Here we go again
I was tagged by @happypanda1864. 1; Do you care what people think about you?
Oh my gosh yes! I'm constantly worried about people being mad at me and annoyed with me.
2; Middle name?
3; favorite sport?
If dance counts then dance. I'm there 4 nights a week lol. If not, then reading!
4; Someone you can't live without?
My parents, my cousin, and my two closest friends! I honestly don't know where I'd be right now without them!
5; Best friend?
Oh man! I have two! My friend Chloe, @Itsme_Chloe on wattpad, and my friend Lilly.
6; Nickname?
umm, my family calls me Riley-Roo. Or some variation of that. But with my friends or other people no.
7; Are you more cute or sexy?
I don't think either but if I had to choose, probably cute? Idk
8; Preferred pronouns
She/her... I think. But I can't stand being called "Girlfriend" or "babes" so idk.
9; Has anyone ever asked you out?
Nope... 13 and still single!
10; Name three pet peeves...
Ok I hate to be the buzzkill, but...
People talking over the teacher (i mean whispering for a few seconds is fine, but like blatantly and loudly talking over them).
People who think they're better than everyone else and show it.
My last one is really random, but I can't stand when people tap the side of a coffee mug or teacup with a spoon when they're not trying to get someone's attention. The same goes for tapping pencils on a desk. If it's only during a test or something I understand or if you have ADHD.
To anyone who does these I'm really sorry if I offend you by saying this.
11; do you believe in sole-mates?
I honestly don't know. Platonically yes but passionately no. I feel like you have to work to get to know someone inside and out.
12; Are you emotional?
Inside yes but I try not to show it when I'm with people. I'll just bottle it up until I'm alone or talking to my therapist.
13; picture of yourself
I don't want to put one on the internet but I'll describe myself.
I'm 5 foot 3, I have brown hair that comes to the end of my back, I have blue eyes but you can't really tell because my right one is stitched up and my left one is kind of scarred from some surgeries I've had on my retina, (so I where sunglasses that match my clothes that day), and I have long legs.
14; favorite picture of someone else?
Again I'm not going to put it up but it's me with my friend. we both have whipped cream all over our faces and we're laughing so hard we're crying!
15; What are some words you say often?
I think the words I say most often are sorry and thank you.
16; tag 20 people.
I don't have 20 people but I'll get it as close as I can...
@tagatha4ever @baby_merlin4life @Itsme_Chloe @Severyna7 @-A-ANNE- @ChocolateKittyCat @aggieofwb @AshOwl86
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