20 Things- Tagged
Again? No way.....
Hello people and welcome to another episode of JustAnAtlantisWriter got tagged and has to answer questions. Today, Wolf-Wisdom has done this so here you go I guess.
All it says is twenty things about me... No specifications or anything.... WELL OKAY THEN HERE WE GO.
1) Cats are among my favorite animals.
2) Dogs are cool too but I grew up with cats so, you know.
3) I love to ship things. If anything can be shipped, chances are I will ship it. I do have rules though. I'm not one for shipping anyone who is related.
4) I love to create things. Characters, AU's or stories, I just love to do it.
5) I have no allergies.
6) I love almost all animals, with little to possibly no exceptions
7) I find spiders creepy but interesting
8) Sharks too
9) The number seven is cool
10) I like diamonds as a shape
11) I am running out of ideas
12) I like trains
13) Number 12 totally wasn't a reference to something
14) Dolls creep me out
15) Sharks are one of my biggest fears
16) UnderTale is a great game in my opinion
17) I have created AUs for AtlanticCraft and I'm debating making a story out of one of my favorites
18) I really like frosting
19) I have a odd taste of music that cannot be explained
20) Every time I get complements from anybody, this happens:
RandomPerson: Oh hey, this thing you created is great!
Me: Awww! Thanks!
MeOnTheInside: JustAnAtlantisWriter.exe has stopped working... Rebooting
And that concludes this 20 things that I got tagged with! Hope you enjoyed it!
Once again, If you are reading this and haven't already done it, go do it and blame me. If you really don't want to then don't. I don't control your life.
This thing certainly got interesting...
Anyways, bye!
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