That Summer
This one shot has smut so please be advised when reading~♡ We have a top Tae one shot here, so I hope you'll enjoy that.:3 This piece was literally thought up while listening to the song above.☝ So you should give it a listen while reading.:3 If you want to do that, that is.🤣😂 I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want~♡ Either way, I hope that you all enjoy this short story~♡
The wind blew steadily over the golden fields that danced before Jungkook. Jungkook glanced anxiously from side to side, noticing nothing but fields of gold as his father dropped him off for the summer. Jungkook didn't realize he'd be miles from home when he'd agreed to help an elderly farmer that his parents knew. This would be the first time he'd be without anyone or anything familiar as he picked up his luggage. He anxiously approached the house near the barn, hoping the farmer wouldn't be too angry that Jungkook was later than promised.
Jungkook knocked hesitantly on the door, folding his hands in front of him properly. He bowed the moment the door opened, although Jungkook was caught off guard by the young, handsome face that greeted him instead. Jungkook peeked up at the sound of the other male's deep voice when he called for someone else. The elderly face that now greeted him was the one Jungkook had been expecting as he continued to bow. "Are you the new farmhand?" The elderly man asked as Jungkook nodded anxiously, grabbing his luggage when the farmer waved for Jungkook to follow him. Jungkook obeyed without hesitation as he followed the farmer to a room with two beds. One of which appeared to be occupied as the farmer grunted. "Taehyung! You forgot to make your bed," the farmer yelled as the other male apologized and rushed into the room. Jungkook could see the handsome male more clearly now that the sun's rays filtered through the window and illuminated him in a halo of fiery light. His ashy brown hair was a puff of ringlet curls that bounced with his every movement, his eyes a mesmerizing turquoise blue with warm and luminous honey skin that sparkled with droplets of sweat as he rushed to make his bed.
Jungkook felt his heart rate increase as he glanced down at the minimal space between their beds. That didn't help Jungkook's poor heart as he glanced back up and locked eyes with Taehyung's hypnotizing gaze before averting his gaze elsewhere. The elderly farmer waved for Jungkook to follow once more and while Jungkook obeyed, he could feel Taehyung's eyes boring into him with every step. The farmer showed him the layout of the property and told Jungkook what was expected of him before directing him back towards the room with Taehyung. "Taehyung will show you what each job will entail. He's fairly adverse so listen well and learn," the elderly man commanded before walking away towards the kitchen.
Jungkook glanced over at Taehyung as Taehyung offered him a boxy smile. "Welcome, my name is Taehyung! Sorry, I didn't say anything sooner, but it's best to let him talk first," Taehyung explained in his deep, velvety voice as he held out a hand for Jungkook to shake. "J- Jungkook," Jungkook introduced himself hesitantly, firmly shaking Taehyung's warm hand. Jungkook felt the warmth from Taehyung's elegant hand pulsate within his own grasp before radiating throughout his body. Jungkook quickly released Taehyung's hand when he felt something spark between them. Something Jungkook couldn't quite explain yet.
"So we'll start on work tomorrow since it's already sunset and dinner will be soon," Taehyung announced sternly as Jungkook offered a sheepish smile and nodded hesitantly. "Mind if I ask a question about you?" Jungkook inquired softly, taking a seat on his bed. Taehyung sat on his bed, facing Jungkook and crossing his legs. "Go ahead," Taehyung encouraged happily, cupping his hands around his ankles. Jungkook couldn't help but glance down and follow the action before realizing how wrong that might have appeared. Jungkook quickly averted his eyes in hopes that Taehyung hadn't caught his gaze as he fumbled to recuperate. "Wh- Why are y- you here? A- Are you a f- farmhand as well?" Jungkook inquired quietly, fumbling over his words.
Taehyung let out a small giggle as he smirked at Jungkook. "The farmer is my grandfather. I come here every summer to help him," Taehyung explained softly, quirking an eyebrow at Jungkook. "Why are you so interested?" Taehyung inquired this time, a knowing smirk playing on his plump lips. Jungkook swallowed hard as he fumbled over his words once more, laughing nervously. "N- No reason r- really. I just thought it would be me and him," Jungkook explained hastily, deflating Taehyung's ego a bit. Although Taehyung brushed it aside as he nodded and rocked on his behind. "Well, eat up and rest well because tomorrow we're going to be busy," Taehyung announced sternly, crawling off the bed and walking towards the kitchen for dinner.
That next morning, Jungkook woke up to a rooster shrieking as the sun barely peeked over the horizon. To Jungkook's dismay, Taehyung was already dressed and ready for the day while Jungkook scrambled to get dressed in clothes that he wouldn't mind getting dirty. Once he was ready for the day, Jungkook met Taehyung in the barn where there was nothing but hay bales across the ground in front of Taehyung. Jungkook tilted his head curiously before Taehyung approached him with a smile. "Okay, so we have to throw these up on that loft there," Taehyung explained as he lifted one of the hay bales. Jungkook watched in awe as Taehyung's muscles rippled and flexed with each movement before he threw the hay onto the loft.
Jungkook swallowed hard as Taehyung continued to throw the bales effortlessly, his mind quickly roaming to a dirty place. When Taehyung was done throwing the bales, he heaved a great sigh of relief and blotted at the sweat that rolled down his neck with his shirt before wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. Jungkook couldn't help but notice how Taehyung's golden skin glistened even after he'd wiped the sweat off of him. "Okay! Onto the next task," Taehyung interrupted Jungkook's thoughts as the younger nodded and followed Taehyung to the pigpen with a hose.
"The pigs need to roll in mud to keep their skin from burning, but we kind of have to water the ground to make it muddy for them," Taehyung explained as he hastily whirled the handle to turn the hose on, gaining Jungkook's fervent attention once more. Jungkook couldn't help the hormones raging within him as he watched Taehyung deliberately spray the pigpen. Jungkook bit his lip as he approached the pen, placing his hands against the smooth wooden post. Jungkook had to fight the urge to imagine Taehyung dripping wet from water and giving him a sultry side-eyed glance. Taehyung had been throwing sultry side-eye glances his way since they'd started working and it was really starting to get to Jungkook now that he'd acknowledged them.
Once they were done watering the pigpen, Taehyung promptly wrapped the hose and gestured for Jungkook to follow him. Jungkook hastily obeyed, following Taehyung to a small shed behind the barn. "This is where we keep the chicken feed. They have to be fed promptly at sunrise or they will chase you angrily," Taehyung explained softly, laughing fondly at the memory as he grabbed a large bag. Taehyung threw the bag over his shoulder and carried it over to a large bucket that he filled before throwing the bag back into the shed. Taehyung grasped the handle of the bucket firmly and walked over towards an area where chickens were collected. Jungkook watched as Taehyung threw the feed to them playfully with a boxy smile on his face.
Jungkook hesitantly approached Taehyung as the elder threw the feed by the handful. Jungkook bent down and grabbed a handful before throwing it towards the chickens. Taehyung glanced over in momentary surprise before smiling pleasantly and throwing more of the feed. The moment their hands touched, Jungkook felt that same instantaneous spark as he hastily withdrew his hand and clutched it to his chest. "Did you hurt your hand?" Taehyung asked softly, grasping Jungkook's hand in his own now. Taehyung's rough hands tenderly caressed Jungkook's hand to see if anything was sticking out anywhere before flipping his hand over. Taehyung drifted a tender finger over the center of Jungkook's palm as their eyes met, both of them staring heatedly at the other.
Jungkook swallowed hard once again as Taehyung's hand lingered over his own, their eyes still locked on each other. Jungkook could recognize the swirl of emotion behind Taehyung's irises as the call of Taehyung's grandfather caught the elder's attention and he turned away. "Keep feeding the chickens," Taehyung instructed as he trotted over to his grandfather to see what he needed. When Taehyung returned to pick up the bucket and collect Jungkook, he had two tall glasses of lemonade. Taehyung handed one to Jungkook before motioning for Jungkook to follow him once again.
Jungkook sipped his lemonade as he followed Taehyung back to the barn. "We're going to sickle the wheat fields for the harvest today," Taehyung explained patiently, his back still turned towards Jungkook. When Taehyung turned back towards Jungkook, he held out a key. "This will start the tractor for us to do that. You're going to ride with me since it's your first time doing this and next time you'll do either that or replanting yourself," Taehyung added as he finished off his lemonade. Jungkook watched as Taehyung's adam's apple bobbed repetitively until he finished his drink, Jungkook so very tempted to kiss Taehyung's neck there. Taehyung placed his cup down as he motioned for Jungkook to follow him towards the tractor.
Jungkook tilted his head as he realized that there was only one seat on this tractor. "Wh- Where am I supposed to sit?" Jungkook asked softly, still sipping on his lemonade as Taehyung smiled softly. Taehyung lowered his hand for Jungkook to take, helping him onto the tractor and straight into his lap. "Is this a comfortable enough seat for you?" Taehyung asked seductively, snaking his arms around Jungkook's waist to start the tractor. Jungkook swallowed hard as the tractor roared to life, one of Taehyung's hands firmly on the steering wheel and the other holding Jungkook tightly against him. Jungkook bit his lip as the vibrations from the tractor traveled up his leg, doing things to him with Taehyung's hand still firmly clasped against his stomach.
Jungkook was trying to remain focused on the task at hand, but his mind continued to wander as the vibrations were gradually building a tension in him. Jungkook was certain Taehyung could tell he had an erection now as it pressed against the bottom of Taehyung's hand. Although Taehyung said nothing as he continued to harvest the wheat so that he wouldn't be reprimanded by his grandfather. While Taehyung remained focused on his task, he would also playfully caress a finger against Jungkook's erection, only exacerbating the younger male's awareness. When a soft moan left the younger's lips, Taehyung just about lost his concentration as he hastily worked to finish harvesting the wheat.
When they were done harvesting, Taehyung brought the tractor back to the barn. In the privacy of the barn, Jungkook finally allowed himself to formulate an opening. When Taehyung turned the tractor off, Jungkook remained seated in Taehyung's lap and the elder made no move to remove him. With his suspicions confirmed, Jungkook turned toward Taehyung, gripped the sides of his face, and fervently pressed his lips against Taehyung's own. Taehyung held Jungkook's hips, pulling Jungkook tighter against him as he pressed the younger's back into the steering wheel. Another soft moan left Jungkook's lips as Taehyung's hips brushed against his erection, creating a friction that Jungkook didn't know he needed.
Taehyung hastily lifted Jungkook away from the steering wheel and held him steady against his hips as Taehyung stepped off the tractor. Jungkook hadn't realized Taehyung was essentially as hard as him until the elder pressed him into a wall. Jungkook moaned softly once again as Taehyung effortlessly supported Jungkook's body with one arm, a portion of the wall, and his hips while he collected Jungkook's arms in one hand. Taehyung hurriedly trailed kisses down Jungkook's neck, earning more lewd moans that aroused Taehyung even more. Jungkook tried to grind his erection into Taehyung's hips in need, only to halt Taehyung in his ministrations from a hard pant and a soft moan.
Taehyung hastily connected his lips against Jungkook's heated skin once more, snapping the button of Jungkook's pants without a second thought. When Taehyung's fingertips touched Jungkook's throbbing erection, Jungkook panted out a soft plea. "I- It's m- my f- first time," Jungkook moaned the last part softly as Taehyung broke away from Jungkook's skin. "I'll be gentle," Taehyung assured heatedly and heavy with soft pants, kissing Jungkook's swollen lips once again. That was all Jungkook needed to hear to allow Taehyung to proceed, his gentle hand freely roaming his body as Taehyung snapped the button of his own pants now.
Taehyung pulled Jungkook's pants down one leg at a time to drop them onto the hay covered ground and dropped his own pants down around his ankles. With ease, Taehyung spit in his free hand before grasping his erection and giving it a few harsh tugs to coat his length evenly with some sort of lubrication. Taehyung kissed Jungkook heatedly once again, placing his free hand against the wall beside Jungkook's head as he aligned his length with Jungkook's twitching hole. Without so much as a warning, Taehyung slowly eased his length inside of Jungkook with soft moans leaving the younger's lips while tears slid down the corners of his eyes.
Taehyung moved his free hand from the wall to Jungkook's erection, stroking the younger's twitching cock to ease the pain slightly. Once Taehyung was fully buried inside Jungkook, he broke the kiss to take a deep breath from how tight his walls were around his length. Taehyung continued to stroke Jungkook's length, using his thumb to spread Jungkook's precum all over his tip. "Let me know when you're ready for me to continue," Taehyung whispered sultrily, earning a soft moan from Jungkook with all the stimulation. "N- Now. You can continue now or I'm going to come before we even get started," Jungkook confessed softly, panting as Taehyung released Jungkook's length.
Taehyung pulled out of Jungkook before thrusting firmly back into him. Jungkook threw his head back into the wall as his back arched, pressing him tightly against Taehyung's body. Taehyung continued to stroke Jungkook's length in time to his thrusts now, their heavy pants mingling between them as Taehyung thrust hard and deep into Jungkook. Jungkook felt that tension build to an overwhelming and unbearable amount as Taehyung continued his ministrations, Jungkook glancing up at Taehyung through lust hooded eyes as their breaths mingled heavier between them.
Taehyung noticed lust, elation, seduction, and gratitude rage within Jungkook's eyes like a storm as the younger's crown pressed into the wall, offering up his lips to Taehyung. Although Taehyung didn't claim his lips in an attempt to hear Jungkook vocally express his gratitude. Jungkook's eyebrows knit together in pain as the younger's moans elevated in pitch and his nails dug into his own palm. Jungkook moaned lowly as his breath hitched and his heels pressed into Taehyung's thighs tighter. Taehyung jerked Jungkook's length harshly once as a loud moan ripped from the younger's lips. Taehyung allowed Jungkook to ride out his euphoria with harsh thrusts inside him until Taehyung's hips stuttered. Jungkook watched now as a storm raged on within Taehyung's irises, his hands tightening around Jungkook's wrists.
Taehyung grit his teeth hard as he continued to thrust shallowly inside Jungkook, his breath still mingling with Jungkook's own. Jungkook opened his legs a little wider, squeezing Taehyung's length just right as the elder's breath hitched now. The low and lewd moan that left Taehyung's lips had Jungkook kissing Taehyung heatedly once more, ready for Taehyung to wreck him even more. Although Taehyung needed to get back to work or risk getting in trouble with his grandfather. That night though, after they'd finished their chores and his grandfather had gone to bed, Taehyung made sure to take care of Jungkook again. That entire summer was consumed with lust, hunger for one another, and debauchery during their chores and every night. It was certainly a summer that Jungkook would never forget.
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