Listen to your hyungs!
It wasn't uncommon for the members of BTS to invite staff over to their place for meals and get togethers during their downtime. The staff and the members had developed a strong relationship with eachother after working together for so many years. They trusted eachother. Everyone was more like a giant family rather than coworkers.
When a new staff member, named Kan, started working with the crew a few weeks ago, the members had been meaning to invite him over to hang out sometime so they could get to know eachother better. Unfortunately everyone's schedules had been so busy that the members and Kan could never find the time.
The members liked Kan, he was a great worker and great team player. He was also very respectful to the members and everyone around him, the members were happy with Bighits decision to hire such a great guy. Kan seemed like a rather reserved guy, he was never one to draw attention to or talk about himself much. Yoongi especially respected that, as Yoongi found himself to be the same way sometimes. He knew they'd get along great.
For the first time in what felt like months, everyone would finally have a few days off. Namjoon decided now would be a perfect time to invite their new crew member over to hang out, maybe have a few drinks together while getting to know eachother more.
"I'd love that", Kan replied. He'd also been looking forward to the day he'd get to go hang out at BTS' dorm. He thought they were a great group of guys. Well, almost great. He thought they were all cool, except something always irked him about Taehyung. Yet he couldn't fully understand what. He thought Taehyung was a bit strange in the head, kind of weird, always off in his own world. Taehyung would act strange or act in ways on set that would highly annoy Kan, but he kept it to himself. It's not like he was going to walk up to a member of the biggest boy band in the world and say "Stop being yourself, you're annoying." He knew ARMY's would have his head on a platter. He figured he'd have a fun time, as long as Taehyung stayed out of his hair. He'd worked with the group long enough to know that the maknae line was a chaotic dynamic. He had no idea how the hyung line had so much patience.
He really didnt, because Kan himself did not have that same patience.
The members were hanging out at home on Friday night when Kan came knocking at the door. Everyone was excited to get to know this new member of their family. He even showed up with adult beverages for everyone, actually quite a lot of adult beverages.
"Jeez what did you do rob a liquor store?!" Jimin was amazed by how much alcohol Kan actually brought.
"Oh no, half of this is just from my house," Kan laughed.
"YOUR HOUSE?!" All the members replied in unison. Why did he have so much alcohol in his house? They all wondered.
"You have all worked so hard , I figured we could just let loose for a night!" Kan exclaimed as he placed everything down in their kitchen.
Jungkook tugged at Yoongi's shirt sleeve and Yoongi could see the concern in his eyes. "Ah Jungkook-ah, don't worry. I dont know about Kan but you know hyungs wont over-drink. We know it scares you." He patted jungkook on the shoulder while his maknae smiled. Apparently nobody happened to inform Kan that the maknae of BTS was pretty much terrified of drunk people. He got extremely nervous if someone around him was too intoxicated. Dont get him wrong, he loved having a drink or two with his hyungs and relaxing, but thats all it ever was. His hyungs knew about his anxiety so never allowed themselves to get drunk when he was around. They'd also listen immediately if he asked them to stop drinking because he thought they've had too much. The hyungs were almost grateful for Jungkook's anxiety because it meant they all stayed straight and never over did it leading to something stupid. They always called their maknae's fear 'a blessing in disguise'.
The members gathered around and grabbed some of the beers.
"Where do we want takeout from?" Jin asked everyone. He was in charge of ordering everyones dinner, but thank God for delivery.
"Panda Express!" Taehyung screamed. The rest of the members protested, they didnt want Panda Express. They mentioned some other restaurants that everyone agreed on. Except Taehyung.
"Panda Express! Panda Express! Panda Express!" He was practically chanting it. Kan bit his tongue. Not only was Taehyung annoying at work, but he is annoying at home too?
"Taehyung it's seven against one here so you lose", Kan told him sternly. Taehyung pouted, he knew he was right. This was a battle he'd just have to lose. However, Jin was a pushover through and through and hated seeing any of the members pout, especially one of the maknae's.
"Tae what do you want from Panda ? I can have something delivered from there too," Jin asked. Taehyung's eyes lit up as he excitedly jumped around the kitchen giving his order.
"Thank you hyung, you're the best!" Taehyung gripped Jin tightly.
Kan understood now. No wonder he's annoying, he's spoiled.
Kan sipped down some whiskey and looked at Jungkook, Jungkook was staring at him.
"What?" Kan asked. It came out a bit harsh, he didn't mean it to.
"Is whiskey your favorite?" Jungkook asked. He couldnt help but notice how much whiskey the man had brought, and had been drinking. His members had only touched the light beers out of respect for Jungkook, so this man was consuming all the whiskey he brought, along with pretty much all the other types of alcohol as well.
"Sure is, kid."
"Do you hold your alcohol well? I mean you seem to be able to drink a lot.."
A radar went off in Hobi who was standing nearby. He knew in Jungkook language that meant the maknae was getting uncomfortable. He went over and placed his hands around Jungkook's shoulders and hugged him, "Want to go watch a movie?" Hobi asked the maknae. The youngest shook his head yes and let his Hobi hyung guide him to the couch.
Jungkook kept glancing back at Kan, who was laughing and drinking with the rest of the members in the kitchen. "Hobi hyung? Kan is drinking like.. a lot .. maybe we could ask him to tone it down?"
"I would but it's alcohol he brought I cant tell him he cant drink it..." Hobi was a bit at a loss at what to tell Jungkook. Yes he knew the youngest got nervous, but how could he tell someone to stop drinking something they had brought themselves? Hobi felt like it wasnt his place to make that request, and honestly none of them liked confrontation anyway. He knew it was their house and they made the rules, but they were also keen on honoring their guests.
"Just dont worry okay? If it gets out of hand we'll call him a ride to go, alright?" Hobi squeezed Jungkook in his arm again as they relaxed and watched their movie.
The members in the kitchen were having a fun time getting to know Kan more. He had a ton of interesting stories, it seemed like he's lived quite the life already although he wasn't much older than Jin. Kan enjoyed telling his stories but was getting irritated that Taehyung kept interrupting with stupid questions every five minutes. Every time he felt the ping of annoyance, he'd take a shot. Taehyung was quite literally driving him to drink.
It didn't help that Taehyung may have also exceeded his alcohol tolerance limit. He wasn't a drinker and was usually a little tipsy after a single beer. However in the excitement of the night he hadn't realized he'd now chugged down his third one. He was a little drunk. He was starting to slur his words while asking Kan his questions.
"Alright Tae, I'm cutting you off now." Namjoon walked over and threw Taehyung's empty beer can away.
"Aww but we are just getting started hyung!"
Yoongi and Jin both gave Taehyung a warning glare, and Yoongi pointed to Jungkook who was staring at them and paying no attention to the movie, "You're making him nervous now. So no more."
Taehyung felt a little guilt creep up. He knew he was a little drunk.
"SORRY JUNGKOOK-sssi! Don't worry! Maknae! Hyung is NOT drunk!! Okay?! Not dru..unk!" Maybe just a little drunk. Jungkook let out a huff and furrowed his eyebrows. Of course it'd be Taehyung. As long as the rest of his hyungs remained sober he wouldn't worry too much. They'd keep Taehyung from doing something dumb.
"Must you yell?" Kan scolded Taehyung out of nowhere.
"I said must you yell? You're so loud."
"I'm sorry", Taehyung felt offended and decided to leave the kitchen to go to Jungkook. He grabbed Jungkook's hand and tried pulling him off the couch, "Will you play with me?"
"Hyungie we are watching a movie, you can join us."
"Play with meeee!" Taehyung plopped himself right on top of the maknae. Hobi started laughing, he personally thought Taehyung was absolutely hilarious when he was drunk. Mainly because he usually acted like a complete idiot and it was comical.
"Get off meee!" Jungkook mocked the same voice Taehyung used. The older started poking him in the chest before starting to tickle him.
"Hyungie! No! Sto-ahh!" Jungkook fell into a fit of giggles as Taehyung continued to tickle him. Hobi paused the movie, clearly tonight was just not the night . The members were laughing in the kitchen watching the two playfully tickle and wrestle eachother in the living room. They all thought the maknae's were cute. Kan however, did not.
"Why are they so obnoxious?" Kan asked Yoongi.
"You've worked with them long enough to know they're always like this," Yoongi replied.
"I thought that was just for comedic relief on camera. I didnt know they act like this all the time."
"Of course they do, plus TaeTae is a bit intoxicated so that doesn't help us."
"Well tell them to stop," Kan demanded. The maknae's were giving him a headache as he chugged a container full of moonshine.
"Why?" Namjoon asked, "They're just playing." Namjoon started feeling a little defensive seeing someone have a problem with the two just having fun in their own living room.
Jimin was eyeing Kan and couldn't help but notice how much he'd been drinking and how his attitude was starting to change, "Hey Kan hyung? I dont mean to .. not mind my business but haven't you had enough to drink? I mean you've had quite a lot maybe you should take it easy."
"Mind your business", Kan shot back. Jimin dropped his gaze to the floor without replying. For a moment he realized why drunk people made Jungkook nervous. He was feeling a little apprehensive himself.
Jin walked over and rubbed Jimin's back, "He's right Kan. Maybe we should call it a night with the drinking."
Before Kan could reply, Jungkook and Taehyung zoomed past them all, laughing hysterically. At some point their game of tickles had turned into a game of tag throughout the house.
"Aish! Maknae's dont run in the house! You'll hurt yourself!" Namjoon scolded the two youngest. However his demand went unnoticed as the two kept zooming back and forth in a fit of laughter. Yoongi tried stopping Jungkook by grabbing at his shirt, but he easily still ran away being chased by Taehyung.
"Taehyung and Jungkookie! Stop running before you get hurt!" Jimin also scolded.
When the two were on their way running back to the kitchen, Hobi ran over and jumped in front of Jungkook, both of them giggling. However Taehyung still kept running around, and Kan had enough. As Taehyung made his way back around, Kan stood up.
"Your hyungs told you to stop! Why are you not fucking listening you little shit?!" Kan screamed as he lifted his arm and punched Taehyung straight in the face. Taehyung flew to the floor as his nose instantly started bleeding and he smacked his forehead into the corner of the counter which instantly left a purple and blue bruise scraped across his face.
"Owwwww!!!" Taehyung grabbed his face as he began to hysterically cry.
"Oh my God.... I'm so sorry..." Kan said as he started walking towards Taehyung.
"Please, no!" Taehyung screamed as he put his arm out gesturing for Kan not to come any closer. The members couldn't tell if they were in some kind of shock or daze or what. It was like it happened in slow motion, yet so quickly at the same time.
Kan just punched Taehyung.
Taehyung is on the floor , crying and bleeding..
Our TaeTae was...hit...
Another loud sob could be heard as Jungkook dove to the floor embracing his hyung in a tight hug.
"HYUNGIE!!" He screamed. Taehyung buried his bleeding face into Jungkook's neck and completely wailed. Jimin and Hobi also dropped down to the floor and held him. "Aw Taehyungie are you okay??? You'll be okay. You'll be okay." Jimin comforted him as he continued to cry. Taehyung couldn't tell if he was crying because he was physically hurting or because he was scared. Probably both.
Everyone was trying hard to suppress their anger, however with some alcohol in them that was hard to do.
Yoongi gave Kan a hard push, "What the fuck did you hit him for?!"
Namjoon and Jin ran to get towels to help with the blood, they also grabbed ice packs.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to it's just he was being crazy and not listening to anyone!" Kan was panicking, "He was being disrespectful to you and I was just-"
"SO YOU PUNCH HIM?!" Yoongi screamed, "Maybe I should see how you like being decked in the fuckin face, huh?!" Yoongi balled up his fist but Hobi quickly got up and grabbed him. "Hyung, dont."
Yoongi brushed Hobi aside and got right in Kan's face, he was radiating with the smell of alcohol. "Nobody, and I mean NOBODY ..EVER hits Taehyung. Do you understand me?! Nobody hits ANY of us!"
"I didn't fuckin mean to! But if he had just listened in the first place it wouldn't have happened to begin with!" Kan protested. Jimin's anger boiled over and he started screaming at Kan while still holding Taehyung, "You're trying to say its Tae's own fault that YOU punched him in the face?! You're seriously trying to do that right now?!"
Jungkook reached over and grabbed Jimins arm, "Hyung, please.." he pouted. The maknae was so terrified right now. As if drunk people weren't scary enough, something even scarier was angry drunk people. Kan just hurt his Taehyung, he was terrified that the man would hurt someone else if they also made him angry. He looked down at Taehyung, who was being cradled between him and Jimin and sobbing and bleeding all over them. He didn't seem to have anything to say while Namjoon tried wiping the blood and Jin held the ice pack to the cut on his forehead.
"Maybe if you guys showed some damn discipline around here, shit like this wouldn't happen!" Kan was refusing to admit he was in the wrong. If the older members taught the younger ones how to be more respectful, they would have never been in this situation.
"So what? Are you saying we should all just hit eachother all the time as punishments?" Namjoon asked angrily. He couldn't believe the stuff Kan was saying. Was he always this scary and mean when drunk? He honestly would have never guessed.
"Whatever it takes," Kan slurred as he began rocking.
"I'm calling you a ride home. And also, if his nose is broken, we're sending you the bill. You're also fired!" Yoongi yelled. None of the other members seemed to protest that statement.
"Fired?! You cant fire me! " Kan screamed.
Jin got up and walked over to Kan to give Yoongi some back up, "We can fire you. Or have you arrested. Actually, maybe we should leave that up to Taehyung. Tae, want to press charges?"
Taehyung filled with more anxiety. Kan was already scary, he didn't want to do anything that'd make him more angry. He shook his head no and clung closer to Jungkook.
"Guess you got lucky there," Jin started "But you're still fired. None of us can trust you after something like this. How do we know you won't hit someone again? We cant. Wait outside while I call you a cab."
Kan protested and started yelling things that were incoherent because he was so drunk at this point. Taehyung and Jungkook both started shaking in fear, so Namjoon wrapped his arms around them and cradled them both in a protective hug. Yoongi and Jin both shoved Kan out the door and waited for the taxi, they came back in when Kan was gone. While they were outside their food was also delivered. Awkward timing. They brought the food in but nobody was hungry anymore. They put it away for later.
"Dont worry, I'll let the company know he can't come back." Yoongi reassured everyone. Now that Kan was gone, everyones attention was on Taehyung. Thankfully his nose had stopped bleeding, but it was bruised.
"How badly does it hurt? Do you think it's broken? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Jin asked.
Taehyung shook his head no without saying anything. The members were increasingly worried that Taehyung wasn't talking.
"Tae its okay," Jimin gently rubbed his hand on Taehyungs cheek, he couldn't stop staring at the bruise across his forehead, "He cant hurt you again.." Jimin pulled him into a hug and began to cry.
Taehyung looked around at everyone, tears falling from his eyes, "I'm sorry.." he whispered. Confusion filled the room, "No no no Tae don't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. He shouldn't have hurt you.." Hobi told him.
"I didnt listen to hyung, Im sorry."
Yoongi gently grabbed Taehyungs arm, "Look at me." Taehyung still hid his face. Yoongi gently turned Taehyungs face toward him, "No matter what you did, don't ever in your life think it's your fault if someone hurts you. I don't want you ever thinking you deserve to get hit or pushed or anything as a form of discipline. Seriously, don't you ever apologize or blame yourself for someone else's actions. You got that?"
Taehyung stared at him in silence.
"Taehyung do you understand?" Yoongi asked again.
Taehyung nodded. He had a pretty bad headache at this point and his forehead and nose were throbbing. He didn't think it was broken though. He looked at Jungkook and could see the fear in his eyes. He finally understood Jungkook's fear of drunk people, he was pretty sure from this day forward he would also have that fear. Jimin offered him some pain killers . Everyone's head turned when they suddenly heard Hobi crying.
"Hyung?" Asked Taehyung.
"It's my fault. I'm so sorry. Kookie asked me to tell him to lay off the drinking before it got worse and I just didn't listen. I'm sorry to both of you. If I had asked him to stop it.."
Hobi was cut off by Namjoon. "Hyung it's nobodys fault but Kan's, okay? Like Yoongi-hyung told Taehyung, we can't blame ourselves for his own actions." He rubbed Hobi's back.
The members cleaned up the place and helped Taehyung to bed. He quickly passed out from the painkillers. Jungkook and Jimin had also crawled into Taehyungs bed and they were all tangled up with eachother. The hyungs were watching them sleep from the doorway.
"Think he'll be alright?" Jin asked.
"He's strong, he'll be okay. Aish what are we going to do with these maknae's?" Hobi joked.
"Well one thing we wont do is ever hit them. Seriously what a fuckin psycho," Yoongi replied.
"Another thing we should probably not do is invite staff over for drinks anymore," Namjoon mentioned. All the hyungs agreed in unison as they closed the maknae's door and headed to their own rooms for bed.
What a long night.
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