Tag 1
Okay so I haven't gotten tagged in a while, but here!
Okay so I was tagged by justASpookyPotato
Heres the tag rules!
So let's get started!
1. Sexuality?
I refer to myself as pansexual, but I haven't gotten a good grasp on what I am.
2. Gender?
3. Happy?
Eh, I'm working on it. I have good friends and I'm trying to get better. I at least have people who care for me and will support me.
4. Last Song?
The Other Side from The Greatest Showman! I really gotta listen to the full soundtrack some time.
5. Hair Color?
Brown! Though I wanna dye the tips purple.
6. Zodiac?
Aries gang 😌
7. Last person you kissed?
Sadly, I have kissed no living person. I have kissed my cat's forehead last though, she is precious.
8. Favorite Color?
Purple, it is my aesthetic.
9. Favorite food?
I have been saying it's spaghetti, but it's steak. I like mine rare to medium rare. Yum.
10. Battery %?
40% 😔
11. Celebrity Crush?
Hm, I don't think I have one.
12. Favorite Vegetable?
Broccoli, it's one of the things I can stand.
13. Eye color?
I have kinda learned I have central heterochromia, so my eyes are blue with a ring of yellow around the pupil!
14. Shoe size?
Weird question, but it's 8 in women's. Take that information if you want.
15. Dream job?
I want to be an artist! Buuut I am not very confident in my "ability".
Tag someone!
flamethrow_er ISnubLub Salted_Pastels Solar-Power13 sharpxfeelings OfficialIcecube PoisonAshes
For the people I tagged, you don't have to do this. But for anyone else reading, I just tagged a couple people.
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