Jellyfish Poison
I wanted to make some fluff and then I remembered something.
So turtles eat jellyfish, right? Well, jellyfish do have poison, but turtles are unaffected by it and the most it does is sorta make them the equivalent of a drunk person.
This got me thinking, and thus, this thing was made!
The whole night was supposed to be a normal meeting, but it suddenly spiraled out of control and all thanks to one thing: Jellyfish poison.
I had a meeting with some sea turtles. They were in a notorious gang called "Heads Over Tails" being best known for headbutting their enemies. They were like tanks, taking lots of heavy hits and dealing some as well. My plan was to get them on my side by throwing a party to get the favor of their leader. Their leader, Tom, might have been stoic and barely showed any emotion, but the rest of his crew were big time partiers, and I knew from experience that if you want to get the favor of the captain, you have to get it from the rest of his crew too.
I had karaoke, plenty of snacks, a place perfect for dancing and even left out some card games and pool. Drinks shouldn't have been a problem, but CrankyCrab got a little fancy and decided to make something that they'd like.
I stared at him when he said it. "I'm sorry, what?" I shook my head, unsure if I heard him right.
He grinned. "It's jellyfish juice. It takes all the juice of a jellyfish and puts it into one drink. Jellyfish juice!" I opened my mouth to question but he knew what I was going to say. "Sea turtles eat jellyfish so they'll love this, trust me. Just make sure no one else drinks it."
I gave him a look. "... Why?"
"It's poisonous to everyone except them."
"Point taken." I shot him a nervous smile before clearing my throat. "EVERYBODY LISTEN UP!" The nearby Tide Changers all stopped their chattering to listen, a little perplexed. I pointed to the juice he made. "See this? DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT DRINK! YOU WON'T LIKE THE OUTCOME, GOT IT?" I got several murmurs from them but they agreed to it. I sighed in relief. "Also, make sure everyone knows not to, okay? We don't want to poison anyone who can't handle it."
The others understood and went back to talking to each other. I turned back to the crab. "Anything else?"
CrankyCrab opened his mouth but paused and glanced at something behind me. I blinked. "Wha-"
"KK!" A sudden voice made me jump, coming from right behind me. I whipped around and clutched at my heart, feeling it spiral out of control.
"Tanith!" I breathed. "Don't scare me like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
Tanith's tail flickered in amusement. "Please, with your heart? You're outside and walking around everywhere to have a faulty heart, you'll be fine. Plus, I've seen your heart screenings, you've never had heart problems! A heart attack should be the least of your problems."
I wanted to say a million things, but settled on one in particular. "When have you seen my heart screenings?"
"Long story but Doc is a very generous man." Her blue eyes strayed as she scanned the world around her, noticing the changes in the Conch Command. "Are you having a celebration? Is there another holiday I don't know about?"
I snorted but shook my head. "Uh, no. I'm having a bit of a party so I can get on someone's good side. Ever heard of the Heads Over Tails gang?" Her head shook. "They're a bunch of outlaw turtles. They'd be a great partner to the Tide Changers so I threw this little thing to get the crew in a good mood so the leader will join us."
Tanith's eyes lit up at the mention of it all. "Party? I haven't done that in a while, can I stay?"
I paused but shrugged. "I don't see why not! Just don't bring up snapping turtles in a positive way and you'll do fine." I glanced at the clock. "They should be here any minute now! I'm going to go check in with Gnash, he mentioned needing me so you just stay here."
Tanith gave me a thumbs up and I left for the weapons room soon after. I couldn't have been gone longer than five minutes but as soon as I came up, I knew something was wrong.
Tanith stumbled over to me, giggling and put an arm around my shoulder for support as she slouched. "Ayyyyyy! It's my favorite kraken! How are you? It feels like you've been gone for forevveerrrrrr!"
I stared at her, utterly confused. I might have remained that way if I didn't see a very guilty looking cook peer out. I narrowed my eyes and he shrunk down. Pulling the hybrid along, I marched over to CrankyCrab and gestured towards her. "I was gone for five minutes! What happened?" I demanded.
He cleared his throat. "Well, you see, she was asking questions about what we were doing while I was finishing up with the food and I turned my back to her. When I turned back around, she was drinking the jellyfish juice and it was too late to stop her..."
I let out a low groan. "... Are you kidding me?" I breathed deeply and tried to focus on what I could do. "That stuff is poisonous! I gotta get her home and-" I was cut off when oncoming figures caught the corner of my eye. I whipped around towards them and my heart sank. It was too late to get Tanith out now, the sea turtles had come.
They swam in a group, but the biggest of them all was in the front, guiding them alone. He touched down on the balcony and walked inside the restaurant. His eyes weren't hostile, but they weren't exactly welcoming either. If I had to make a guess, I would say he was simply watching and waiting for something to sway his opinion. His eyes were a deep violet that shifted around, and he stood on two of his flippers. The other turtles landed behind him and followed his lead, but unlike him, they were laughing and openly looked around to judge the place. There was no doubt that the bigger one was Tom, their leader.
I quickly snagged one of my Tide Changers and pulled them off to the side. "Take Tanith down to the hospital and tell Doc that she ingested jellyfish poison. Stat!" They nodded and dragged her out of the room.
I watched them leave and stood up straight before approaching Tom. "Greetings Heads Over Tails! I'm KrakenKid, leader of the Tide Changers. Welcome to the Conch Command."
Tom examined me for a long while before holding out his flipper. "Greetings to you and your Tide Changers, KrakenKid. I am Tom, leader of the Heads over Tails, though," His eyes glinted. "I have a feeling you already knew that." I cracked a smile, quickly taking his flipper and shaking it firmly. He did one last survey of the room. "Your Conch Command seems like a comfortable place. You mentioned you wanted to talk with me and my group and... Party?" I nodded. He paused before finally smirking. "A wise choice. Headers!"
His group rallied behind him, slightly bouncing on their heels. "It's time to party." His soldiers cheered and instantly scattered all over the place. Some headed straight for the food and drinks but others decided to either hit the dance floor or go for some games. Tom slowly made his way to an empty table and sat down. I followed him closely and sat down beside him. "Do we need to talk now?" He asked.
"Do you want to talk now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
His head shook. "I want to watch some of my people have fun, we can talk business later."
I let out a sigh in relief. "That's actually pretty great, I need to take care of something real quick." I got up and hurrying down the stairs calling out, "I'll be back soon!" as I did.
When I finally made it to the hospital, I found Tanith still snickering to herself on a hospital bed and Doc reading over some notes. I looked at him expectingly, giving him the "Go ahead" on explaining everything. "Well, you're friend's immune system actually seems to fight off the poison just like sea turtles do, but at the same time, it's literary having the same effect as sea turtles."
"She's going to be like this for about five hours. That is, if she doesn't intake anymore." He spared me a side glance. "You can guess what happens if she does."
I thanked him and made my way over to the half snake, who only smiled wider as I came over. "Hey! You're baaaaack!" She slurred, half laughing. "We gunna par-tay or what?"
I sent her a stern look. "No, I'm taking you home."
Her face dropped. "Whaaaaat? No par-tay? But Kayyyy-kayyyyyy, I wanna have some funnnn!" She wined playfully, nudging my shoulder. When I met her eyes, she pleaded again, batting her eyelashes until I gave in.
"Fine." She let out a joyful laugh and got up, almost falling over but didn't. I barely even had time to react before she grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the hospital. Before I even knew it, were were already at the stairs. I sighed. "But only a little bit. After I'm done talking to Tom, I'm taking you home." She nodded excitedly. As soon as we got there, she gasped loudly.
"Are those sea turtles? I didn't know they were in Atlantis!" She squealed and spared no time to join the ones dancing. They all gave her little welcomes as she started to sway her tail to the music blaring. I had no idea what song was on, but they all seemed to be enjoying it. I held my gaze on her for a moment to make sure she wasn't getting into trouble before returning to Tom.
Tom's eyes fixated on me as I sat down. "Business?" I asked.
He nodded. "Business. Let's cut to the chase, what are you looking for and what are you offering?"
I took in a long breath. "We need tank-soldiers, people to take some hits and deal serious damage. As you can probably see, we don't having many tanks outside of our own turtle tanks, and they aren't as nearly as endurable as you guys. We might have the numbers, but we need more variety. I'm asking that when we need your help, we give it to you. In return, I can offer you a place to stay or lay low whenever you need it here at the Conch Command, and," I added with a grin. "Resources. Food, weapons, an army, whatever you need."
I could see the slightest of pleasure in his eyes at the mention of what he'd get. "And how do I know you won't try to exploit our power? Use us and then throw us away?"
"I have several allies who can tell you that you can trust us, and, we'll keep it equal. If we want something, we'll give something equal in return, and vice versa." I paused. "Plus, something tells me that you looked us up before you came here, correct?"
Tom remained emotionless for a while but eventually grinned. "No fooling you I suppose. That's good, I'm looking for someone like that."
"So, is it a deal?"
Tom opened his mouth but someone else spoke before him. "HEY KK!" Suddenly, Tanith was at my side and holding a cup, grinning like an idiot. "Who's this guy- oooooo!" She suddenly broke off and intensely stared at him. "HE'S GOT PRETTY EYES! THEY'RE ALMOST AS PRETTY AS YOURS, KK!" Tom raised an eyebrow but remained silent.
"Uh, Tanith?" She whipped around to me, swaying as she did. "What's in the cup?"
"More of that delicious drink! It's so good!" She attempted to drink more but I snatched it out of her hands before she could.
"That's enough for you! Now, do you need anything?"
She pondered to herself for a while but finally shrugged, then locked eyes with the sea turtle again. "Hello." He greeted, getting a crazed grin out of her.
"And who are you?" He questioned her.
I stepped in before she said anything. "Tanith. Her name is Tanith. Tanith, this is Tom, leader of that really important gang I told you about?" I tried to hint at her but she didn't seem to pick it up so I sighed. "Tanith is-" I stopped myself from saying Atlantean before it slipped and quickly replaced it with the first job that came to mind. "Our spy." I took a moment to think the whole plan through. "She's normally in Atlantis but she took a day off to come have fun with us, right Tanith?"
Tanith gasped over dramatically. "I'M A SPY NOW? I DIDN'T KNOW I GOT PROMOTED!" I nearly wanted to slap myself but managed to keep a smile on, no matter how nervous that smile must've been. "It's sooooo cool to meet you, Tommy! You're men are fantastic dancers!" Then her eyes lit up. "I'm going to go dance!" And ran off without a second word.
As I watched her leave, unsure of what to do when he spoke again. "Tanith, huh? Interesting."
I quickly nodded. "Oh yeah, she's our best spy! She's just letting herself have a little fun, you know?"
Tom nodded as well. "That sure seems to be the case. I guess we're about to find out how good of a singer she is when poison is in her system."
I blinked, trying to look where he was looking. "What do you- oh no." I breathed the last part as Tanith got up to the karaoke stage and whispered a song to the one running it. Half of me wanted to stop her but the other half knew I was too late.
As the hybrid got up and took the microphone off the holder it was on, several of the turtles cheered. "WOOO! GO SNAKE LADY! GO!"
I guess she's made some friends.
Then, music came on, a strange swaying and almost old sounding song resonated through the room and all went silent.
Tanith took a long breath, trying to become at least somewhat serious and started to sing. (SONG STARTS HERE)
"My heart won't be the first one brokennnn.".. She sang. Suprisingly, her voice was pretty good, though her words were slurred. "My eyes won't be the first to cryyyyy..." It was only after the second line that I realized she wasn't quite following the song. What is she doing?
"I won't be the first to know, there's just no avoiding youuuuuu!" The more she sang, the more I felt like she was singing about someone. During a little pause, she spun around before facing the audience again and sang more.
She closed her eyes. "I know I'm just a fool who's willinnnnnnn! To sit around and wait for youuuuu!"
Then, she opened them and everyone could see how filled to the brim of emotion they were. "But come can't you seeeee, there's nothing else for meeee to doooooo," Her eyes strayed until they looked at me. "I'm hopelessly devoted to youuuuu...."
She backed up and began to dramatically move around, almost as if she were in an argument with herself. "Buttttt, there'll be nooo where to hide, if you push my love aside!" She clutched the side of her head with her empty hand. "I'm outtta my head! Hopelessly devoted to youuuuu! Hopelessly devoted to youuuuu!" She began to become softer and softer until she faced the audience again. "Hopelessly devoted to you." She breathed, almost breathless.
She shook her head. "My head is saying 'It won't work with him'!" But soon, she clutched her shirt where her heart would be. "But my heart says, 'Don't lose hope'!"
She walked around. "Just hold on to the end, and that's what I intend to dooooooo. I'm hopelessly devoted to youuuuuu."
Then her argument with herself repeated again. "But there'll be no place to hide, if you push my love aside, aaaaaa, I'm outtta my head! Hopelessly devoted to you!" She began to slow down. "Hopelessly devoted to youuuuuuuu!"
Then, it became as if the music stopped, and she looked out to the crowd with almost a sorrow. "I'm hopelessly devoted tooo.... Youuuuuuuu." She sang the last part slower, and ended the whole thing.
The crowd went wild and cheered her, even as she got off the stage. Other people scrambled up to sing songs of their own and she stumbled out of the crowd to a group of turtles, who all were eager to talk to her.
"So," Tom surprised me so much that I almost forgot he was there. "What's your relationship with Tanith?"
I blinked, confused but answered anyways. "We're pretty good friends." I shrugged. "Why?"
His eyes flickered to her again. "Interesting. I never thought you'd become that close with an Atlantean."
My eyes shot up, wide with shock but Tom only smirked. "Of course I figured it out. She acts a bit too differently than all of your men, which could just be a coincidence but a spy just didn't make sense for a healer." I attempted to question but he cut me off. "Yes, I know what she is. I've seen her species before and she has the eyes of a healer. And then it occurred to me that why would you waste healing skills on being a spy? Once thought out, it was easy to see that she's an Atlantean."
I gaped at him and he shrugged. "And just a friend? I'm surprised. She seems to be in love with you."
That's where I drew the line. "Okay, I highly doubt that." I told him. "Tanith and I are just friends, it's been like that for a long time."
His eyebrows raised. "Really? Huh, you would think that someone with your military intelligence would figure out that someone's in love with him. Didn't you notice how much she was glancing at you when she sang the song? Or her compliments to you? Or how she naturally gravitates to you?" I blinked rapidly, trying to take in the conversation. He chuckled and laid back. "Maybe it's just me."
The night passed on and by the end of it, Tom and I made a deal. The turtles left and I had only one person left to deal with: A very loopy Tanith.
"Do you think you can make it to Atlantis?" I asked her. She tried to reply but nearly fell over in the process of turning to me, and only didn't because I caught her. "Point taken... Come on, let's get you to my room. You can sleep in my bed and I'll go sleep on CannibalCrab's couch."
Tanith giggled. "Awwww, reaaaalllyy? You're too gooood for me ya know!" I rolled my eyes playfully and helped her up the stairs.
Silence passed for a while but she was the one to break it. "So, did ya like my songggg?" She grinned. "I picked it myselfff! One of my favorites ya know?"
I chuckled. "Yeah, you were pretty good."
She snickered to herself until we got to my room and I helped her onto the bed. She flopped down the second she got on it. "So com-fay." She snugged closer to the blankets. Her eyes fluttered open again. "This was a looooot of fun! We should do it again."
I hesitated, a little skeptical. "Uh... Maybe. I'll think about it, okay? Good night." I said and started to walk away.
Then Tanith mumbled something that stopped my heart.
"... I love you..."
I whipped around, but she had already drifted off to sleep.
In the morning, I waved her off as she left. "Thanks for the fun night, KK!" She smiled. "I don't really remember half of it but I'm feeling pretty good this morning so I think it went well!" I nodded but didn't say anything. "I'll see you later!" She hollered and rushed off.
I watched her leave but stayed in the same place. Even after she left, I stayed there. I remembered Tanith looking at me during the song right before singing "I'm hopelessly devoted to you" and her mentioning his eyes were beautiful. Tom was spot on.
It was... Odd. I didn't think Tanith thought of me as anything more than a friend, but hearing something like that from her kinda felt... Nice. Really nice.
Finally, I answered her statement from last night.
"... Love you too."
CannibalCrab rushed into KrakenKid's room. He opened his mouth but the kraken was already pointed to his nightstands. "C4 is in the second nightstand, bottom drawers. Take as much as you want, I have plenty." he said, typing away at his computer.
CannibalCrab chuckled and followed the instructions, finding exactly what he needed. He was about to bolt back down the stairs, when he stopped. What was that sound?
He stood perfectly still until he realized it was KrakenKid humming something. Something really familiar.
It took him a while, but he eventually remembered watching an old film, was it in the 80's? He remembered there being a song just like that. "Hopelessly devoted to you" or something like that. But knowing KrakenKid, he wasn't too interested in Grease, so why was he humming one of the songs with such a fond smile on his face?
A one-shot that I made off of two ideas: Jellyfish Poison and @Wolf-Wisdom's suggestion to write some fluff and gave me this kind of an idea!
I had a lot of fun with this and it ended up being a LOT longer than I thought! I decided to have Tanith do a bit of a karaoke because I really liked the song, though it's not something I normally do. Picking the perfect song is hard for these things and I probably won't be doing that much, I'll just leave that up to WaterPearl because she's good at it.
Anyways, I hope you liked this! I wanted to do some fluff to make up for the feels I've been doing lately. Be sure to comment what you thought, and farewell!
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