Tagged again! Woo!
Alright, it's been a while but tagging has happened! I was tagged by MoonlightStarlight_5 and here are the questions!
1) If you could spend one day in Atlantis, what would you do?
Mainly explore but I wanna go to the lab and do experiments with random crap, go to the palace and just mess around, go steal stuff and run away then join the Tide Changers. If I'm only there for a day, that means NO CONSEQUENCES!
Don't give me this kind of power...
2) Online crushes?
3) What YouTuber would you want to Colab with?
The Realm Of Atlantis would be so cool! I'd probably be unable to function though, I'd be too excited.
4) Favorite ship?
Of what? WITH WHO?
Seriously, I have a shipping problem...
5) If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?
Being people back to life. Cure all diseases, mental and physical. Make people happy.
Too many things.
Yay! I did it!
Alright, I'm gonna tag a few people to do this...
I believe the few who haven't already been tagged that I can think of right now are:
Wolf-Wisdom and
Hope y'all don't mind me tagging ya, but I figured I might as well! Pretty sure the rest were all tagged, I might be wrong but hey, if you want to do this tag, do it!
Hope ya liked this! Be sure to comment and see ya!
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