Friday 26th October 2018
I was tagged by my friend
My questions are:
1) Where would you live right now if you could?
2)Who is your favorite superhero?
3)Who is your favorite Wattpad author?
4) If you could be anyone, who would you be and why?
5) What's the happiest moment in your life?
6) When were you born?
7) Favorite Youtube Channel?
8) What is your favorite period in history?
9)What's your happiest memory?
My answers:
1) I would like to live in London
2) My favorite superhero is Batman
3) I can't just pick one there is too many
4) Scarlett Johansson because she is so pretty and an amazing actress and I am to be just as caring like her
5) When got a level -4 in drama while my friends all got a level 3
6) 2nd January
7) Jacksepticeye (I'm watching as I am doing this)
8) King Henrys viii time period which is from 1534-1547
9) Is when my baby sister was born
Here are some of my own:
1) Favorite superhero?
2) Favorite comic movie?
3) Favorite Comic tv show?
4) What's your phone background?
5) If you could sleep with any actor, who is it and why?
6) Your go-to song to sing when no one is around?
7) Star sign?
8) Dream husband/wife?
9) An embarrassing moment that has happened to you?
10) Plan for the future?
11) Make your own
I tag:
Have fun guys
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