Tagged (11)
Tagged again! One of the questions is "come up with a creative name for the title" but like kinda wanna stick with the theme here sooooo yeah sure I think that title is creative-
Aight, 13 things about myself, let's go.
1. My least favorite color is orange, which is kinda weird considering how much I love wattpad. But that will change probably once we get an orange side, finally.
2. I'm a giant teacher's pet, like, I love (most of) my teachers as much as I love my friends and it's kinda a problem.
3. I am Pansexual and I've identified as such for almost two years now!!
4. I'm also Demigender/Non-binary and identified as underneath the Non-binary umbrella for almost one year!
5. I'm currently procrastinating doing a school project lmao
6. I love you all so much :)))))
7. My favorite color at the moment is yellow, because Janus
8. I'm 73.4 pounds (~33.3 kilograms). Yes I'm that skinny. No, I am not nine years old. Yes, I do eat a normal amount of food each day. I have a really fast metabolism for some reason. Also, my diet consists of 90% PB&J sandwiches so that might have something to do with it, too
9. I turned in my Montana fanfic for an extra-credit English assignment. I had an A in the class before I turned it in. I just wanted to be gay.
10. This isn't really about me, but when I turned in Montana to my English teacher, she legitimately printed it out so she could read it when she wasn't at her computer. It was 54 pages long. And she read it twice.
11. My favorite musical is Mean Girls and I saw it on broadway a year ago :)))
12. I own 19 playbills from 19 different shows, 4 of which are Broadway (Hamilton, Aladdin, Mean Girls, and Beetlejuice) ((I know that's a lot but it's fine-))
13. I have been doing theatre since I was a kid. My favorite role was one I played last spring. I was The Artful Dodger from the show Oliver!, and it was a blast. For my final scene I got dragged off the stage by two guys playing police officers. Looking back on videos taken of it, it was kinda funny because they were both tall men while I'm just this 73 pound, 5 foot tall kid with an oversized top hat, kicking and screaming and being lifted off the ground.
I also played a The Ghost if Christmas Past one time, in A Christmas Carol. That was really fun, too.
Woah wait did I go thirteen questions about myself without mentioning that I'm a Pisces?!- oh wait never one just did now lmao.
Okay so now I have to tag 15 people, but if you look at the other ten tags in this book, I've legit never followed the exact number and I really hope no one expects me to do it this time lmao.
Aight, five people is good enough. It's fineeeeeeee.
See ya in the next tag!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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