Lol, this is making up for all the lazy moments
I've been tagged a lot apparently. I probably won't be able to do them all though...
1. Meaning behind your wattpad name?
-I love Fairy Tail (dragon slayer)
-I recently love bnha (bnha)
-my old one was Unicorn072005 and I didn't like it that much. The numbers were random.
2. Your real name and meaning behind it?
-umm I'm doing my middle name because that's less personal
-Rose because it was my great grandmothers middle name and my parents loved the name
3. Biggest weakness?
-my mortality
4. Biggest strength?
-not having people love me
5. Biggest fear?
-dying. Different from death. Death I welcome with open arms, I'm afraid of feeling the pain of losing life.
6. Piercings you have/want?
-my ears have a normal single piercing, and I don't really want any others
7. Tattoos you have/want?
- this one
-thank -Melody_Misfit- for this one
Okay my tattoo is the picture at the top. Cuz wattpad is being mean
8. Color of your hair? Hair plans?
-my hair is blonde
-I occasionally dye it pink for the heck of it
9. Last dream you had?
-to become a great author
-I was being chased by demons through a forest. It ended with me almost being eaten but I woke up right as they hit down on me.
10. Someone you miss?
-everyone. Quarantine sucks so much
11. Crushes name?
-they wouldn't want me saying. But their alternate self is Kendrix
12. Weird habit you have?
-fidgeting. My legs shake or my feet tap and I can't sit still. Ever.
13. Idea of a perfect date?
-honey baked ham, lots of vegetables, sunset opportunity, bike riding, that's about it
14. What is the meaning of life for you?
-oof. Imma copy paste a rant about this one. Feel free to skip over it. Or maybe multiple rants...
-Love is an illusion. An illusion to distract you from a true life. A life is a lie if you spend it searching for love. Love is a waste of time, used to infiltrate the minds of the weak. The weak who see only the truth and not the lies that are beneath the mask. A mask used to cover up the true nature of love. Love is a cruel, merciless, unforgiving, unforgettable experience forced upon us by others. Others expect us to follow them into the depths of known chaos. The chaos that was formed to enslave us in these shackles of false hope of a make believe dream. The dream that one day Prince Charming would come for us and show us true love and compassion. Compassion and happiness are just extra pieces forming the mask of love. Love's true colors are shown only at the darkest hour of night, the epitome of darkness. Darkness that should be banished using the light of love, but love has nothing bright about it. It simple has a facade of perfectly crafted pieces to show the false nature. Nature should be controlled by nothing and those who chain it to the ground is causing great distress and not love to nature and trees. Trees that have been carved into by an empty promise that will inevitably fall apart. Apart was the true sight of which love was intended to stay. Staying is suicide for hopes of finding 'the one' and in the end they become futile. Futile attempts are useless wastes of energy and they are not even trying work anymore, they simple try to burn the compassion you could show. Showing you love is a way to show the true devilish shades of the mask. A mask formed by the original love between nothing and nothing. Nothing was a pointless game of changing the meaning, a game made to entertain the nothingness.
-so that was love....
Dreams help you have a goal to look forward to, they encourage you to keep going. Knowing where your going is just as, if not more, important as knowing where you've been. Without a sight of where to go from here, your stuck. You can't move forward or backwards, you just unable to progress or regress. Hopeful of getting where you want to go can end up pushing yourself too hard, the payout could be less than what was expected and could end up hurting more than helping. But the journey is where you learn and make adjustments. The things you learn are helping you become a better person. The adjustments make the dream more realistic and more attainable. Without attainability, having a goal would be worthless and meaningless. Why try for something that can never happen? For the journey. But why work so hard to never have anything ever happen. Because the feeling of emptiness can overcome the soul when it is not being used. Use the metal before it rusts and becomes useless. What is the point of having a useless soul, only to become useful. To occupy the soul is to find a worthy goal and reach for the stars. Aiming high is a downfall but a necessity. When you aim too low you easily reach your goal and are swallowed by the emptiness once again. Aiming high is torturous and futile. For showing too much effort and not seeing the reward for doing so can torture the mind for long to come. Having a big end rewarded goal, is similar to signing yourself to the devil. You are set in place to fail. When chasing one thing you lose sight of other things and eventually, yourself. Going for the one thing does not prepare you for the next thing, it simply makes you regress all the way to the beginning again. Setting unrealistic goals put yourself down for not being capable of making it, whereas if it is reachable you might give up from difficulties. Failing at reaching a reachable goal is giving up and going backwards. Instead continue forwards and follow the path not layer out to make it to the highest and most impossible, but reachable, goal.
-jeez that was long. Now I'm over a 1000 words
1. Lucky number
2. 5 things you hate
-running excessively
3. 5 things you love
4. piece of jewelry
-I make it so..... necklaces and earrings
5. 5 books
-the gravity of us
-the Infinite noise
-the prince and the dressmaker
-the selection series
-the Iliad (current read)
6. 5 movies
-now you see me
-mamma mia
-other movie
-other movie
7. Favorite band(s)
-The Script
-Imagine Dragons
-One Republic
-X ambassadors
8. PJO/ HOO character
-Nico Di Angelo
9. PJO/ HOO book
-the battle of the Labyrinth
10. Aesthetic
-not sure
11. Season
-fall. The colors are amazing
It doesn't say tag, but I'll do it anyway
Yeah that's enough. Maybe... I'll stop
Lol y'all got tagged!
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