tagg 11!!!
So I have been tagged once again by the great Supergirl406.
The pic Supergirl had of the tag was cut off at the top, so i did some digging to find the original for a clean copy for those tagged.
With that, let's get into the tag.
1. Elizabeth (Eli) *****.....
Sorry, not putting my last name! I love 6ou guys, but not happening.
2. Painting, sketching, reading, writing(though not very good), cross stitching... there may be more I just can't think of it.
3. I don't have a favorite, though some are close I can't pick an overall favorite, but I love Bring Me The Horizon, five finger death punch, imagine dragons, p!atd, 21 pilots, mcr, NF, and set it off.
4. And now, my adorable background!
5. Yes, but none of them will probably be fulfilled.
6. Nope, when do I ever though?
7. I have 4 that I talk to regularly, and some I consider acquaintances on the verge of being friends. Though they don't really know me that well cause I'm quiet and shy and insecure...
8. Me? Like math?
9. Favorite subject? I'd have to say sociology/psychology. It may sound boring or stressful, but it's actually fun, though that may be because my class is insane and doesn't know how to stay on task.
10. I currently live in southern Illinois, and have since I was 1. I was born in Natchitoches, Louisiana and my family moved up when I was one.
11. Do I like sport? 😂
I'm sorry, I don't know sport. Sport no like me. Me no good at sport.
12. I don't know... I don't exactly follow the definition of healthy, and I wouldn't say I'm unhealthy.
13. How much do I cost? What exactly is this question? Is asking how much my worth is? Or is it asking if I'm a hooker and they want to pay? Like, I don't know exactly what it's asking. But if it's how much I would guess I cost, like what I'm worth, I would say zero, cause I'm trash.
14. Sort of, I have several favorites, but overall? The great Brendon Urie, just... his voice goes higher than my future could hope for, the deepest his voice goes is about what it's shooting for.
15. Nope, well, not biological siblings, I have a few friends I call my siblings.
16. I would like to say I can, just not very well, I may post a few drawings on my Randomness and me book at some point.
18. nope, no crush for me. I'd like to stay away from dating anyone in my school, cause they are either a) and idiot, b) a trans phobic bastard(I may not be trans, but I will freaking cut you if you bash them.), or c) both.
19. I'm a single pringle that'll never be ready to mingle!
20. Wait... any idol? Even fictional ones? Cause oh my god, I mean, with what the "taking home" part it sounds like a one night stand, but the most I would want is cuddles... I love cuddles but receive no cuddles... I could care less about the rest, just let me cuddle percy Jackson, Sebastian, jack, harry Potter, and so many more and I'll be set...
And now the tags, you can suffer with me....
you know what, that's all I'm doing, it's 11:05 on Christmas, I'm tired and lazy, this will be fine.
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