- The immortal -
- N A M E -
아름다운 꽃 준
( Beautiful Flowers Jun )
- N I C K N A M E -
Rose, She hasn't used her birth name since she was 17 years old
- A G E -
Rose was born on August 3 1871, making her 147 years old even though she looks to be 21.
- G E N D E R -
- S P E C I E S -
- S E X U A L I T Y -
- F A C E C L A I M -
Lana Condor
- R A N K -
- P E R S O N A L I T Y -
Rose is outgoing, conscientious and independent, she tends to be organized and responsible. She is loyal to her kind and will do anything for them, Rose has had bad experiences with werewolves in the past but she hasn't let that cloud her judgement about them. She believes that the two species need to put the bad blood between them behind and move on, but knows that will never happen.
Rose has always wondered what it is like to have a mate, seeing others looking so happy, secretly made her jealous. Wanting that for herself, but after being alive for 100 years, Rose has finally come to the fact that she will find her mate when the time is ready and until then to stay patient.
Being patient and calm in tuff situations is something Rose has skilled over the years she has been alive. Something that she isn't really vocal about is her blood thirst, she becomes a raging beast with red blood eyes. Rose has never wanted to hurt people so she uses that inner anger to provide for the clan. She also tends to drink animal blood rather then human after events she caused in the past.
- L I K E S -
~ The idea of having a mate
~ Children
~ listening to music
~ chocolate
- D I S L I K E S -
~ dresses
~ tight spaces
~ cursing
~ violence
- S T R E N G T H S -
~ regeneration
~ enhanced speed
~ close range combat
~ hunting
- W E A K N E S S -
~ far range combat
~ drinking animal blood, normally she would have the ability of mind control but drinking animal blood buts a damper on it
~ keeping a hold on her blood thirst
- O T H E R -
Rose came to America when she was 18 with her little sister being 6 during the Victorian area, wanting to provide for them both Rose joined a gang of sorts not knowing joining them would lead to her rebirth as a vampire and the death of her sister.
- P A S S W O R D -
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