Tagged By | 11 | Common Tag That Goes Around
Alright, I was tagged by ImAGeneralWHEEEEE and you don't have to keep scrolling back up to read the picture because I'm nice and I put the questions below, added question marks for them, and I honestly just put the picture there for relevance so you could see that that was really what they wrote.
Q1) Do you like someone?
A1) I like certain qualities about people and have many infatuations, but 'like' is a stronger word than 'tolerate' and I really only 'love' one person—actually, BadassFreakShow is pretty lovable too.
Q2) Do they like me?
A2) I don't know??? I mean, these people probably don't even know you exist, so why're you asking? Who even are you??? Why would they like someone who started Wattpad's most common and annoying tag that sucks in everybody from everywhere?!
Q3) Middle Name?
A3) Can I ask why the illiterate person who started the photo decided to make only two questions—one of which was about themselves—and the rest just words that are randomly capitalized? And then it wants me to answer a question about themselves????? Besides, you already know my middle name; it's in my user and was stated in a previous tag—because 'you' are not original.
Q4) Single or taken?
A4) Taken to mCdONAldS—Juuuust kiddin', I graduated from my Pringle phase last year. And by that, I mean being a 'single pringle' and not the hoarder gene that has allowed me to stash away empty cans by the dozen in my closet for no apparent reason.
Q5) Last Person Texted?
A5) Oh, well, uh, that was my mom, thanks for asking. I was just informing her of the time in which my friend'll come over and we'll exchange Christmas gifts.
I mean, look at that? Aren't I a fun kid.
Q6) Last song listened to?
A6) 'See, what they don't specify here is on what. The last song I listened to on iTunes? Watching a Snapchat? A Christmas Ad? On iTunes, it seems as though I fell asleep after 'Issues' by Julia Micheals, surprisingly. The song's so overplayed that this is the first in months that I've actually listened to it—but because it goes hand in hand with my LHRB daydreams. On Snapchat, I'm sure it was, like, 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas'.
Q7) Battery Percentage?
A7) 72% on my laptop, 45% on my iPhone. (Normally, I don't like my laptop slip past 80%, but it's cold and I'm tired)
Q8) Girl best friend?
A8) I mean, shit, Gin's really my only best friend, but she's my girlfriend, so either myself, maybe Val or Elloise? I mean, I don't really have best friends anymore. (Edit: Elloise just came to my door and not only brought me a turd emoji fidget spinner, but a giant Turd Emoji Movie figurine thing with a light up bowtie for Christmas.)
Q9) Guy best friend?
A9) Well, I'm really good friends with many, so it's hard to pick a winner—but, I guess, my gay friend? Gerber was for Seventh and maybe even Eighth Grade, so sure. Elija and Senpu are pretty close too—BOI, I JUST HEARD THE ICE CREAM TRUCK OU'SIDE, GIMME A SEC. Update: I was too slow and it was to fas.
Q10) Favorite OTP?
A10) Is this thing over yet? Oh, shit, it's an easy as bALLs queSTIOn! Craig, because the fanbase doesn't give a shit if we alter him to our fetis—I mean, WildLadd. Although, there's been some that're catching up to favorite now, the O.G. for da' win.
Q11) Why I made this account?
A11) Dude, I already answered why I made this account, but you? I don't know, dude. Probably to annoy people. Me? I'm here to write what I wanna read because there're things that nobody's fucking writing, so I am.
Q12) Current Lock Screen?
A12) Lock screen on my phone? Home screen? Laptop? Screen on my elite lockpad? Ya' gotta specify. Even who's lock screen it is.
My laptop deleted my old one for space and I'm lazy so...
Lock Screen on iPhone:
(she's hot)
Q13) Birthday?
A13) Mine? Oh, not that you care, but it's February 13th, 2003—as said on my 'About Me'.
Q14) tag twenty people?
A14) I'm not sure if this is meant to be a command or a question, but here're twenty dead victims who have to succumb to the wrath of Wattpad's most common and annoying tag that spreads like wildfire:
thepandaispurple Riiiiiiiiiiise from your grave, old soul
MamaRaccoon since it's been a while
Mystic_Am_Wildcat 'You too
--Okay, wait, twenty?
BadassFreakShow Haha, I'm distracting you from your collab, lmao
WolfiTokki I don't think I've ever tagged you before
AngelJadePlayzzz 'Haven't seen you around in a while
BigFoodStyle 'Hope I'm not bothering you???
EmilyDykes It's small so pls interacc???????
DrPepperOnly This is my attempt to bring you back to life
MissKombat I forgot you existed before I scrolled through who I'm following
LttleMisMyhemMker You don't have to, but I just wanted to say hi because you've been absent from Wattpad for quite a while
Magic_Toaster Suffer (but don't really????)
happycutegem Honestly, we all just disappeared from Wattpad for months, what even happened? XD
dethcock Do you even Wattpad anymore?
xAllia I remember yous
NightShade0326 I don't even care if you do this, but can you live for another moment
Holy crap, why do you have to tag so many????
ArtsyJayfeather I mean, I'm running out of people, sorry
Shadower999 I'm trying to remember—you seem so familiar—and you's a Doubling and a Ladd and you deserve all the brownie points for dat
AnimatedJay Asuh, dud. You's Mama's lil' cooner, right?
And since that's the last one, I'd just like to ask people to make more creative tags in the future. I hate answering the same unoriginal questions over and over again.
Unoriginal Ex: 'What's your favorite food?', 'Do you have a crush on someone?', 'Battery percent?', 'Favorite band?', 'What's your current lock screen?', 'Who's the last person you texted?', 'Favorite song?', 'Cats or dogs?', 'Marvel or DC?', and anything to do with milk (vs. dark) chocolate.
Original Ex: 'When will you be updating your next book?', 'Give three random shout-outs and why!', 'Do you write as often as you'd like?', 'Any plans for future works that you can spill? O///o)', 'What's your opinion on The Emoji Movie?', 'Where are you right now?', 'Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?', 'Why don't you like Wildirious?', 'Boi, do you doodle?', 'Have you ever done anything illegal? (Look up your state laws—'could be possible. Somewhere it's illegal to have ice cream in your pants, for crying out loud!), 'Hottest smut scenes you've read? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', 'Would you ever consider a(nother) collaboration? If so, any ideas?', 'What was the longest you've grown your hair out?', 'Are you more a fan of O.C. books or 'x Reader' books?', 'Gang AU or Hybrid AU?', 'Is Math hard or easy for you?', 'What was the last time you stole something? Even if it was just messing with a friend!', 'Have you ever drawn a dick or swastica?', 'Take a picture of the first frame of yourself going/being outside!', 'Tag five people who don't read/write smut!', 'What's your top three favorite fluff scenes from WildLadd fanfiction?', 'Something you've written recently that you absolutely adore?', and 'Are there other fanbases you 'qualify' into or other fandoms you enjoy other than the Banana Bus Squad?'
Those took mere seconds off the top of my head ^^^. It's not hard to come up with questions, people; we were born to do that. So, tag creators, can we at least see some variety and new questions?
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