#Tag 1
Tag...guess I'm it?
1. Eye Colour: Brown (between light and dark)
2. Hair Colour: Golden Brown
3. Most embarrassing moment: I don't know, I have had a few. The first one that comes to mind was back in 2013 when I was Grade 8. I was walking to class (the last class on a Friday) with my friend and her boyfriend and we wete talking, meaning I wasn't really paying attention to where I'm going. There was one tile missing on the corridor and of course, I tripped over that one missing tile and fell head firsr into one of the poles. My bag landed on my head and my little lunch bag as well. It was mortifying! Luckily most of the people in my class were inside already.
(Bonus: I got up and was fine, until my friend's boyfriend asked if I was okay...cue the tears)
4. Favourite author: At the moment it's Tony Park (when I was younger I was obsessed with Stacy Gregg, because HORSES!)
5. One weird thing you want to do: I want to go and swim in the Kalvyn with my friends at night. The Klavyn is the most famous fountain on our campus and it's a big bucket list item for me (I've only got two years to do it). The thing is, it's actually not very clean and it is very illegal to swim there. Security will call you out if they see you, but yea, I want to do that.
6. Saddest moment: When we had to put my cat, Felix, down. He got cancer and was really suffering, so I was glad he didn't have pain anymore, but gosh.
I didn't see hin that morning, nor did I know that it was going to happen that day. I went to write my exam thinking I should have said goodbye,'cause I never know when I will see him for the last time. When I got home, my mom told me and said that he was looking awful that morning and she couldn't let me see him like that. I cried so much (and I'm crying now, which sucks because it has been almost two weeks of only talking about happy memories of Felix).
We had him for about 14 years and he was such a constant in my life. We moved quite a lot and he always went with.
Okay, I'm goint to tell you a happy memory about him: He was really intelligent and taught himself to open doors. So he got stuck in the garage a few times when he snuck in unnoticed and then he would open the door again later. The lady working for us didn't know he could do that, so she'd be alone at home and then just hear the door opening. He almost gave her a heart attack a few times.
PS I miss you bud ❤️
7. Happiest moment: I have even more of these. I tend to get excited over the smallest things...but okay let's see.
The first would be when we gout our first horse, Faruq. I was over the moon and struggled to concentrate on my riding lesson because my heart was standing a few meters away looking at me and neighing.
The second is actually not when we got our second horse, because that dat was sad. Faruq wasn't used to sharing our attention and I could literally see the sadness in his eyes when my dad unloaded the new horse. He knew and I was so sad, because I didn't want him to feel abandoned (it has a happy ending, because now they are best friends and don't want to go to new places without the other).
Now the second actual happy moment was when I got my very own saddle for my 19th birthday. It's a gorgeous saddle and it even has my name etched onto it (and it has a dark purple saddle cloth!). I was so excited, I would literally be walking through the house with a straight face and then the next moment my face would break into as smile and I'd excitedly whisper 'I've got my own saddle'. I couldn't believe it.
The photos: Faruq (top), Djamilla when she was a foal (middle) and then Djamilla (bottom)
These photos were what the people we bought them from took. I have never taken proper full body photos of my horses, my camera roll consists of thousands of selfies I take with then, random cute things they do or photos other people take of me standing next to them.
8. Scariest moment: You can only judge if it has happened to you and you were not afraid! 😂
It has happened a few times, but this time was the scariest...we went to the Kruger National Park last March and an elephant charged us. We couldn't go around, because dumb people were blocking the road, taking videos of what was happening. We were IN REVERSE WITH A CARAVAN BEHIND THE BAKKIE. If you know anything about pulling a trailer or caravan, you would know that they jack knife.
Thank goodness my dad is a great driver, but mostly it was God's hand of protection that was over us.
PS I was terrified and as a result of past experiences, I was already afraid of elephants
9. Do you base your stories off anything: Definitely. My characters have a few of my characteristics and I also use some traits my friends have. The one book I'm writing (it's not published yet) is based on some of my working experience that I got during the holiday and I will sometimes use events from my life in the book.
It helps, because you can paint a better picture, since you experienced it as well and it makes the characters a bit easier to write, because you can relate to them.
10. Tags: In advance, sorry if you don't want to be tagged.
PS This is our 'new' cat...we got her in April and she and Felix were actually friends for a while. Her name is Arabella
PPS This was fun 😂
PPPS Thank you StinkyTheStegosaurus for the tag ❤️
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