I'm back bitches
I got tagged by fanderofthesanders
1. Full name: Samantha Elizabeth F. (I ain't putting my full name on the internet)
2. Favorite song: either Basket Case by Green Day, Ignorance by Paramore, or American Beauty/American Psycho by Fallout Boy
3. Who do you have a crush on? Mmmmm not gonna tell ya
4. What musicals are you into? All of them
5. Why did you come to Wattpad? I was looking through pictures of a ship I liked, and found one that said it was a cover for a book.
6. Name five things about yourself.
- I have dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles
- I have a sword
- I love to make paper flowers
- I am really strong, and I'm gonna join the wrestling team when I get to a school that has one
-I'm nocturnal
7. Who do you look up too? The rock in my front yard
8. Do this in less then a week.
: |
9. Tag ten people
Here we go hgggnnnn
(If I tag you, you don't have to and I don't care if you do or anything. I hate this part.)
I'm really sorry guys, you can just ignore this if you want
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