Spiritually Devoted
Hello, all the lovely readers that support these little one shots~♡ I hope today finds you well~♡ I'd been working on this one for a while for many reasons.:3 The idea came from watching this one woman's tiktok video about how she can see her dead ex boyfriend over shadowing her current boyfriend. I honestly believe in the spiritual plane for the simple fact of everything I've dealt with up into my adult life.🤣😂 Have any of you guys heard a voice so plainly and clear as day call your name, you swore someone else was in your house? I have.😂🤣 As terrifying as that was.🤣😂 I've even heard someone moving around inside the house when it's just me. Things being knocked over, broken, or feeling as if someone else is there with you when there's no one else present.😂🤣 It takes a toll on my mental capacity and sometimes I feel like I belong in a mental institution.🤣😂 Hence why this one shot changed as drastically as it did.😂🤣 Please do be wary of this chapter though if you are easily triggered by spirits or anything creepy. You may find certain descriptions to be horroresque, so please be advised when reading~♡ I hope that you all will enjoy this one shot though~♡
Taehyung bolted out of bed, a dream of his first sexual encounter with his late fiancé- Jungkook, rattling him into consciousness. He blinked languidly up at the ceiling several times as he sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes at the darkness that surrounded him. Taehyung glanced over at his recent boyfriend, who was still sleeping soundly beside him before glancing over at his alarm clock. The bright glare of the blue digital numbers that read 3:10 am blinded him as he sighed heavily. Taehyung threw his blankets off of his body and glanced around the dark room once more. His sleep had been disturbed every night at the same time since he started dating Hoseok and he couldn't figure out why this was transpiring. He'd only recently moved on after grieving several years over the untimely death of Jungkook.
Taehyung rubbed his eyes once more before leaving the room and wandering down the hall. He was wondering when he'd finally be able to get a full and restful night's sleep once again. Waking up before the sun rose was not his favorite thing to do, especially since he hadn't fallen asleep until after midnight the previous night. Taehyung stretched his back and flicked on the kitchen light as he noticed his laptop sitting on the table and perched himself in one of the seats in front of it. He opened it up and input his password before pulling up his video log and pressing the giant red record button. With a boxy smile, Taehyung began another blog that he could add to his Instagram later. "Hello, all my lovely listeners~ I couldn't sleep so here I am at," Taehyung paused for a moment to check the clock behind him before turning back towards the camera. "3:22 in the morning, documenting my weird mishaps here," Taehyung explained to the people that would be listening later on. He was trying to be as quiet as possible so that he didn't wake Hoseok in the next room. Although, Hoseok understood that Taehyung would never forget Jungkook and what transpired in their relationship.
"It's been about two months since I moved in with Hobi now and things have gotten fairly odd recently. So... I haven't shared what happened between my last partner and I yet. Jungkook was my fiancé. He was the love of my life but fate wouldn't have it so. We were set to be married in the spring five years ago. Although... For whatever reason, we got into a heated argument a week prior to our wedding date," Taehyung explained softly, his voice reflecting the emotion he felt from that day forward. "And by heated, I mean, we were screaming at each other and throwing things. He hit me and I hit him, it was nothing but miserable violence. Something... That I'll never be able to apologize for either. After I hit him, he hurled a vase at me and told me he was going to stay at a hotel for the rest of the week and I agreed, thinking this would be the best for both of us. Allow us to cool down and collect our thoughts. How wrong I was," Taehyung added miserably, his voice cracking with emotion as he swallowed his regret. "Jungkook had made it safely to the hotel... Only for someone to target him because he was dressed professionally and they assumed he had a lot of money. He didn't have any cash on him that day... Just his debit card. Fate cruelly took the love of my life in a vicious robbery that resulted in his death because he wouldn't hand over any cash," Taehyung finished his reverie, close to the brink of tears as he blinked them away. "They didn't have to stab him over 23 times for money he would have gladly handed over if he'd had it on him. They didn't have to beat him out of malice either," Taehyung mumbled incoherently, sniffling as he wiped his eyes.
"I miss him every day of my damn life and I can do nothing about it. Although... After grieving the past four years... I met someone who gave my life a more positive outlook again. He's helped me move past the misery and focus on living my life once again. Many of you have seen him in my other blogs, where he makes a surprise appearance," Taehyung explained softly, giggling cutely at the memories. A soft yawn and shuffling caught Taehyung's attention as he glanced up to see Hoseok standing in the kitchen, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "What are you doing up, baby?" Hoseok asked quietly, yawning once again as he shuffled his way towards the refrigerator. Taehyung glanced back at Hoseok with a smile as he watched the elder pour himself a glass of milk before drinking it slowly, his back still turned towards Taehyung. "I was making a vlog to post to Instagram later since I couldn't sleep," Taehyung clarified nonchalantly, turning back towards his video. "Speak of the devil and there he shall be," Taehyung joked playfully with the camera, glancing up when Hoseok shuffled up behind his chair and glanced into the camera.
"It seems you haven't been able to sleep well for months, love. You should definitely see someone about that. Please cut this part out though. I look atrocious with bed head," Hoseok grumbled under his breath, complaining about his sleepy appearance on the video. "But I'm going to head back to bed. Join me when you can sleep again," Hoseok whispered in Taehyung's ear, dipping his head and kissing the younger tenderly on his lips before shuffling away once again. Tashyung hit the red record button once again to stop his recording, sighing softly to himself as he revised the recording before posting the full video to his Instagram. Once his video was posted, Taehyung decided it was time to crawl back into bed. Cuddled up to Hoseok, Taehyung finally drifted off into a deep slumber once again.
Later that day, Taehyung woke up to more than 50 notifications on his phone for Instagram alone. He sighed pleasantly as he unlocked his phone, clicking on the notification. Immediately, comments on his video flooded his vision as he deliberately scanned through the contents of what everyone was saying about his video. Although, the comments flooding in weren't what he was expecting as a shiver ran down his spine. Taehyung felt uneasy as he continued to sift through the comments, each one noting how Hoseok didn't appear to look like himself. When Taehyung replayed his own video, he could finally discern what his viewers meant in their comments. Hoseok most certainly did not appear to be himself at all. Hoseok, in fact, had his back turned for the majority of Taehyung's recording, yet there was clearly a face staring back at him throughout the video.
Taehyung glanced at the comments once again, many of his older observers noting how the face on the back of Hoseok's head oddly reminded them of Jungkook. Taehyung had taken down every video he'd made with Jungkook because it hurt too much to keep them on his channel. Although, it did no good now that Taehyung's longest standing spectators were spouting nonsense about how Jungkook's spirit must still be with Taehyung and that maybe they've never actually seen Hoseok's true appearance because it's probably been skewed by Jungkook's manifested spirit. Taehyung couldn't be sure if he could believe those kinds of comments but he had to record another video with Hoseok to be absolutely sure that this wasn't just a fluke either.
Later that night, when Hoseok returned home from work, Taehyung shoved the camera of his phone in Hoseok's face and stood beside Hoseok with a giant, boxy grin before snapping a quick picture. Hoseok chuckled softly as he stepped away from Taehyung to set down his briefcase. "Why the sudden urge to take a picture, love?" Hoseok inquired nonchalantly, loosening his tie as he sighed with relief. Hoseok hastily plopped onto the couch as Taehyung promptly gleaned over the photo taking in every little detail- only to realize the comments on his Instagram video were right. Taehyung wasn't looking at a photo of him and Hoseok at all, Taehyung was staring at a photo of him beside someone he thought he'd never see again. Silently, tears slipped past Taehyung's eyes as he turned his back towards Hoseok. He didn't want the elder to realize that he was crying as he clutched his phone with the picture of Taehyung and Jungkook's manifested spirit overlaying Hoseok close to his heart. He couldn't allow Hoseok to realize what was transpiring as he hastily wiped his eyes.
"What would you want for dinner, love?" Hoseok asked from the living room before entering the kitchen, noticing Taehyung standing in the center of it. Hoseok found this odd as he hesitantly approached Taehyung, the younger turning towards him with a soft smile. "You pick, sweetheart. I'm fine with whatever you want," Taehyung commented softly, clasping his hands behind his back. Hoseok thought for a moment before smiling and tenderly kissing Taehyung's lips. "You know, I'm staring at something pretty delicious right now," Hoseok mentioned seductively, pulling Taehyung closer. Although, the entire notion, down to the exact phrase reminded him of something Jungkook would do and say. Taehyung was silent for several moments before gazing up into Hoseok's intense gaze. "Shall we retire to the bedroom then?" Taehyung inquired softly, being navigated toward the bedroom by Hoseok.
That night, after everything that had transpired and they'd fallen asleep, Taehyung was once again violently woken up at 3:10 am. Taehyung glanced hastily around the room to see if he could catch a glimpse of Jungkook's essence. Although, he never caught sight of anything as he sighed heavily to himself. Maybe he was thinking far too much about his viewers' comments and shouldn't be putting as much stock into them as he had been? Although, that was easier said than done now that the thought had been put into his head. All he wanted was to see Jungkook one last time and apologize for the way things turned out. He only needed closure if nothing else from Jungkook. Although Taehyung would gladly love to be held by Jungkook again, he knew that wasn't an option any time soon.
Taehyung was just about to give up seeing Jungkook's soul and tossed himself onto his back when a distinct voice reached his ears. "You don't have to keep looking for me. I'm always right beside you," the voice echoed tenderly in Taehyung's ears as he hastily sat up and flicked on his bedside lamp. Taehyung knew that voice well. Although, there was nothing in their room other than their furniture and soft mumbles from Hoseok. Taehyung glanced over at Hoseok, falling out of their bed in absolute horror when he realized Hoseok was sleeping with his eyes wide open. Although, that same voice laughed heartily at Taehyung's mishap before Hoseok's fingers curled over the edge of the bed. "I did say I'd always be beside you. Even if that means using your new sweetheart to communicate that to you," Hoseok's detached voice reiterated casually, shrugging at the horrified look on Taehyung's face. "Our love was like no other and I never intended to give that up, even after that argument. It just showed how passionate we were towards one another, did it not?"
Taehyung nodded numbly at the question, wondering who it was he'd honestly spent the night pleasing. "Y- Yes, it did," Taehyung agreed anxiously, staring up at Hoseok's glossy eyes. "I- I just wish I could take it back... Take back everything I said that night and everything I did if it meant having you beside me instead," Taehyung finally cried out, tears slipping past his eyes and down his rosy cheeks as he remained on the floor. "I- I miss you so much," Taehyung cried out as a soft, hurt huff escaped Hoseok. Taehyung glanced up once again to realize Hoseok was staring back at him with hurt evident in his gaze. "I see you still miss Jungkook. So much to the point that you're projecting your desire for him to be beside you onto me," Hoseok announced solemnly, shaking his head in disdain. "You know what I said if you kept this delusion up, right? That you'd be institutionalized and medicated for your benefit," Hoseok reiterated calmly, standing to his feet as Taehyung scooted along the floor away from Hoseok.
"N- No! I- I don't want to go back there," Taehyung cried out, frantically trying to get away from Hoseok now. "Th- They'll take Jungkook from me again," Taehyung whispered pitifully, tears falling endlessly down his rosy cheeks now. "I- I c- can't be without him again," Taehyung added as Hoseok sighed impatiently. "You let those people's comments get in your head and now you've lost yourself again, Tae," Hoseok tried to explain as Taehyung continued to wail out of fear. "I don't want to lose Jungkook again," Taehyung cried out, huddling onto his hands and knees on the ground. He tucked his head between his arms as Hoseok reached for him, sighing softly at how bad he'd allowed Taehyung to become once again. Nobody else besides Hoseok realized how mentally unstable Taehyung was after Jungkook passed away. He stayed with Taehyung to help him move on, although that was the hardest part. Hoseok genuinely had feelings for Taehyung but he knew those feelings would never fully be reciprocated because of how attached Taehyung was to Jungkook. Hoseok was honestly surprised that Taehyung was still alive at all after Jungkook departed. Although, his instability and desire to die were the initial reasons Taehyung had been hospitalized and medicated.
Hoseok stared down at the weeping huddled mess that was Taehyung, crouching down and offering him an open hand. "Please take your medications again. I know you hallucinate that you actually see Jungkook but I'd rather that than the alternative, Tae," Hoseok spoke calmly and rationally, still holding his hand out for Taehyung. Taehyung glanced up once again and even though he wasn't taking his medications, he swore he could see Jungkook even now. He hastily shook his head to clear his thoughts, batting Hoseok's hand away from him. "N- No! H- He's here with me, I know it," Taehyung cried out, huddling down into a ball yet again to try and block Hoseok out now. Hoseok sighed softly before standing to his feet once more. "I'm sorry then, my love. You leave me no other alternative," Hoseok whispered sorrowfully, dialing the number to the mental institution Taehyung had once been a resident of before. No matter how much Taehyung screamed and fought the substantial grips of the orderlies, they managed to sedate him and cart him off once again. Before the sun rose again the next day, Taehyung was staring at the padded walls of a white room with a straight jacket wrapped tightly around him to keep him from harming himself or others.
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