Within The Brain
Remember how I created aspects of Tanith that exist within her mind and represent who she is? How I created rules were it basically needs a left, right part of the brain and two traits, one representing a positive trait and the other a negative one?
Well, I did that for everyone else! I stared it a while ago but I finally finished everything!
Here are the rules to it just so you know what I'm going to be showing you!
-Every character/person has four aspects of them in their mind.
-One represents the Left Brain, which is generally seen as logical or analytical while the Right Brain is more about creativity and feelings.
-The other two represent a positive and negative trait that is the most powerful within the person. They technically are all positive or negative emotions, but their most prominent one is the one they are known for.
-They all have names based on the first letter of what they represent. (Logic-Layla, Fear-Faya, etc.)
-Most importantly, just because they are a negative emotion doesn't mean they don't bring good qualities to the table, the opposite being for the position emotions, they still have flaws and redeeming qualities.
And I believe that's it! Here we go!
Left Brain- Oliver/Order- Oliver is generally informative and rational, always working for the best solutions and is often a support to the right brain (Frankie). However, he has trouble loosening up and can be strict. He's generally seen as the leader, though the positive trait (Kaden) does help out a lot and is practically a co-ruler.
Right Brain- Frankie/Feelings- Frankie is very emotional pretty much all the time, getting excited over small things but deviated over the little ones, meaning Oliver often has to step up and calm him down or cheer him up. He often acts as a stabilizer to Oliver and helps him with what he struggles with. He also cries. A lot. A true heart of gold.
Positive- Kaden/Kindness- Kaden is really kindhearted and understanding towards others. He just wants to see you succeed in life and is a peacemaker. However, really naive and takes things to heart. Tends to act as a co-ruler.
Negative- Flo/Frustration- Flo gets extremely frustrated over a lot of things, though very rarely gets violent about it. He can be a pain with his anger and yelling and being really unreasonable, but he has upsides too. He makes Cody passionate and never settle for less than the best of he can help it, as well as a bit of a perfectionist. His only truly violent reactions are mainly towards most people who bring up Joe at a bad time. Very close to being Envy with his attitude sometimes.
Who gets along best?: Though Kaden and Frankie would probably be expected, Frankie and Oliver actually compliment each other the best and get along really well.
Who fights the most?: Flo and Oliver by far. Flo's often unreasonable frustration baffles Oliver to no end and their arguments go on for ages because Flo refuses to see reason and Oliver won't stop until he does.
(Little note: I might've used my 'How Krakens Name Their Kind' theory thingy so they have unusual names. Moving on)
Left Brain- River/Rational- River, much like the body of water he's named after, is steady and adapts really well. He tries his best to think as clearly as possible, though 100% is a Dad in a way where he's caring to others and always makes sure they're okay, constantly checking up and solving disputes between them. However, is often clueless to emotions, especially love, and can be oblivious.
Right Brain- Almond/Andor- Almond is really passionate and excited pretty much all the time. The smallest things can make him bouncy off the walls and is pretty childish and emotional. He has this running joke about his name that whenever someone hurts him emotionally, he response with "They kicked us right in the nuts!"
Positive- Crag/Confidence- Much like the rocky surface he's based on, Crag is tough. He's very sure of himself if not pretty prideful but he really does mean well for everyone else. He constantly lifts the others up the best he can and acts as a leader. Can be kinda thick and stubborn to some topics.
Negative- Cobra/Cunning- Much like the cunning appeal to snakes, Cobra can trick people then lash out when they don't expect it. Outside of River, he's a huge intelligence factor and often points out what should be obvious. He's Cynical to others but tries to protect them with it, insisting he's just making sure everything goes right.
Who gets along the best?: Almond and River get along the best due to River's Dad like personality causing him to instantly want to care for him and support him when needed. Plus, Almond being an expert (kinda) in emotions helps him better understand them.
Who fights the most?: Definitely Cobra and Crag. Crag just wants to interact with everyone and move on to higher things, but Cobra insists he's being unreasonable and that people are dangerous.
Professor Pikalus:
Left Brain- Issac/Intelligence- Issac is incredibly smart but can seem to talk on for hours and takes the role of leader with little competition. However, his biggest faults is that he doesn't always want to share power, nor cooperate with the others, insisting he can do it on his own.
Right Brain- Calvin/Creativity- For the most part, Calvin is very quiet and keeps to himself unless he has an idea. He normally comes up with the idea while Issac fleshes it out. He normally talks in whispers and doesn't seem to want to speak up in difficult situations.
Positive- Charles/Curiosity- Charles just wants to see it all. He wants to know how things work and constantly wants to learn. Often had no idea what he's doing but he's trying okay? Also tends to be a bit pushy.
Negative- Reggie/Rage- Reggie is a little ball of anger that while sometimes is cute, can turn to dangerous very quickly. He very easily snaps at people, but does provide the most passion and energy of the group.
(Fun fact! The two intelligence based traits, Charles and Issac, are named after people of science! I.E- Charles Darwin and Sir Issac Newton)
Who gets along the best?: Calvin and Charles are the best pair. Calvin is most comfortable around Charles and really loves to listen to him. Charles talks his ear off but he doesn't mind it, or his endless questions.
Who fights the most?: Reggie and Issac by far. Reggie who tries to take control with his rage, and Issac who hates to share power... Yeah, you can imagine how well that's goes.
Left Brain- Jace/Judgement- Jace really tries to make reason out of everything but can be thrown off easily. He's pretty skeptical but does provide a lot of reason in an otherwise unreasonable group.
Right Brain- Arther/Affection- Arther is very loving and just LOVES people. He's touchy-feely and loves physical touch, mainly hugs. Can pretty much smile at the simplest times and just wants love in his life, platonic or romantic, it doesn't matter to him.
Positive- Dean/Devotion- Dean is extremely loyal to those people he gains a loyalty to, and will definitely throw all logic out the window to protect someone he loves. Though determined, not very smart.
Negative- Ryan/Reckless- Ryan is extremely impulsive and rarely thinks twice to do anything. However, his quick thinking makes him the best leader in the group, as well as his well standing with most of the group.
Who gets along the best?: Dean and Ryan are both so impulsive that they actually match up really well. They can relate to each other and overall are good friends.
Who fights the most?: Jace and Ryan not seeing eye to eye is an understatement. They rarely agree on anything if and Ryan weren't so fast or had the majority of the approval, nothing would get done.
Left Brain- Uma/Understanding- Uma is pretty logical but for a left Brain, pretty emotionally tuned as well. She loves being with people and understanding them, listening to them too. She's the leader of the group, but can be pretty indecisive if no one is there to guide her.
Right Brain- Sara/Sentient- Sara gets sentimental about pretty much everything and just loves- well- Love! She's sweet but often spaces out, often being the dreamer of the group. She can't seem to focus on one thing most of the time. However, she has a knack for remembering everything there is to know about someone she's close with.
Positive- Sage/Sweet- Sage is literally the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She's kind, thoughtful, but is also really naive and too passive and never seems to want to action.
Negative- Octavia/Overreact- Octavia is not only emotional all the time, but tends to blow it out of proportions. She'll freak out and panic over the slightest things, then get angry and something else. However, she does help make the group more expressive and passionate with all of her emotions.
Who gets along the best?: Sage acts as a huge anchor to Octavia, making them the closest of the bunch. She calms her down when she needs it, but also knows when to let her loose.
Who fights the most?: Octavia and Sara don't get along because Sara doesn't know when to let go of something and this bothers Octavia greatly. She lectures her on it constantly.
Left Brain- Addy/Argumentation- Addy tries to make sense of everything logically, and questions everything that doesn't. She talks fast and spaces off when she's thinking, but is a huge asset to the team.
Right Brain- Tara/Tenderness- Tara is pretty sweet and gentle, being the warmest of the group. She has a great voice, very soothing, but can get carried away easily with her emotions.
Positive- Renee/Responsibility- Renee is the total mom friend of the group and the leader. She's got a great memory and always keeps track of what she's doing. However, needs the others to pitch in with emotions because she's not too great with them.
Negative- Sabrina/Sarcasm- Sabrina is sassy. Like, REALLY sassy. She's really intelligent but she always points it out in the most blunt and sassy way possible and sometimes just refuses to cooperate. Pretty cynical as well but she means well.
Who gets along the best?: Surprisingly enough, Sabrina and Renee are actually best friends. Renee is fine with getting Sass and really values her input to the group. Sabrina just tends to favor her over the others.
Who fights the most?: Because of her inability to understand or accept Sass, Addy has trouble dealing with Sabrina. All the time.
Left Brain- Solar/Sense- Solar really tries to make sense of things, but is often outnumbered by everyone else. He's a totally sweet and nerdy guy, but has trouble speaking up. He tries to "Shine a light" on situations, hence the name.
Right Brain- Insect/Instinct- Insect always seems to act like he just drank five cups of extremely caffeinated coffee. He's extremely reckless and maybe a little insane but he helps them get out of tough situations with his instincts.
Positive- Dalmatian/Determination- Dalmatian never gives up. Ever. He's pretty stubborn but you gotta give him credit! He insists he can do everything and is a huge loud mouth.
Negative- Mouse/Mischievous- Mouse is merciless and will prank/trick anyone, including his future self. He knows just what to say to wrap someone around his fingers and is an extremely good liar. Very smart and creative, taking the leader position of the group.
Who gets along the best?: Mouse and Solar get along the best because Mouse actually will listen to Solar so he can choose the next course of action.
Who fights the most?: Dalmatian and Mouse get along the worst because Dalmatian almost always tries to jump in and do it his way, sometimes ruining the plan.
I did my best but here it is!
I hope you liked this! This took a while to make but hopefully it was worth it! Be sure to comment what you think, and if y'all wanna do this with your characters, be my guest! Just follow the rules and tag me because I wanna seeeee! Goodbye!
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