Tagged #4
1: definitely yes, But sometimes I just couldn't give a shit.
2: Ughhh, Isabelle, I hate it..
4: MPeggySchuyler , Thomathy_Sanders and JennieCrpeault
5:The three people mentioned above and My sister..
6: Well, I don't really like the nicknames my parents call me, So I guess I'll have to go with my preferred name, Jayme.
7:.... ( ಠ_ಠ) BoLd oF yOu tO AsSumE iM eIthEr OnE oF tHoSe-
8: They/Them
9: Like, Asked out? By a person? That wanted to be romantically involved? HaH- No.
10: To be completely honest, I'm not sure.
11: Top three? Well, If it's MY pet peeves, Then I guess they're
Being blamed for something when it's not completely my fault.
Someone forcing me to talk, when I don't feel like talking.
And being forced into physical contact, (like hugging) when I don't want to be.
12: ...I don't know, really.
13: Dude, Bro, Uhm-, Bruh. And y'know, other stuff.
14:.... Are you serious-? Whyyyy does this keep happening-? Look, I'm not going to do a face reveal, Until I'm completely comfortable with it, and people want to see my face, And I'm not comfortable with it yet, so- No-
15: ???
16: A R T - you could literally lock me in a room with all kinds of art supplies, a notebook and a radio and I would be fine with it-
17: Role-Model... Hm, I don't know really...
18: Online or In real life?
19: Why does it keep asking these types of questions? I. D o n t. K n o w.
(That's all the people I'm gonna tag-)
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