stuck with u
word count : 8,169
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Taehyun knew it was a horrible idea to accept the invite of hanging out at the amusement park with Soobin and Huening Kai.
Don't get him wrong, he loves his friends, more than his heart can handle! He was honestly grateful he met the two of them in high school, years of friendship clinging onto them like a koala.
But... there is just one thing that he dislikes about being around the two.
It was how disgustingly in love the both of them were.
He remembers it clear as day when he discovered that the both of them had fallen for each other, the day Soobin had came over to his house in the middle of the night in full blown tears and covered in... chocolate cake batter...?
At first, he thought that the elder had somehow gotten jumped by a bunch of children who thought throwing chocolate on an innocent man trying to go home was funny, but when Soobin took the time to calm down and explain, he soon found out it's because he had blown up his electric mixing machine after over beating the batter... he doesn't even want to ask how.
It only took a few minutes of panicking for the elder to blurt out that he had a crush on a specific friend of theirs, that specific friend being none other than Huening Kai, a literal angel who descended onto Earth.
Now, discovering that your friend has a crush on your other friend is a mixture of emotions... of course he was shocked at first, he had always noticed how clingy Soobin was around Huening Kai, but he never really thought about it further than that.
Then there's the excitement, he was over the moon to know that someone so kind and understanding like Soobin would have a crush on Huening Kai, who wouldn't? Huening Kai was amazing, a blessing on Earth.
So after a few weeks of planning it out and giving moral support, he finally managed to build Soobin's confidence levels and get him to confess to Huening Kai.
It was safe to say it all went well.
The two of them were adorable with each other, two soft hearted people treating each other with everything they got, being all lovey dovey and supporting one another, they were sweet.
Almost too sweet.
Now, Taehyun personally enjoyed being single, it was a breath of fresh air knowing he wouldn't have to worry about whether he was a good partner or not but... he will admit... it does get lonely.
Especially when you have friends who were disgustingly in love, not to mention being a third wheel too.
"What was the point of bringing me if you guys are only going to hold hands and be all gross this entire time?" Taehyun whined loudly, crossing his arms as he watched the couple in front of him swing their hands together. "I did not sign up to be a third wheel!"
"Hey! It's not our fault you wanted to come alone," Huening Kai said, looking over at his best friend who was pouting angrily. "We told you to bring a friend, but you insisted on going alone!"
"That's because I don't have any other friends, Hyuka!" Taehyun groaned, his face flushing a bit red when he shamefully admitted the harsh truth. "I just thought we would get to have fun together! Not me watching you two kiss on a rollercoaster!"
"But you always talked about wanting to come here, Tyun." Soobin was the next one to speak up, his voice soft as he smiled warmly. "It took us weeks to score tickets for this amusement park!"
When the news of a new amusement park opening up about two hours away from the city had announced, it was like a huge battlefield just to get tickets reserved for them, they had to wait nearly two months until an opening had blessed down upon them, and let's say those tickets weren't cheap at all.
So... Taehyun felt a little bit bad for complaining so much, but it was so awkward going on rides and being with some stranger or little kid while his two best friends were in front of him holding onto each other tightly.
But he knew that neither Soobin or Huening Kai meant any harm, the both of them had done their best to make sure that he was included in any activity they do, it was a bit of a struggle for the rollercoasters though.
Huening Kai, being the sweetheart he is, offered to sit next to Taehyun when they were in line for their fourth rollercoaster, but when he saw the puppy eyes Soobin unconsciously had, his weak heart couldn't handle separating the couple, rejecting the offer right away.
Maybe he should've accepted it, now that he thinks about it.
But he doesn't want to be a mood killer, he's grateful he's spending time with his friends — especially since their schedules were extremely busy, just making sure they had a week off of work or college that aligned was hard enough to figure out.
"We went on half of the rollercoasters they have to offer," Soobin spoke up as he glanced down at the map of the amusement park, half of the rollercoasters crossed off so they knew which ones they've ridden or not. "Do you guys want to continue on or head somewhere else?"
"Let's take a break," Huening Kai chirped up happily, staring up at the tall rollercoasters around them as people who were on them passed by, screaming loudly. "How about we hit the souvenir shop? Ohh! Wait, are you hungry? Who's hungry?"
Huening Kai looked over towards Soobin who politely shook his head, his appetite was long gone after screaming it up on all of those rollercoasters. He then looked over at Taehyun who was distracted by all of the rides around him, his eyes wide and sparkly when his eyes landed on the giant ferris wheel.
That's when the imaginary light bulb above Huening Kai's pretty head went off, a small sky smirk twitching on his lips before he cleared his throat and wiped that expression off.
When the male heard his name being called out, he suddenly flinched and glanced over at his best friend who was staring at him with a curious gaze, as if he were waiting for an answer or something.
"Oh..." He croaked out, a bit embarrassed that he wasn't paying attention and foolishly got distracted by the ferris wheel. "I'm sorry, what was the question again? I was caught off guard."
"I saw," Huening Kai teased, which made the poor male flush red. "Anyways, I was asking whether you were hungry or not?"
That question had him thinking, he doesn't really feel hungry... and if he were to eat just because he was a bit bored then it definitely would bite him in the ass once they go on the rides with the crazy twists and turns, so with a polite smile, he shook his head.
"Perfect!" Huening Kai beamed brightly, clasping his hands together in excitement. "Let's go to the souvenir shop! I saw a sanrio one, let's find it and blow our money off of it!"
They didn't waste any time searching for the sanrio souvenir shop, which was on the other side of the damn amusement park, so it took them around twenty minutes just to walk to the other side and find it, which was surprisingly easy... they don't know how neither of them noticed a store with a giant my melody outside of it.
Now, a souvenir shop shouldn't be that bad right?
Yeah, dead wrong.
The minute they all went inside of it, it was sanrio paradise, shelves stocked up with giant plushies of those given characters and even headbands of them were on display, just a bunch of merch merch merch.
Perfect for a stuff animal crazed maniac like Huening Kai, who wasted no time dragging Soobin over towards the giant stuff animal sections with headbands around them, immediately doing lovey couple things.
Taehyun, being the good yet lonely friend he is, decided to let the two be immersed in the moment as he walked over to the other side of the store, his eyes scanning the shelves before landing on a chococat plushie backpack, his eyes lighting up with stars as he picked the delicate material up.
This is so cute! Taehyun internally squealed, examining the backpack from all angles before moving his arms through the straps. It's so adorable, but so expensive...
He stood there for a few seconds before huffing loudly, turning around as he faced the mirror that was behind him on a wall, turning to the side as he looked over his shoulder — nearly melting at the sight of how well the chococat plushie backpack suited him.
Right when Taehyun was about to be set on buying it, his eyes suddenly landed on a kuromi plush backpack, his eyes widening when he saw how adorable it also was — fuck! Kuromi was one of his favorite characters.
He was hesitant at first, but after a few seconds of silently debating, he swung the chococat backpack off and held onto one of the straps as he grabbed the kuromi one, turning around right away as he glanced at himself in the mirror and held up the both of them.
Awww fuck, now he's in a dilemma.
Let's see...
The chococat was adorable, super light and seemed like it had enough space in it to fit all of his things when he goes out again, it's also just fucking cute and adorable... he loves it so much!
But the kuromi... oh how it caught his attention, she's a classic and a lot of people love her, he had about five of her plushies in his room somewhere because of Huening Kai constantly gifting him them after discovering that he liked her.
He definitely can't get both, as much as he wants to, they're too expensive! Just one is definitely going to leave a nasty sent in his bank account, he's still trying to save up for their trip to Japan that's coming in a couple months!
The male stood there, his lips were in a tight line as his cheeks were puffed out, he was focused on choosing the right bag for himself — he was not going home without one, so maybe he could just do eenie meenie miney mo—
"I think you should choose chococat, he looks like you."
An unfamiliar voice that randomly broke through Taehyun's concentration appeared, catching the male off guard as he yelped loudly and dropped the two bags, immediately looking over towards the side as his eyes widened seeing a guy he doesn't know staring at him.
Taehyun won't lie, this dude was extremely fine.
He had jet black hair with streaks of blonde highlights, his hair styled and went down just above his shoulders in a wolf cut like style, and despite the hot weather outside he had worn a dark gray t-shirt with a black design on it, tucked into some baggy denim jeans that were ripped in the knee area, finishing the outfit with some white converse that looked brand new and expensive.
The guy in front of him seemed to notice Taehyun staring a bit too hard, which caused him to grin slightly as he waved his hand which snapped the male right back into reality.
"Staring a bit rude, you know?" The stranger said, which made him realize how deep it was when he finally paid attention, it was deep yet was soothing like honey.
Taehyun, who snapped back into reality, had awkwardly coughed loudly and glanced away. "Uhm, sorry, you caught me off guard... popping up out of no where and all."
"Ah," The stranger hummed, taking a good look at him as his eyes trailed up and down — as if he were examining his appearance. "My bad, couldn't help myself when it looked like you were going through an existential crisis." He said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
Well, that just embarrassed him even more, he hadn't realized how distressed he came off when he was mentally debating about which backpack to get.
Looking back over at the stranger, he noticed how the male had a kuromi headband on his head, his eyes lingering there for a few seconds before a bit of amusement began to build up. Someone so scary looking somehow looked so cute with a sanrio headband on.
"I assume you're here to get a souvenir too?" Taehyun asked, trying to direct the awkward interaction away from his little crisis. "The kuromi headband looks good on you."
"I think I'm honored to receive such a kind compliment from someone as pretty as you," The stranger said smoothly, which made Taehyun's heart skip a beat. "Anyways, sanrio isn't really my thing, was forced here by my brother and his girlfriend."
That definitely caught Taehyun's attention.
"Your brother and his girlfriend?"
"Oh, yeah," The male chuckled softly, leaning against the wall as he tilted his head. "My brother wanted to bring his girlfriend here for their anniversary, but he had a spare ticket, so he invited me."
Taehyun was a bit surprised, he definitely thought that this dude was part of some sort of famous group or something because of his good looks. "How's that going for you?"
That question seemed to hit the stranger right in the cold spot, the males smile dropping slightly as a teasing groan left his throat. "It's honestly... suffocating, they're so lovey dovey it hurts! Like... I wonder why I accepted the offer, third wheeling is not for the weak! Like, have mercy on the loner!"
Taehyun couldn't help but burst out into a soft fit of giggles when the male had suddenly started ranting on about how suffocating it was being around a couple, that, is definitely something he can relate to.
The stranger suddenly paused as he stared at Taehyun covering his face as he tried to hide his fit off giggles, just seeing him laugh was enough to make his own lips twitch in amusement. "Hey! What's so funny? Are you making fun of my misery and suffering?"
"Pfft- no! Not at all-" Taehyun snorted softly as he looked away, trying to calm down his fit of laughter as his face began to flush pink. "It's just- It's amusing! We're in the same boat, don't worry! I'm just happy I'm not the only one suffering!"
The male stood there in confusion, tilting his head like a lost puppy as Taehyun broke down into a fit of laughter even more. "What do you mean by that?"
Taehyun inhaled a deep breath, trying to calm down as he looked back over at the male. "I came here with my friends who are a couple, so... I've pretty much been third wheeling this entire time, going on rollercoasters alone or with a stranger isn't very pleasant."
When he had explained that, the strangers eyebrows furrowed slightly before it finally processed in his mind, a wide smile breaking loose as he immediately covered his face and began laughing, which made Taehyun pout slightly — mainly to hold back his laughter.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering," The stranger chuckled softly. "Oh, by the way, what's your name... unless I get to call you chococat."
Taehyun was taken aback by the sudden question, his eyes widening curiously as his mouth was gaped open just a little bit, but he quickly brushed that off as he looked away and back at the mirror — placing his focus on the kuromi and chococat in his hands.
"I'm..." He didn't expect some stranger to ask for his name, he just thought it would be one question then they're out. "I'm Kang Taehyun, what about you?"
The stranger smiled softly and lifted himself off of the wall, walking over towards the male before standing behind him, which made Taehyun realize the barely noticeable height different between them, the stranger was at least a few inches taller than him.
The stranger leaned down, hovering just near his ear which made his breath hitch as his heart nearly stopped, his eyes widening when he made eye contact with the male in the mirror.
"My name," The stranger spoke softly, as if he were whispering in his ear. "Is Choi Beomgyu, don't forget it, yeah?"
Taehyun's heart nearly exploded into a thousand fireworks when he felt the males warm breath against his neck, the hairs on his skin rising slightly as a wave of goosebumps rose on his skin, his face flushing a dark shade of red as he looked down.
It wasn't until he suddenly felt something being placed on his head, his head snapping up when he saw the male place the kuromi headband he was wearing onto his own head, his stomach fluttering up with butterflies.
Just before Taehyun could ask Beomgyu what he was doing, a new voice had echoed out from down the aisle, both of their heads turning to the side as he saw a person with bright ass orange hair waving towards them — more specifically, towards Beomgyu.
"Gyu-ah!" The orange haired person called out. "Let's go! Yunjin wants to go on the rollercoasters!"
Beomgyu sighed loudly. "Alright, I'm coming hyung! Just give me a moment."
The orange haired person gave the male a thumbs up, his eyes flickering over towards Taehyun who quickly looked away, thankfully he just ignored his presence and walked away with a girl with red hair who followed behind him happily.
"I assume that's your brother and his girlfriend?" Taehyun spoke up without realizing, his awkward ass self trying to make light of the little interruption.
"Yeeeeeeeepppp," Beomgyu groaned, stretching his word out in pure misery as he rolled his eyes. "Choi Yeonjun and his girlfriend Huh Yunjin, they're cute but come on! They're so... eugh... lovey dovey!"
Taehyun bit the bottom of his lip to hold back another fit of laughter, his eyes glancing over towards the ground as he breathed in and out to calm himself.
"Well, I guess I unfortunately have to go now," Beomgyu said, a hint of disappointment was lingering in his tone... but maybe it was Taehyun who was just overthinking it all. "See you around the amusement park, pretty boy."
A light pink hue flushed all across Taehyun's face when he heard the sweet nickname, his head shooting up as he watched Beomgyu walk away, something in him just wanted to drop everything and follow him around — maybe it was just him, but how could one stranger just spark his heart up so much?
With a disappointed sigh, the male turned his head away and closed his eyes, grabbing the kuromi headband off of his head and ruffled his silver hair back into place, maybe next time—
"Oh! Taehyun!"
The males eyes immediately snapped open as he turned his head, his eyes landing on Beomgyu who quickly rushed over towards him with a wide smile, it made his heart race so much!
"You should definitely get the chococat, it really does suit you!"
Just before Taehyun could even peep a word, Beomgyu smiled cheekily before turning around and practically bolt out of the souvenir shop, leaving him behind absolutely speechless before smiling like a damn idiot.
So without even hesitating, the male placed the kuromi headband back to where it belonged before placing the kuromi backpack onto the shelf once again, stepping away as he held the chococat in his hands, staring at it adoringly as a specific oreo haired male invaded his mind.
He was so pretty, he definitely should've asked for his number or something... they just clicked so well!
The male glanced up as his eyes landed on Soobin who rushed over towards him, the males cheeks puffed out. "There you are! I'm so sorry, we're so sorry! We didn't mean to leave you out!"
Huening Kai soon ran over, pouring softly as he held up a ticket. "Yeah, we feel really bad, but we managed to score tickets for the photo booth, come on! Let's go take pictures!"
Surprisingly, Taehyun didn't mind at all that he was left alone, it warmed his heart that his friends were apologizing but... he felt a bit grateful... it gave him time to have a heartfelt conversation with Beomgyu.
"Ohh! Chococat, you're choosing him?" Soobin spoke up, staring at the chococat that he was holding a bit too aggressively. "It looks just like you! Should I buy it for you?"
"It's fine, don't worry."
"Alright! Enough chit chat, let's go take photos then continue on with our adventure!"
Huening Kai grabbed onto both boys and dragged them over towards the photo booth, immediately pushing them in as he inserted a ticket, which started it up right away.
Even though he was enjoying this a lot, Taehyun wouldn't lie...
...He really wanted to see Beomgyu again.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Remember when Taehyun said that he was slowly starting to enjoy this whole thing?
Yeah, he takes that back.
Right after they left the souvenir shop with their fresh copies from the photo booth and their amazing new sanrio plushies, they had decided that they'll ride the rest of the rollercoasters the entire time, after all, they take the longest to get on!
So for the next three hours or so, they waited in line and rode rollercoasters over. and. over. again.
Taehyun likes rollercoasters, despite his fear of heights, but when you're a third wheeler who feels guilty to separate a new couple just for a few minutes, it gets a bit lonely when you're sitting in front or behind them with some stranger who doesn't know him.
Safe to say, Taehyun was really dreading it all.
He loves his friends, he truly does, but he just wishes they would stop being a couple for a few minutes — maybe that was just his jealousy spiking up since he was a single loner.
So that's how they ended up here, in line for their final rollercoaster which was the most scariest and highest one, along with it being extremely fast. Everytime they pass by it, all he could hear were loud screams as a blur passed by, he was actually nervous for this one.
They were maybe ten minutes away from the front, the sun starting to slowly set as golden hues dawned upon them, which made the weather outside even more hot than before.
Taehyun, who stood behind Soobin and Huening Kai who were acting all lovey dovey, silently stared at his phone to distract himself since they've been waiting in line for about forty minutes now.
Man, this really sucked, should he ask Huening Kai to sit next to him...? Would that be selfish? Agh! He doesn't know, all he knows is that he doesn't want to sit alone—
"Heyyy! It's chococat boy!"
Taehyun's head immediately snapped up when he heard a familiar honey voice behind him, looking over his shoulder as his heart nearly exploded when he saw Beomgyu standing behind him with a cheeky smile.
"Beomgyu!" Taehyun gasped, nearly dropping his phone as he clumsily placed it away, swiftly spinning around as he looked up at the male. "You were in line? How did I not notice?"
"Well... I was behind my brother and his girlfriend," Beomgyu said, pointing behind him which made him look over, and true to his words, there was his brother Yeonjun talking to his girlfriend happily. "I didn't really notice you, trying to distract myself from the loneliness and all."
"So... how did you notice me?" Taehyun asked, his eyebrow raising as he tilted his head.
The corners of Beomgyu's lips began to twitch, as if he was trying to hold back a wide smile, how could he not? Talking to Taehyun was like talking to an angel itself.
"Finally decided to look up from my phone and up at the front to see where we were in line, that's when I saw you!" Beomgyu explained, crossing his arms. "You have a real good side profile by the way, you're handsome."
Taehyun felt heat rush up to his face when he heard that unexpected compliment, biting the bottom of his lip as he scoffed playfully, glancing away from the male. "Thank you, you're handsome too... I guess."
"You guess?!" Beomgyu repeated in a sharp gasp, the males face washing over in shock before a playful hurt expression replaced it, the male grabbing onto his shirt tightly, just above his heart. "Ah! My heart, you really broke it now, Taehyun!"
The both of them stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before nearly exploding into a childish fit of laughter, the both of them smiling widely as their bodies trembled from how much they were laughing, which really did heal the loneliness in their heart.
Their fit of laughters made both Soobin and Huening Kai look over, their eyes widening when they saw Taehyun laughing brightly with a very handsome stranger, both smirking slightly as they looked away and didn't intervene when the same thought crossed both of their minds.
After a few minutes, the two calmed down, occasionally giggling when they looked over at each other before the line began to move again — the both of them walking down the path.
"Say, are you riding alone?" Beomgyu soon asked once he was fully ready to speak a sentence without laughing. "I assume the couple in front of us are your friends?"
Taehyun wiped his eyes softly, glancing over towards his friends in front of him who were distracted by each other, a warm smile growing on his face when he saw how happy Soobin was.
"Mhm, those are my friends."
After he answered that question, the both of them fell silent for a few seconds, the line occasionally moving forward, but he did start to notice how fidgety Beomgyu was, as if he had a question in mind.
"You'll be sitting... alone?"
"Not alone," Taehyun sighed, the past rollercoaster seatings reminding him of the unfortunate fate he has. "I'll probably be sat next to some random kid or adult, kinda lame but at least I get to ride the ride, right?"
Beomgyu puckered his lips out slightly, nodding his head as he glanced away, as if he were nervous about something.
It wasn't until he finally turned his head and stared at him with sparkly eyes, as if he were an adorable maltese puppy, it really did make his heart race.
"You should sit next to me!"
Taehyun definitely was taken aback by that sudden question, he fell silent as his mouth was gaped open, his pretty eyes widened which made Beomgyu immediately regret asking that.
"If- If not then it's okay! I know we're still strangers and all but I just- I was just wondering since we're both alone- which isn't a bad thing but- y-you know!—"
"Of course I'd love to sit with you!" Taehyun beamed brightly, quick to cut the males rambling short which made Beomgyu even more shock. "Do you know how... sad it is to not have anyone to sit next to? Even if we're strangers, I know I can trust you!"
Beomgyu felt his ears heat up by a lot, a wide smile growing on his face as he nudged the male softly. "Alright, I'm glad to know!"
For the next five minutes, the both of them were in their own world, chatting about the amusement park and all it had to offer, their favorite rides and their least favorites... it was comfortable yet so simple, it made him feel like he has known Beomgyu for years despite meeting him like four hours ago.
He also got to introduce Soobin and Huening Kai to Beomgyu! The latter doing the same with his brother and his girlfriend, safe to say they clicked instantly.
In just a blink of an eye, they arrived at the front gates of the rollercoaster, the ride pulling up as the gates opened.
"You'll be okay right?" Huening Kai asked him, even though Beomgyu was a good guy, he still wanted to make sure his best friend was okay. "You really don't want to switch?"
"I'll be fine, don't worry! Now let's go!"
Soobin and Huening Kai both took the front of the cart, both of them eagerly sitting down next to each other as Soobin held onto the younger's hand tightly, even though he enjoyed rollercoasters, he still was a wussy.
Yeonjun and Yunjin both took the cart behind them, eagerly boasting about how this would be so fun and whether they should record or not, which they didn't since they unfortunately had a no phone policy on the rides.
Last but not least, Beomgyu and Taehyun took the third cart, both of them sitting down in the seat as they were a bit squashed together since they were so tall and had long legs, but neither of them didn't mind.
"You look nervous, Taehyun," Beomgyu teased when the iron bar had slowly gone down, securing them in place. "You scared?"
Taehyun scoffed loudly, but his heart was racing so much as butterflies filled his stomach, he was beyond nervous for this ride since it was the fastest and tallest coaster in the whole amusement park... so it was a complete lie if he said he wasn't about to shit his pants.
Beomgyu noticed the males silence, smiling softly as he immediately intervened their fingers and held onto his hand tightly, gaining his attention near instantly.
"If you're scared, then hold onto me tightly," The male said softly, his smile warming Taehyun's heart ease down. "I won't let go, so trust me okay?"
Just then, the cart started to tremble as it slowly began to take off, Taehyun breathing sharply as he held onto Beomgyu's hand tighter and eagerly nodded his head.
"I-I trust you!"
At first, the coaster wasn't that bad, it was fast and energetic with some loop-a-loops all around, it was decent enough for Taehyun to enjoy while he squealed loudly, a slight purr in his voice as he held onto Beomgyu tightly who cheered loudly, his eyes scrunching up whenever they were upside down.
But then came the terrifying large hill with the fastest drop ever, their eyes widening as the cart slowly began to ascend upwards, faint sounds of creaking echoed out as the wheels trembled against the rails.
Taehyun's heart began to pace rapidly as his stomach swirled with anxiety, his eyes tearing up just a little bit when the pressure of ascending up had hit him hard.
"Taehyun!" He heard Beomgyu call out, forcing him to look over. "It's okay! Don't worry — I got you!"
The male clenched his jaw tightly as his hand slipped out from the latters grip, quickly stumbling around as Beomgyu was quick to grasp their hands back together, not minding the way Taehyun's nails were digging into his skin.
Little by little, they began to ascend to the very top, his breathing becoming heavier before they reached the peak, the cart sitting there menacingly as everyone screamed out in excitement, a rush of energy swirling all around.
"Taehyun-ah!" Beomgyu beamed brightly, rubbing the males hand with his thumb. "The view is amazing! Look at it!"
Taehyun gritted his teeth together tightly before forcing himself to look at it, his eyes widening when he saw the beautiful view of the whole amusement park washed under the golden light, his eyes sparkling in delight, hey! Maybe this wasn't so—
"It wasn't so bad, right?"
"I'd definitely go again!"
"It was so fast! We were speeding through it all."
All the conversations around were purely about the rollercoaster, about how fun it was and how thrilling it was! Everyone enjoyed it, which was a joy.
...all but Taehyun.
"Are you alright?" Beomgyu asked worriedly, handing the male a water bottle. "I'm sorry for distracting you! I just wanted to calm you down!"
Taehyun shakily accepted the water bottle, immediately drinking out of it before gasping loudly, wiping the droplets with the back of his head as he glanced up at the elder who stared at him like a lost puppy dog, it made him feel bad for worrying him this much.
Right when the ride dropped down, Taehyun literally passed out for around ten seconds, the elder holding up his head carefully as he screamed loudly, it was safe to say that the rollercoaster was definitely not something he would ride again.
"It's okay, Beomgyu, really!" Taehyun said, slurring a bit of his words before he mentally slapped himself straight. "It was fun, I'm grateful I got to see that pretty view."
The bottom of Beomgyu's lip trembled slightly, his eyes sparkling with guilt, it was enough to make Taehyun's heart clench from how adorable the elder was, but he decided to keep it to himself.
"Taehyun, you're okay!" Huening Kai rushed over, instantly wrapping his arms around his best friends — causing Beomgyu to step back. "We were looking for you, but we got lost in the crowd! How was it?"
"It was fun! Beomgyu hyung really helped me through it."
Huening Kai glanced over towards the male who smiled awkwardly, waving his hand softly.
"Thank you, Beomgyu-ssi," Huening Kai beamed brightly, shaking the males hand energetically. "Taehyun here is afraid of heights, so I get a bit worried for him when we go on rollercoasters!"
There was something heartwarming about watching his best friend happily thank this pretty boy Taehyun met, the way Beomgyu's face flushed red in embarrassment as he awkwardly tried to brush it off and say it wasn't a big deal and that he was being nice.
Something about Beomgyu, just made his heart race so much, there's no doubt that the reason he's so interested is because of how handsome the elder was, everywhere they go he had people turning their heads to get a second glance at him but... it was also his kindness.
When he had approached him, at first he was suspicious as to why a handsome stranger would talk to him, but right when they got into the perfect flow of their conversation, it just hit him hard.
He had never felt more comfortable around someone so fast until he met Beomgyu.
Taehyun glanced up towards the male who was too busy listening to Huening Kai talk, his eyes wide open as he paid attention to every word. That's what he really liked about the male, how attentive and how good of a listener he was.
He had never met someone so perfect.
It would be a lie if he said the male didn't make his heart flutter up, the desire to know him even more was growing stronger.
"Beomgyu!" A voice called out. "Let's go eat, come on!"
Beomgyu flinched softly when he heard Yeonjun calling out for him, awkwarldy smiling as he politely ended their conversation, allowing Huening Kai to wish him a farewell as he skipped back to Soobin.
Just before Beomgyu left, the male paused and glanced over towards Taehyun, his eyes softening as he walked over and gently patted the males head, his touch lingering on his head.
"Keep safe okay, let's run into each other again soon."
Taehyun felt his mouth go dry, his heart nearly exploding when the elder gently poked his cheek before walking away over to his brother who was smirking at the interaction, his chest heaving up and down as he felt like he was about to puke!
"Tyun!" Soobin called out. "Let's go line up for the ferris wheel, come on!"
The male was too stunned by what had just happened, his face heating up as he gently touched the spot where Beomgyu's hand was, the overwhelming emotions of dread and longing washed over him when he looked over to the side and saw the male gone.
Quickly scrambling to his feet, he wiped the cold sweat off of his face as he rushed over towards his friends.
"S-Sorry, coming!"
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
The day really does pass by fast when you're having fun.
When they arrived at the amusement park, it was nearly early in the morning when he did, just so they could get early access to the rides before the lines became longer and longer, but now?
It was now night time, the dark sky wrapping around the globe as pretty stars twinkled amongst the atmosphere, shining brightly as they danced the night away after sleeping for so long, their turn to rule the sky with their beauty.
The amusement park was far from closing, all of the rides now shining brightly with their colorful lights, a beauty of colors all around as they waited in line for their most anticipated ride yet — the ferris wheel!
It was perfect, to be on top the the world and see the full view of the natural beauty of nature within this amusement park, it bring nighttime made it ten times more better as they waited all excitedly.
Until it was shut down right away.
"Wh-What do you mean it's only two per cart?" Soobin asked shakily, his eyes widened when the security had stopped them. "Isn't three okay?"
"Nope, sorry kid," The security guard said. "To balance it out, it's either two or four a cart, nothing less."
All three boys glanced at each other with sadness in their eyes, they have been waiting in line for a good hour for their turn but now when they reach the front, they're shut down immediately? That's bullshit!
Taehyun, who noticed the hurt in both of his best friend's eyes, hissed in a deep breath as he wanted for them to be nothing but happy.
"I'll back out."
"Wh-What?!" Huening Kai shrieked, turning around as he grabbed the male by the shoulders. "No! That's insane, you can't miss out on this Tyun! How about neither of us go on— we can find another ride!—"
"Hyuka," Taehyun spoke softly, gently taking the males hand off of his shoulders as a warm smile grew on his lips. "It's fine, enjoy your time with Soobin, okay? Who knows when we'll be able to come back here again!"
Huening Kai's bottom lip began to tremble, his eyes swelling up with tears as he shook his head. "No, I-I don't want to leave you! We've waited so long—"
"Huening Kai," Taehyun spoke up more firmly this time. "Go, it's fine."
The male was a bit taken aback, but after hearing the security guard say they were on a time limit, he hissed in a breath and nodded his head as he turned around and began to walk up the stairs with Soobin who also didn't like the idea of going without Taehyun, the both of them getting into a cart as the male walked out of line.
Taehyun sighed softly, turning his back towards his friends as his smile dropped, a bit of guilt lingering in his stomach when he saw how saddened his friends looked... but it was for the best... right?
He can just find another ride to go on—
"We run into each other once again, chococat boy."
Taehyun immediately lifted his head up as his breath hitched when he saw Beomgyu in front of him, his hair tied up into a low pony tail this time which brought out his face frame even more better, it made his heart race.
Underneath the iridescent lights, the colorful hues kissed Beomgyu's face perfectly, as if he were a canvas being painted on with beautiful splashes of colors that made him look beautiful no matter what.
He truly was an artwork.
"What are you doing here?" Beomgyu asked, breaking Taehyun out of his trance.
"Oh uhm..." The younger mumbled softly, tucking a few strands behind his ear. "I had to get out of line, I didn't know there was a two person policy for the ferris wheel... so I just left."
Beomgyu hummed softly, glancing over at the ferris wheel. "We're on the same boat yet again, I had to give up my spot — my brother did not like that idea... but hey, as long as he's happy right?"
Hearing that really made Taehyun feel better, knowing that he wasn't the only one willing to sacrifice his happiness for his loved ones, however it did make him feel bad... they've waited so long just for them to be—
Both Taehyun and Beomgyu turned their heads over towards the security guard who waved over at them, causing them both to become confused as they walked over towards him.
"Are you two together?"
What the fuck?
Okay that was unexpected.
Taehyun's jaw dropped slightly as his throat closed up, the simple question making his stomach do a thousand flips as his face heated up near instantly, stumbling over his words as he tried to find an answer.
But, bless Beomgyu, his knight in shining armor who answered smoothly. "We are! What do you need?"
"There's a cart open for a group of two, do you guys want to get on?"
Oh, you don't have to ask them twice.
It took a few minutes, but eventually both Beomgyu and Taehyun found themselves sitting across from one another as the ferris wheel began to start up with a full set, their eyes widening when they realized that they had both gotten onto the ride of their dreams.
The air was silent for a few minutes, only the faint sounds of carnival music played in the background as the both of them stared out at the view around them, awestruck.
It wasn't until they reached the very top, the peak of it all, their view of the entire amusement park becoming ten times better as they stayed up their, the light swinging of their cart was indeed frightening but it was enough for them to enjoy it.
Taehyun then slowly looked over towards Beomgyu, his heart throbbing against his chest — as if it were about to rip out when he saw how pretty he was... oh man, he was definitely screwed.
"So..." Beomgyu hummed softly, looking back over towards Taehyun who quickly glanced away — hoping it wasn't obvious he was staring. "You want to tell me a bit about yourself, chococat boy?"
"Well, there's not much to say..." Taehyun spoke softly, playing with his own fingers until he felt the elder intertwine their hands together, it just felt right. "I'm twenty, I work full time at some barista cafe, it's okay... decent pay but I enjoy it."
Down the rabbit hole he goes, it was like a breath of fresh air talking to Beomgyu about himself, his high school life... how he met Soobin and Huening Kai... the moment he adopted his first cat — it was basically his entire life he was spitting out.
Normally, it would be a huge mistake telling someone he barely knew about his whole life, but does it really count when he got to know about Beomgyu's as well?
"I'm twenty-one, I'm actually studying to be a music producer right now," Beomgyu said, rubbing his thumb against Taehyun's soft skin. "I love music, it's fun!"
The way Beomgyu's face practically lights up in pure joy when he talks about the things he loves, it just made his heart freak out even more.
That's when Taehyun finally lost it when Beomgyu gazed at him with the warmest expression ever, the threads that were keeping him sane finally broke loose as he flushed red.
"Do you have a partner, Beomgyu hyung?"
. . .
Silence surrounded the two of them when he suddenly asked that, a terrified gasp sharply leaving his mouth as he took his hand out of the elders grip and immediately covered his face.
"I-I'm so sorry!" Taehyun exclaimed embarrassingly, covering his face as he mentally cursed himself over and over again. "I'm just- I don't know why- I-"
"I don't, Taehyun-ah."
Taehyun breath hitched when he felt soft hands wrap around his wrist and slowly bring them away from his face, being forced to look up as he saw Beomgyu staring at him with a kind smile.
"I'm not really interested in relationships right now..."
That was a horrifying strike to his heart.
"...But you're really making me change my mind."
Just as Beomgyu said that, a loud explosion echoed out next to them, causing the both of them to snap their heads to the side as their eyes widened seeing a bunch of fireworks going off across the lake, a kaleidoscope of colors flashing through the sky in beautiful glittery shapes, painting their faces with that soft colors for a few seconds.
It was something out of a daydream, the both of them staring at each other as the same thought ran through their mind.
Meeting each other was definitely not a mistake, the way they instantly clicked? It was like fate was guiding them both to each other each time, their hearts intertwining as Beomgyu smiled widely.
"I'd love to get you more Taehyun, I want to court you properly, so..." Beomgyu mumbled softly as he brought his hand up towards his lips. "Will you allow me to?"
That's when the elder had pressed his soft lips against his knuckles, the soft feeling tingling against his skin as his whole entire face felt like it was overheating as his heart swirled from happiness.
"Of course I will, I'd love nothing more!"
From then on, the both of them held onto each other tightly as they watched the fireworks explode in the sky, newfound emotions swirling around as they both smiled widely — almost childishly.
Soon enough, the ferris wheel descended down.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
"Wasn't today wonderful?! I had so much fun, we definitely should come back here soon!"
"Next time Huening, next time."
The moment they got off the ferris wheel, all three of them decided that it was enough for today and that they should definitely head home, with Taehyun's newfound emotions for a specific boy with oreo hair, he definitely needed time to process it all in his comfy bed.
So just as they were about to walk out back to Soobin's car, he was suddenly stopped when Beomgyu had ran over to him and quickly asked for his number, the both of them exchanging it right away before the elder gave him a big bear hug, promising to text him soon before running back over to Yeonjun who was patiently waiting for him.
Safe to say, he definitely got teased by Soobin and Huening Kai.
But it was all worth it, he met the most prettiest boy in such a bright environment, it made it all worth it.
"My favorite was the rollercoaster! It was so fun seeing our pictures on the screen!"
"Is that so?"
Taehyun was silent the entire car ride, only listening to Soobin and Huening Kai talk about the entire day — the youngest mainly carrying the conversation which they both didn't mind at all, it was a fun day after all.
It wasn't until Huening Kai had turned his head and glanced over at Taehyun, smiling widely.
"What about you, Tyun? How was it? Did you enjoy it?"
Just before he could answer, he suddenly felt his phone buzz and his screen light up, instantly looking down as he opened up the new message he had received, a wide smile growing on his face.
« Beomgyu hyung ♡ »
are you free this saturday? If so... would you like to go on a date with me? I already miss you!
here's the address : xxx xxx xxx
let me know soon, darling <3
A giddy rush washed all over him when he saw the message, his heart racing as he instantly replied back with a positive answer, he most definitely was free and he is definitely going on that date!
"Taehyun?" Huening Kai called out, noticing the cheeky grin on the males face which made him smirk. "I assume it was great?"
The male looked up, biting the bottom of his lip as he smiled widely and nodded his head. At first, he was a bit annoyed because of how alone he was most of the time, but until he met the elder at the souvenir shop, it all became better.
What once was a miserable trip became an amazing memory, his heart racing when he thought about the entire day — more specifically about someone.
All because a boy with oreo colored hair that may soon be his lover had captured his heart, making the trip all worth it.
It was definitely memory he was most definitely going to cherish forever.
Being stuck with someone so perfect, who changed his world in such amazing ways.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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