I was tagged by StarOfDeath666
1) My favourite thing (apart from my girlfriend) is Wattpad. It's kinda become my life and there are so many amazing people here.
2) My least favourite thing is probably homophobia. It's completely unnecessary, and I've had my share of it.
Feel free to skip the next paragraph, it is just me talking about the homophobia that has been directed at me (or similar)
-My parents don't use my pronouns and would insist I'm a girl (which is more transphobic) and said (while I was in the room) that they thought 'they' for a single person is not grammatically correct and not right, something like that (because of a nb family member).
-Online, someone has said my gender isn't real, and that I don't have gender dysphoria (which is untrue).
-On Roblox (yes, Roblox), I was roleplaying with my girlfriend and saying like -holds her hand- or something else that shows affection. Someone asked if we were dating, and we said yes, and they ran off saying "ewwww".
-Finally, the one I'm not mad about.
On Roblox again, I had changed my character to have a tiny body and really fricking long legs (note that this wasn't my actual avatar, it was on a game where you can ridiculously change your avatar and mine was a humanoid Eagle). In the chat (where my name is to do with smiling unicorns) I said "They try to put me on the cover of vogue, but ma legs were tooo long" and someone called me gay because I was singing a 'girl's song'??? . I was like, yeah, I am. Then he was all like "that's against my religion" and "you're disgusting" all the while I'm laughing my head off. A lot more entailed, and holy guacamole I could not stop laughing (my girlfriend was online with me). The whole server was against the guy. (he also said some transphobic things to me as I revealed I was a demigirl)
3) The only celeb crushes I probably have are Tom Holland (kind of) and Clara Oswald from Doctor Who. Like, I fricking love Clara (she's the only person who I've ever properly cried for in any movie, TV show, or book).
4) My favourite band is My Chemical Romance. I got into listening to their songs not too long ago, but it's pretty much all I listen to now.
5) Something people don't know about me. I've thought about running away.
6) My favourite dessert is probably chocolate cake with ice cream and whipped cream.
7) Right now, I want to be home. I'm at my grandparents house, which is several hours from mine, and I miss Wi-Fi and my bed. I also have and MCR CD that I can't play here because my mum won't let me play it in the car, so I have to wait until I can get to the CD player at home.
8) Yes I do like the person who tagged me, because they have helped me through panic attacks and was there for me when I did...something.
9) My favourite colour is purple because of Anxious Boi Sanders.
10) Well frick here we go...
Yes that's not 20 but I can't be bothered rn and tagging people is annoying.
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