April day 38 and May day 4
Tagged my CandiesPhobia and Maddiecute247 (myself)
Hello y'all! another day! I'm honestly really sad because in a couple of days is my 9 year anniversery with my best Friends and we are locked in! We planned to go to six flags but that's not gonna happen because of CORONA! So that's sad, but I guess I have to get over it. Anyways
Time for the April and May 2020 tag challenge. Day 38 asks 'Favorite Fairy tail movie?' Well from what I know there is only 2 and my favorite is Fairy tail Dragon cry, Because I watch it the whole way through. With the other one I fell asleep but my sister told me what happened. Everytime
I watched it, I fell asleep. I have NO IDEA why I just do. So that's it for April day 38 until tomorrow! Time for day 4 of the may 2020 challenge! Thank you Candies for do this! If you do the challenge, make sure to tag me in it, I would love to know your answers! So anyways! Day 4!
Day 4 asks 'what are things you do after school?' Well when I was in school before Corona, I would either be doing Sports, community service, or just hang out with my friends. I miss doing stuff but at the same time I love having time to myself so I can get work done, have some time
To myself so I can play games, Time to write, play with my dog, or just to sleep. Doing sports really tired me out, but I never noticed until now when I'm not doing anything and have time to sleep. I slept for 12 HOURS first week on quarantined. That's it for today anyways... bai!!
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