regardless of gender.
Anyways, I still hate you to this day because you're a transphobic piece of shit who believes there's only two genders and won't even try to listen to me when I try to educate you. I wish I could kick you in the shins but every time I've tried I hurt myself more than I hurt you. You're ignorant and you were also mean to my best friend, so fuck you. You made them cry. That's not okay.
You're worse than your brother. That's right, I said it.
Dear self,
What the actual fuck?
Dear crush,
Hey. That's what every text we send each other seems to begin with- "hey," . Do we really just have no other way to begin speaking to each other?
Anyways, we were going to see each other on July 5th but then my house got put into medical quarantine so I had to stay home. Ended up canceling my color guard practice for a whole week, too, just because of me. Maybe we'll see each other at band camp, if that still happens, of course.
Remember seventh grade? We don't talk about it, do we? When my best friend tried to set us up on a date because we both liked each other. My feelings for you weren't as strong then but as soon as you told me you thought you were straight I fell harder because it just didn't seem true. And I know you're questioning again now so it definitely wasn't.
We should play animal crossing some time soon. I know you got Raymond on your island just because of me even though you think he's too mainstream and won't stop bashing him with your net.
Do you still like me, too?
Dear mom,
Mom, you're absolutely the best mother I could ever ask for. I'm not joking. I mean, you submitted an article to our town's newspaper when I was three years old talking about how you didn't understand how someone could possibly not accept gay people. You've been an alli since I was born. When it got out that Chic-Fil-A was donating money to homophobic organizations around the time I was six, you sat me down and explained why we couldn't eat there anymore.
I was one of the few lucky queer people to never have internalized homophobia because of you, and because of that (and a lot more things) I love you.
Dear dad,
Honestly? Same with everything I said for mom. All I really have to say is that you wanted me to be a lesbian when I was born because you didn't want me to have any boy problems. You seem pretty content that I like girls more than guys.
Thanks for all the weird, inappropriate inside jokes we have together. I love you.
Dear school,
Wow. Okay. This is to my old school, my elementary/middle school. I've changed schools by now because I got older but I still hold you in my heart. No, scratch that, I wish I could forget you.
You were in debt, conservative, and tried to teach me that being gay was a sin when I was in seventh grade. In fifth grade was the year trump got elected, and when all my classmates acted horribly conservative just to fit in with the popular kids, you did nothing. Those kids were being hurtful, and because of them- and you- fifth grade was my worst year by far.
I have only a few fond memories of that place, and they all include the few teachers and students that deserved better than your hunk of junk excuse for a private school. My third grade teacher, my middle school English teacher, my sixth grade math teacher. My crush, my best friend, and all my other friends that I met there. But those memories never had anything to do with the location we were in.
I still talk to my English teacher. She retired. We talk shit about you together, it's really fun.
Dear sibling,
Hey, Jackson. You're a dog. I'm an only child, you are my pet boxer. You're about three years old at this point, and we "rescued" you two years ago. I know you love our dad more than you love me and mom, that's obvious- but you're the only dog I've ever had that has let me hug him and has fallen asleep with his head in my lap. So thanks for that. You're a good boy.
Dear past me,
Hey, kid. I'm going to assume you're in fifth grade because that's when I probably would have needed this most.
It's okay. It's going to be okay. I know you're scared because of the man who got elected president. I know you don't like your current "boyfriend" anymore because he's a republican. I know your best friend moved to Illinois last year and you don't feel like talking to the other girl you know who lives in Ohio.
It's going to be okay.
Remember your third grade teacher? Remember third grade? I mark that year now as the last year I had any sanity. But things are going to go uphill in sixth grade next year. Seventh grade might be a tad bit of a struggle, but you'll push through.
Explore your feelings for your one friend, think about how maybe they are more than just friendly. Fight against those who wear red instead of blue while you still have any ounce of respect for your country. Your "boyfriend" is going to move on in the middle of sixth grade, please don't wait until he gets an actual girlfriend in eighth grade to stop wondering if he still likes you or not. You're going to loose contact with both of those girls I mentioned earlier too, but it'll be fine. Keep talking to the friends you have now, and when you get to sixth grade, make friends with the new kid with the dark brown hair. You won't regret it.
Oh yeah. PLEASE stay away from the kid a year above you, the one with the short blonde hair and glasses. I know you think they're cute but they'll break your heart. Trust me. Also, when you start volunteering, stay away from the girl with the straight blonde hair. She'll break your heart too, just maybe in more of a platonic way.
You've got a long way to go, kiddo. Stay strong.
Dear future child,
Hey, kiddo. It's your ren here. You hear that, "ren"? That's the non-binary term for "parent". Don't you love it?
Anyways. I hope you know that your other parent and I love you so much. If you're ever feeling sad or lonely or confused, we'll be here for you. I'm sure finding out you're adopted was a bit of a surprise, but that doesn't make you any less part of this family. We love you, so, so, so much. I promise. We wouldn't have brought you into this family if we didn't.
We should watch a movie tonight, maybe.
Dear person I hate,
I met you when I was in sixth grade.
You stood out to me. The short hair, glasses, round face... everything. I learned that you identified as a lesbian not long into our friendship. A whole new world was opened to me, and it was because of you that I got a little voice in the back of my brain telling me that I probably wasn't straight.
Then, I got to seventh grade. You were already a year older than me so you were in eighth. We were sitting in our photography elective class, and I looked at you, and I immediately got hit with feelings. A crush. It has blossomed forth, and I felt so valid because it was my first big crush on someone who didn't identify as male.
You started figuring out your gender. You went by a lot of different names in the days we knew each other- one of them specifically being JD. We used to sing Our Love is God together at recess. It was our song. You went by they/them, and then it was he/him. And then it was they/them again. But you were still valid, and I loved you.
And then I got to eighth grade.
It was a struggle at first, not having you at school anymore. But then you asked me on a date via text. I was so excited. We went down to the city together, held hands, ate frozen yogurt, got glared at by a homophobic stranger... and it was so perfect.
Tragedy struck.
I found out a couple days later that you had a girlfriend. You had asked me on the date and then gotten the girlfriend, and decided not to cancel the date. I felt like I had helped you cheat on her. I felt so bad. But maybe she knew, maybe it was okay.
But it wasn't. You know what else you did? While you were dating the girl, while we had a date lined up, you made out with my best friend. You cheated on your girlfriend and broke my best friend's heart. I was never mad at my best friend because they didn't know about the date we had lined up. They were too in love with you themselves and couldn't not kiss you when you had offered. And now I'm left trying to keep them away from you and keep you from breaking their heart, too.
You were a player. Such a player. You ruined the song Our Love is God for me. If you ever try to text me I'm going to ignore you. Because you broke my heart and left me scared to ever love someone again.
Dear person I love,
This is directed to every single one of my readers.
That's right, I had to take the opportunity in this tag to make sure you guys all know I love you. I've been on this app for almost a year now, and I couldn't be more happier. Some of you guys have really horrible parents (cough cough, Patton and Manni from my discord server. Actually, everyone from my discord server. Cough cough.) and I just want you guys to know that if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here for you. I'll listen to you vent because it's what I do best. And I really, truly do care how you all feel.
How are you, anyways?
Dear ex best friend,
(This one has a TW related to depression coping mechanisms)
Wow. Where to begin..?
We met each other volunteering at the same place. We had a "break" and I heard you start talking about The Sims 4. I got enough courage to talk to you, and before I knew it, we were inseparable.
Most of our sleepovers took place at your house since your computer wasn't a laptop. We played The Sims 4 together every single time. Our first sleepover wasn't even supposed to be a sleepover, but neither of us wanted me to go back home so my mom brought over an overnight bag. Luckily, it wasn't much of a drive since we live five minutes away from each other.
And then things went downhill- slightly. You got a boyfriend. I was never sure about him. When you guys got together you were 13 and he was 16. You did whatever he asked of you. Showed him parts of your body that you shouldn't have at such a young age. I wanted to pull you aside and tell you to stop, that even though you were a year older than me you were just too young. But I had tried that before and you yelled at me. Your boyfriend was on the autistic spectrum and you blamed his behavior on that. But I don't think he was a predator because of that. He was a predator because he was a horrible person.
So, I never told you to break up with him. You kept doing things. I was worried about you. I was also worried about you because you had depression.
You had depression, right?
You told me about your self harm. You told me about your wrist scars. I hate to say that my eyes did travel to your wrists every once and a while, and I really hate to say that I got suspicious because I never saw anything there. I pleaded with you to tell your mom about your depression but you never did. I pleaded with you to get help but you didn't. I almost told your mom for you, but I was scared you wouldn't want me to be your friend anymore.
Wow... you were toxic, weren't you? You scared me into being your friend. I was there, by your side, and I was afraid that if I left you'd kill yourself. You never said that out loud but I'm sure if I tried to ignore your texts you would threaten su!c!de.
And then I quit our volunteer thing. I was done with it- one of the supervisors was an arse, and I wanted more free time to take piano lessons anyways. But when I told you, you know what you did? You went right to the group chat with all the other volunteers and talked about me. You said how angry you were to all of them. I was still in that chat, and you knew it. I called my mom crying that I had ruined our friendship and she had to come home early from work that day.
I still went to your birthday party, but our friendship was never the same. I think I can mark our last good day as when you invited me to the carnival with you. It was fun, you got scared of the height of some of the Ferris wheels and then we rode in bumper cars. It was fun.
And then I came out as non-binary to you. You already knew I was pansexual, you were the first person I ever told, in fact. And you seemed to accept me, though I feel like you were just waiting for my "phase" to be over. If I would have ever gotten a boyfriend then you probably would have assumed I was straight. But after I came out as non-binary, we never talked again. You said I'd always be my deadname and I tried to explain why I wanted a gender neutral name. You just said "okay". And we never talked again.
I think you had broken up with the 16 year old by then, which was good. You were with some other guy that was actually your age. But we were friends for three whole years. Wow.
That's a lot of time waisted. I hope you're happy. I deleted your number from my phone but we still live close by. What am I supposed to do if I see you one day?
Dear celebrity crush,
...I actually don't have a celebrity crush. Lmao. Sorry, to whatever celebrity. I don't know.
Dear people that hate me,
You know what? I don't care if you hate me, honestly. Because people are entitled to their own opinions about different people. I don't know why you hate me, though. If it's because I'm queer then maybe you should re-analyze that bible of yours and realize that it's more important to "love thy neighbor" than re-read the Old Testament a million times even though the New Testament changes all of the "rules" stared in the Old Testament. It's not illegal to be gay in the eyes of Jesus. So get the stick out of your ass.
Dear bestie,
I have two best friends technically. I'll do both.
Dear anime_is_my_favorite ,
hey. Are you okay? I know your parents are pieces of shit who think that gay people are actually trying to take over the world and didn't realize until recently that the coronavirus wasn't the "devil's work".
I'm really sorry about that trip you have to take soon. FaceTime me soon. My parents regularly tell you they love you, so you're always welcome at my house.
Dear AmC1731
This is gonna be real cheesy, so I apologize in advance.
We've been talking to each other for a bit less than four months now, but they've been really great. You messaged me on my community message board asking to be friends and I accepted. And now we talk every day. It's great. You're one of the only people who really worries about my well-being, and you're one of the best queer allies I've ever met.
Keep going. You're doing great. I know you live in Denmark, but maybe we'll be able to meet in person one day. I sure hope so.
Okay, wow. That was... long. Was that a vent? I don't know. It was relieving, though, lmao. I don't blame you if you didn't read any of that because I wouldn't.
Now I have to tag some people, don't I? Hah. You have to do this whole thing too now. (If you want, of course!)
That should be good enough lmao. I actually got to ten. Wow.
See ya in the next tag! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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