I gots drawings
A lot of different ones so, here's some stuffs!
Imma start with the happier ones first!
So since Iceshard1011 's gal Ocea is technically half sister to Leo, I wanted to draw them in the same picture!
At first, I thought to myself, they'd get along over both hating the pressures of the throne and would probably support each other over it
The Ice pointed out they might not and at first I was like, "Pshhh, what are you talking about?"
Then I really thought about it and,
"Overprotective mom/ Hey no, that's dangerous, stop that!" Leo and "Imma defeat Herobrine with three of my best friends and cross the world!" Ocea might not see eye to eye. Both their tactics might be effective, but they're completely different.
Ocea: "*Stary eyes* I'm gonna fight Herobrine!"
Leo: "Oh no, you're not!"
Leo is no stranger to conflict and will fight if needed, but he always prefers the safe option, and hates sacrifice. Ocea understands that to succeed, sometimes sacrifice and taking a more dangerous way is needed. Both are right, and have their advantages as disadvantages.
Moving on, after drawing them, it got me thinking about other interactions
Note: I didn't have an eraser for the following! Kinda bad!
Ocea and Nike would NOT get along. Maybe Pre-Villain!Nike Who was a pretty good person, but Villain Nike who betrayed Atlantis?
Yeah, no.
They'd fight.
Still deciding whether Nike's weapon should be a hammer or a whip... Thoughts?
Anyways, we got Orion Feels next
Here's the thing about Orion that's kinda different from the other kids
So some people in Atlantis don't like the kids for who their parents are. Jasper is bullied by kids because of his strange appearance
But Orion? Adults H A T E his existence
He's lucky he's not the first born to the throne, because it wouldn't go well for him. Judgmental People often see him as tainting the royal blood because of his kraken genes/father, and that the reason he doesn't have much Nexus abilities is the Nexus 'agreeing' with them. To them, he's a "False Prince" and an "Accident"
He tries not to let their words get to him.
It doesn't work.
"All that Hatred"
"All that pain"
"Its splitting you in two"
So Ace didn't have a fun time in that chapter. This is what hatred does.
Some of the text reads:
"Gone forever"
"Never coming back"
"They took him away"
"He's gone"
"They brought us here"
"Kill then all"
"*Blacked out name* Is Dead"
"All their fault"
That was all being SCREAMED in his head at once. The cracks appear on his eyes and hands because that's where his power from inside exits, and since Hatred is connected to his soul which has that power, it goes there too.
This has several clues to something I haven't mentioned yet... Pay attention to the many phrases I used, and pronouns as well. Maybe it'll reveal something interesting...
Anyways, that is that!
I hope you guys liked this! I tried but I'm not the best. Be sure to comment what you think, and until we meet again!
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