Taggeddddd @bookwormSarah
Ayeeee bookwormSarah tagged me again yeet lol
Here's mo 13 facts y'all, I apologize if I am not an interesting person:
1) I've been binge-listening to Nickelback the past two days I love them <3
2) My favorite song by Nickelback is "Photograph" (video at the top bc I'm obsessed) and "How You Remind Me" comes at a close second
3) Go watch the music video "Far Away" by Nickelback to cry
4) If I say Nickelback again someone is gonna punch me hahaha
5) I'm Catholic whoop whoop
7) Imma gonna be a freshie in like a week and two days *hyperventilates*
8) Although when I write I like to use perfect punctuation, when I type these things or text I typically don't capitalize the beginnings of my sentences or use punctuation except commas
9) I'm thinking about self publishing by book Finding Broken Pieces if it turns out how I want it to and my readers approve
10) The new Wattpad look on the site is driving me bonkers
11) I'm taking a creative writing class this year and I'm freaking out because I'm so excited, plus it's right after English so extra writing time yeeeettttt
12) I believe I'm currently catching feelings for someone and not too happy about it
13) I have freshie orientation this Friday so prayers appriciated!
Andddddd I taggggg:
Andddd this is the point where I remember that I have no friends so yeah peace out y'all!
P.S.: No, I'm not from the south, I just say y'all because my momma grew up there and Hannah Montana influenced me heavily as a child :)
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