13 Things
I was tagged by my beautiful friend AnkuGarg and the craziest buddy Graceynapple...
So, here you go...
1. I plug in my earphones during travel, though there are no songs playing on, specially to shut out from the irritating gossips and talks going on in the bus.
2. I run out of topics while talking to others and so, i remain silent most of the time listening to them.
3. When someone goes on and on talking for a long time with no break, I wonder how they talk this much, but never said it out once.
4. I love to be alone and prefer to be tucked in my blanket with a book rather than the loud parties.
5. When people do not have any basic manners in public I totally hate them.
6. I love my things to be neatly organised.. When someone disturbs the arrangement I go mad.. But, I have the habit of disturbing them ;) rarely, though.
7. My wish is to have a mini library in my home.
8. I love to travel with my friends. Unfortunately, I haven't done that yet.
9. Sometimes I like to behave crazy as a kid.. Only infront of my close ones.
10. I always disturb my friends when they are busy.
11. I dont like taking selfies often.
12. I love my dreams and nightmares.
13. There's a huge bucket list in this new year..
Hope, this is fine :) I didn't know what all to say..
Thank you for the tag AnkuGarg and Graceynapple.
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