sick days, healing hearts
word count : 7,807
。゚ ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ 。゚
Beomgyu should've known that the moment he woke up with the most brutal migraine of his life, that his entire week would be fucked the hell up.
He should've realized all of the signs beforehand, when just a few days ago when he woke up with a headache, knowing he should've taken a day off of work but his stubborn ass wouldn't budge.
It was no big deal to him after all, he got headaches all of the time! The perks of being a hard working music producer who has about fifteen hundred papers due in the time span of two weeks! He's! So! Productive!
Everyone around him, those who would chat with him for a brief moment or even knew him personally, had always told him that he was a... what was the word... oh right! A workaholic.
Personally, in his own biased opinion, he wholeheartedly disagrees!
Like... sure there wasn't a day where he would miss work, unless it was a family emergency or some sort of random death, but most of the time people would catch him locked up in his music studio for about twelve to fifteen hours a day working solely on music or with an artist.
It was a bit much... but could you blame him? He held himself up to high standards and expectations, he won't even tolerate one single mistake in any of his self composed songs, spending hours on end inside some really fancy music studio in front of some random computer or instrument -- creating only the best possible music he could ever make!
Which meant there were some sacrifices... like... some meals or sleep, but that's fine!
This was his chosen life style though, he had always adored music when he was younger, only surrounding it around himself and dedicated his future to it, which came in handy when he got a full scholarship for the most prestigious musical arts university there was in the city and then scoring a good spot in the best music company there is!
So the choice or options of slacking off was never an option for him.
Whenever his friends or coworkers say that he was overwhelming himself or pushing past his own limit, he would scoff playfully and reassure them that he was fine -- he felt fine!
His body had become used to working so much anyway, it was his full blown passion to make music!
So after weeks and weeks of reassurance that he was truly fine and that nothing could ever bring him down, he continued down his usual unhealthy routine, confident that nothing bad could ever get him!
How wrong he was at that.
Perhaps it was a week ago when he felt the first warning signs of an upcoming sickness, that his whole entire week now would fall into shambles. The week before, it was strange, he had continuously woke up with some strange yet gruesome migraine of his entire life, his head throbbing with so much pain, it was like his own brain was trying to self explode.
But... Beomgyu being... Beomgyu, he tossed aside the warnings and took some medicine to ease the pain down, heading into work per usual while his migraine, doing the opposite of what he wanted, had increased pain by a tenfold.
He wants to punch himself for not considering the more severe outcomes.
Just before he thought the painful migraines were bad, the moment he woke up on the second day, with the most gruesome muscle aching sensation spreading all throughout his body.
But once again, Beomgyu ignored the warning signs and forced himself to get up out of bed and head to work, only taking an unhealthy small cup of noodles as lunch along with a bunch of medicine to inhale throughout the day.
It was a struggle to even get work done because of how tired and sore his body was, along with how badly his head hurt to even think about making music.
After that, it was just a fucking hell week.
The third day, he woke up with the most brutal stomach ache ever, he could barely fall back asleep before forcing himself to run to the bathroom in the fucking dark to puke out all of the empty contents in his stomach, the gross acidic dry sensation burning his stomach.
But what did he do? Suck it up and head to work.
The fourth day, his eyes were burning — so so so sensitive to the littlest things like the dim lamp light or phone screen, he knew that with his vision fucked up, he couldn't work properly.
But whaaat didddd he dooo???
Go to work!
The fifth day... honestly, okay, when he woke up he found himself feeling better! That the migraine that was slowly eating his brain away and his muscles that were aching so badly, had both faded away! Even his eyes felt better and he could actually stare at a screen for an hour without tearing up!
Whatever bad luck had hit him hard the past few days seemed to take the signs of Beomgyu not wanting to back down and finally left! How happy he was at that.
So moving along with his precious day, he worked hard — met with artists wanting to work with him, along with signing papers agreeing to some random stuff he didn't even bother to read, he felt his day going great!
Until the next day where everything had hit him fucking hard.
He was like a walking zombie at this point, the euphoric healthy feeling he felt just the day before must've been some sort of sick joke, his body tricking him into thinking that everything was okay because now... now when he woke up, oh lord it felt like a horrific out of body experience.
"Are you okay?"
"Do you need anything?"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"You don't look so good..."
"You look sick."
Those words, the same sentences being said over and over again in different ways, were repeated and directed towards him from all of his coworkers along with some artists being hesitant to meet with him because of how pale and exhausted he looked.
But what did he do despite everyone's words telling him to rest up?
...That's right!
He went to work.
But now, it seems like everything has finally came to bite him in the ass when be arrived home — instead of immediately pulling out his laptop and working on more songs, he stumbled into his room and messily unbuttoned his shirt along with shoving his cargo pants off — falling onto his bed and instantly hitting lights out.
What he didn't expect to happen, was waking up a whole entire fucking day later to the worst body pain of his life along with a sore throat, dry eyes, an upset stomach, and the most disgusting dry cough of his life.
Now here he was, staring at the thermometer in pure horror, reading off the numbers on the stick.
105°F (40°C)
He was running a high fever.
Shit. Shit. shitshitshitshitshit!
No, no no no no no— Beomgyu groaned loudly, despite the wave of pain coursing throughout his body from every single movement. I'm fucked- I can't- there's no way!
He hasn't gotten sick in years, he can barely remember the last time he got sick, he was so confident and certain that he was immune to anything, that he would forever be healthy!
How wrong he was.
Beomgyu ran his warm hand through his disgustingly greasy hair, staring at the thermometer in pure disbelief, he can't believe it, there's no way he's fucking sick.
But he has to go to work, despite everything in his body screaming at him not to go, he needs to.
So with a strangled groan, Beomgyu tossed the thermometer away and forced himself up onto his feet, pain immediately shooting all throughout his body which nearly made him choke out a pained sob — only for his head to throb in such a heavy pain, it made him fall back down onto his bed.
Fuck, beforehand, even when he felt like this, he still managed to get up out of bed and into his car, but now he couldn't even move at all!
Beomgyu hissed in an angry breath, he didn't want to give up but his body certainly was ready to. Which leaves him with no other choice since he could barely conjure up the strength to get up and head to work.
He has to call in.
He hasn't ever called in from work — especially last minute before.
He doesn't want to, but he knew that this was the best option if he doesn't want to fucking die on the spot inside of his studio, haunting the music company was not a preferable after life.
The next few minutes were painful for him, his hand lazily flopping around his bed and bedside table in search for his phone, pain shooting all throughout his body until he finally grasped his fingers around the cool rectangular device.
When he had switched the phone on, oh lord, Beomgyu was literally flash banged with the brightest light ever — his dumbass forgetting to lower the setting before heading to bed the night before, so it was a struggle and a painful rollercoaster lowering the lighting down along with soothing the pain in his eyes.
It was uncomfortable, the foreign feeling of clicking onto his contacts list and pressing the contact he would never ever call unless it was for important purposes, hearing the phone ring two to three times until it was finally answered — a deep voice coming through the other side.
"Mr. Kim," Beomgyu croaked out, his eyes widening when he heard how fucked up and raw his voice was, was this even his own voice? "I'm sorry for the... augh... sudden phone call..."
His words were groggy and slow, raspy along with a few coughing cutting through his sentences, he could barely recognize his own voice and he wasn't even sure if it was him talking, his mouth was moving... he heard his own words, yet it didn't feel like him at all.
"Holy shit," Mr. Kim's voice came through the phone once again, his tone filled with amusement. "What happened to you? Bad hang over or something? Sounds like y'got your shit rocked!"
Beomgyu suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, only wincing slightly because of how loud Mr. Kim's voice was through the phone even though his volume was at the lowest setting possible without having it be mute. God, why was this man even his boss?
"Ha. ha." He said dryly, ignoring the way his throat was hurting. "You're funny. Anyways. I... ceugh I think I..."
"You want time off from work, don't you?"
Well, at least he didn't have to speak anymore words, but now that he was actually hearing it... god how much he was dreading this option he unfortunately forced himself into.
"I mean..." Please say no. "If I can..." Say I can't, I want to go to work.
"Hmm." Mr. Kim hummed in an unsure tone, this was it! He can go— "Yeah, sure, why not? You need a break, don't worry about your work, I'll get Intak to help you out."
"Wh-What?" Beomgyu spluttered out, his eyes widening in horror. "M-Mr. Kim w-wait you were—"
The males eyebrows furrowed in confusion, staring at the phone that now showed his homescreen. "Mr... Mr. Kim...? what the fuck."
Beomgyu scoffed in irritation, there's no going back now, he has to stay home... he was so certain that Mr. Kim would tell him to stay home! But nope... here he home.
His arm flopped onto the bed in a pathetic manner, allowing his phone to slip out of his grasp while he laid there in utter defeat, he really had no choice now.
Breathing in through his nose — one of his nostrils slowly starting to get clogged up, his eyes fluttered closed in frustration as another wave of nausea and exhaustion hit him hard, his body instantly melting into the sheets that felt uncomfortable against his sweaty skin.
He needs to get up and work! He needs to work, he can't slack off! One day off of work won't stop him!
Yeah... but ... he's so exhausted, maybe an hour nap would make him feel better.
Just an hour, one hour, and then he'll wake up and get all of his work done!
One hour is fine.
。゚ ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ 。゚
"Baby let me be your man, so I can love you!~"
Beomgyu's eyebrows scrunched down in irritation when a soft muffled voice broke through his small nap before easing down once again, it was probably his mind tricking him he was hearing things.
After a few minutes of silence, the male slowly melted into the sheets and dozed off more, ready to finish his one hour of sleep, dreading the moment he would have to open his laptop and see—
"And if you let me be your man, then I'll take care of you, you!~"
Beomgyu groaned out in irritation when that same exact muffled voice had spoke up again, forcing the male to slowly open his eyes — only a tsunami of pain greeted him when he was rudely woken up because someone was... was singing... in his apartment?
It took an extremely long time for the male to finally force himself to sit up, his body aching so badly he wanted to just sob loudly — but even if he tried to, his head was throbbing so much in pain he could barely handle it anymore.
He dried cough four or five times, slowly tilting his head down—
Beomgyu's eyes immediately widened when something... wet and cold... had suddenly fallen onto his lap, causing the male to flinch back from shock while looking down at what had fallen, only to see a small white cloth that was damp, a white cloth he does not remember ever getting.
What the hell??? The males eyebrows furrowed before looking over towards his shut door, hearing that same muffled voice singing a bit too loudly. Who the fuck is in my home?
It took around a good five to ten minutes for Beomgyu to finally get on his feet, this time, successfully staying up while he dragged himself over towards his room door — his entire body shivering from both how cold and hot he was, cold sweat forming all over his body, god he doesn't even want to know what he looks like.
Slowly opening the door, the male nearly fell forward in pain when the loud sound of... music... echoed throughout his apartment. It made his head throb in even more pain before, despite the clogged sensation in his nose, the smell of... soup... invaded his head.
Okay, this was weird, he does not remember hiring a maid.
Briefly shaking his head, the male forced himself to walk forward, hanging onto the wall next to him as he slowly approached where the kitchen was, the aroma of freshly made soup grew stronger while the sound of the music and the persons singing grew louder and louder until he finally stood in behind of the counter.
Beomgyu's eyes widened when someone had come into view, his heart instantly racing against his chest while an explosion of fuzzy butterflies began to spasm around everywhere in his stomach when he recognized that familiar blue hair.
Right when Beomgyu spoke, he watched as Taehyun instantly froze in his spot before swiftly turning around, just the sight of the males face made his heart nearly explode in both pure joy and confusion.
"Beomgyu hyung!" Taehyun beamed happily, his voice a little too loud for his liking. "You're awake!— shit wait- why are you standing?! You need to sit down!"
Beomgyu stood there dumbfounded, wondering why the fuck was Kang Taehyun — one of the most popular idols of the music company they're both under, was inside of his home.
Not to mention... his... sorta... small... tiny little crush... of three years...
Taehyun was just a year younger than him, maybe it was because of their close age range made it easier for the both of them to talk to one another without feeling awkward or having to be overly respectful to one another — it just felt right being with one another.
He remembers it all too well though, he was only twenty years old when he met nineteen year old freshly debuted Taehyun, already receiving a lot of positive feedback and results for his new debut single: "Love Sight".
Taehyun's vocals... were beautiful, a youthful heartwarming tone with amazing falsettos immediately caught attention to those searching for a few voice. The way he would sing every word with so much raw emotion, it really made you think he was actually singing to someone.
So it was no surprise that he had rose to high fame almost right away, every one sending positive feedback and reactions to his newly debut single, produced and written by none other than the idol himself.
There was no doubt that Taehyun was a musical prodigy, someone who was just born and blessed to be an idol.
So it always confused Beomgyu why the male would come to him for his songs to be produced, it was the middle of June when Taehyun and his staff team had set up a meeting between the two of them to discuss the males upcoming comeback set in December, just a couple months after his debut was released.
When he first laid eyes on Taehyun, there was like an invisible pull towards the male, Beomgyu instantly wanted to work with him and he could say the same for the latter. The both of them discussing what type of songs, genres, and lyrics would fit the males vibe and vocals.
So that's how Beomgyu found himself working endlessly — making sure that the idols comeback single was the best he had ever written and composed, and when the day finally came... the day he got to hear Taehyun sing his lyrics with that siren voice of his, he found himself falling hard.
In December, Kang Taehyun's comeback had been released along with his newest single: "Dear Sputnik".
It was a different vibe from his debut single which was more of a lovable slow ballad song, a song with a rock like instrumental and powerful vocals with heartfelt lyrics, a vibe that instantly captured the hearts of those who were fans of Taehyun, earning the young idol multiple awards during his promotion week.
From that day on, Taehyun never left Beomgyu's side, with every comeback or new single release... the elders name was always in the credits.
He wouldn't wish for anything more.
But the only thing that frustrated him was how... sickeningly in love he was with the young idol, and not because he was talented in every way, but because of how caring and attentive he was. How he would make sure to stay with Beomgyu for as long as he could on the nights he was producing, always complementing his work, leaving gifts here and there, mentioning him in his interviews.
How he would always be happy to help work on new songs with the elder, his warm and soft gaze always easing down his soul, just... just Taehyun in general, made Beomgyu so madly in love with him.
But now... right now... he was so confused.
Kang Taehyun was supposed to be in Osaka right now, not Seoul.
"T...Taehyun," Beomgyu managed to croak out, cringing at how bad his voice was. "Why are you... here? Aren't you supposed to be promoting your newest release right now?"
Hydrangea Love.
The newest Japanese single that Taehyun had released just a few weeks ago, and thanks to Beomgyu and other writers, they were able to produce another great single that won awards and the hearts of many fans all around, which also meant that the idol had to go to Japan for a few weeks to promote his single and take on interviews.
Taehyun smiled warmly, his eyes sparkling with a thousand stars. "I am, aren't I?"
Beomgyu huffed a small breath, his nose twitching because he needed to blow it so badly, but now that reality was hitting him hard... he honestly felt terrified about his appearance, with Taehyun looking so beautiful and comfortable in his home while he was all gross and sick — not even bothering to clean the area, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.
"I mean, you're right!" Taehyun exclaimed softly, walking back over towards the stove after he shoved Beomgyu and forced the elder to sit down. "But... a little birdy told me... that my favorite music producer was running sick, so I came back to Seoul."
It would be a lie if Beomgyu said his heart didn't skip a beat at that moment, and not because Taehyun had said he was his favorite music producer.
The elder swallowed a heavy dry lump, looking away in embarrassment, he couldn't even form words at the moment... but... but that's when the males words began to really sink in, he had left Japan mid-promotion week to come back to Seoul, for him...?
"But- but your promotion!—"
"Check the date."
"What?" Beomgyu was taken aback when the younger had cut him off, not even bothering to look at him. "Taehyun—"
"Check the date, hyung."
After receiving such a sweet smile, Beomgyu felt obligated to check the date, in which he did. Reaching over to look at a phone that was nearby, assuming that was Taehyun's phone, gently tapping the screen as it came alive — the brightness low which made him a bit happy knowing he wouldn't be flash banged again.
That's when he saw the date; April 28th.
Just seeing that date made faded memories come back to him right away, his eyes widening when he remembered that conversation both him and Taehyun had the night before the younger left to Japan.
"I'll be leaving March 30th," Taehyun spoke softly, taking off the headphones he received from Beomgyu to listen to the newest unreleased single in works. "Hydrangea Love really hit it off well, so the company is sending me out to promote in Japan."
Beomgyu hummed softly, taking his eyes off of his computer screen to look at Taehyun, the males newly dyed blue hair made him look like some sort of blueberry. "I'm happy for you, Taehyun, really."
Even though it hurt his heart, Beomgyu had eventually learned to shove his pathetic little crush to the side and stay supportive whenever the younger had to leave the country to promote overseas or prepare for an overseas world tour, long long months passing by until he could see the younger again.
But thankfully there's always phones! Video calls! Voice messages!
So he was a bit confused why Taehyun was telling him this, he had a copy of the males schedule for the entire year somewhere in his studio.
"I know... it's thanks to you, hyung," Taehyun said sheepishly, a faint hue of pink blooming over his face. "I'm grateful as well... but... but I just... I just wanted to let you know."
"When will you be back? I'll miss you."
Maybe it was a bit forward, too forward, but seeing Taehyun stunned just for a few seconds made his heart flutter up when the most adorable smile grew on the males face.
"April 28th, but if promotion goes super well, May 5th."
That memory had hit him like a truck, Beomgyu's eyes widening when the words 'April 28th' were on the screen, but it doesn't make sense... promotions for Japan were extremely well which meant the male would be back May 5th... unless... unless...
"You came back early... for me...?" Beomgyu breathed out, slowly looking over towards the idol who blushed heavily.
"I think I was away from home for a bit too long," Taehyun spoke softly, that warm smile never leaving his lips as he walked over towards the elder with a bowl of hot soup in his hands. "I also missed a lot of people in Seoul, so I thought it was best if I came back... especially after receiving news my favorite person is running a high fever."
Beomgyu's throat ran dry — well... even more dry than it was now, his heart racing even more faster he was certain he was going to have a heart attack with all of the sweet words he was hearing from Taehyun.
"When- when did you... land?"
Taehyun hummed softly, staring at the elder who was hesitant on touching the delicious rice porridge he made. "I landed in Seoul yesterday morning, came here around afternoon, only to see that my favorite person was bed ridden and asleep all day, I'm glad you woke up now, I was afraid you died in your sleep or something."
A bucket of cold water had splashed down onto Beomgyu hard, the male instantly freezing up in horror at the words he had just heard. Yesterday morning, all day, bed ridden...?
Holy shit, his one hour nap turned into a one whole day nap!
It wasn't even a nap at that point!
"Sh-Shit! I didn't call in- I'm- i'm going to get fired!—" Beomgyu immediately started to panic, about to jump off of the stool and run to his room before a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Taehyun!—"
"Don't worry! I called in for you!"
"What?" Beomgyu said briefly, staring at the younger who beamed brightly. "What do you...?"
"Mr. Kim is super nice, he gave you an entire week off, so you don't have to worry about work or anything else, ya workaholic!" Taehyun explained nonchalantly, as if that didn't make Beomgyu freak out even more.
One day off of work was one thing, but a whole week?! He's missing out on so much shit!
"No... no no... Tyun, please," Beomgyu stuttered out, literally in a daze — what the fuck was happening. "I can't miss work, I have songs to write and—"
"Yes you can, hyung," Taehyun cut him off once again, gently running his fingers through the males greasy hair, unphased at all by the weird sensation. "You've been working nonstop for weeks, when was the last time you properly had a meal and sleep? I don't want to hear it, I'm using my days off to take care of you, let me care for you."
Beomgyu nibbled on the bottom of his lip in guilt, the words sinking in real hard, now that he thinks about it... he barely remembers when the last time he had a proper meal was or what he ate that was considered real food.
The stinging pain in his eyes subsided but he could still feel exhaustion lingering in them, maybe a whole day of sleep wasn't enough for him, especially since he barely made time to sleep.
So with a deep breath, he tried to ease down with the help of Taehyun gently stroking his head. "Alright- uhm, thank you."
"Of course, now eat up and then take a shower, as handsome as you are... you're a bit smelly."
Beomgyu bit back an amused smile, shaking his head while his heart fluttered up from the compliment, glancing down at the bowl — he couldn't help but feel a bit happy that Taehyun took time out of his day to make him some rice porridge soup.
Another thing he loves about Taehyun, was that the younger was an amazing cook despite his hectic schedule.
After analyzing the bowl for a few seconds, he picked up the spoon and scooped up a nice portion, blowing on it for a few seconds before slurping some of it up, the warm nice feeling instantly soothing his throat — it was plain, but so delicious at the same time.
Looking back up over towards the younger who eyed him closely, waiting for his feedback, he couldn't help but feel a bit happy.
"It's amazing," Beomgyu said, taking another spoonful to seal his words. "Thank you, Tyun-ah."
A large warm smile grew on the younger's face, nodding happily like an excited little dog.
"Just let me take care of you, alright?"
Maybe... maybe being sick wasn't so bad.
"Alright, take care of me well."
。゚ ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ 。゚
After the lovely heartfelt meal that Taehyun had made for Beomgyu, he had forced the elder to go take a shower while he cleaned up the dishes — which made Beomgyu feel just a little bit guilty but he listened to the younger anyway.
He was just a bit ashamed for being smelly and gross around Taehyun.
But it was like the younger had magic hands or something, maybe he had a magic spell book for food, because after he ate not only one, not only two, but three bowls of rice porridge — he felt instantly better after stepping into the warm shower.
He won't lie though, his mind and heart were a mess, every word that Taehyun said were just compliments and praises — making his feelings grow stronger for the male.
His beautiful eyes staring at him carefully, making sure he refilled his cup of water without him having to ask, giving him a few more medicine along with hibiscus tea to soothe the aching in his throat, he could get comfortable with this lifestyle.
Beomgyu wasn't dumb, he couldn't help but notice the way that the younger stared at him was not like the way he stared at others.
In his eyes were nothing but pure love and adoration for the elder.
A part of him believes that his long term feelings were reciprocated, that everything the younger was doing was because he liked Beomgyu back, but a part of him was... was confused and scared.
He knew that it was a huge step past the red line, that the company or fans would be so so so mad at them if they... they got together, but he knows that there would be some people that supports them.
He's known Taehyun since he was twenty, he was now twenty-five.
Just how long could this... this two sided pining last until one of them breaks?
Oh, he loves Taehyun so much he could die, he was one of the reasons why he hasn't given up yet — success and happiness for Taehyun meant success and happiness for him.
Alright, that's enough overthinking now.
After spending around thirty minutes in the shower, making sure to scrub down real good, Beomgyu eventually walked out of the shower and noticed that there were a folded pile of fresh clothes waiting for him on top of the toilet seat, his heart skipping a beat when he realized that the younger had walked in and placed them there.
Oh god, he might just skip the boyfriends phase and head right into marriage with the younger.
Taking his precious time to change into the warm clothes, Beomgyu came out of the bathroom, wrapping a small white towel around his neck while he let his hair air dry, looking around before turning his head down the hallway where he heard the sound of some sort of movie playing.
"There you are! I was worried you might've fell asleep while standing up!" Taehyun exclaimed excitedly when he saw the elder walking into the living room, sitting on the floor in front of the couch.
Beomgyu rubbed the back of head sheepishly, walking over towards the couch and sitting next to the younger who was watching some show called "Teen Beach Movie", he never understood what the whole movie was about honestly, but he knew it was one of Taehyun's favorites.
"Did you... uhm... eat?" Beomgyu asked softly, his voice less raspy than before thanks to the soothing healing tea he had. "I think I ate too much rice porridge, you had some right?"
Taehyun slowly turned his head and looked over towards the elder, his big eyes staring into his soul, which kinda scared him...
"Don't you dare apologize ever again!" Taehyun hissed angrily, flipping around to properly face the elder who flinched back into the couch more. "I made that for you! You're sick, Beomgyu, you need to eat!"
"You don't even have to worry about me, I promise I ate, but right now my main priority is you!" Taehyun's little scolding turned into a slight whine.
Beomgyu felt his entire face heat up, gosh, maybe he should get sick more often if it means that Taehyun would take care of him... but unfortunately, he has work to take care of even when he feels sick, but he feels a bit better now so he's definitely ready to work—
"And don't even think about working at home right now, I hid your laptop knowing you would try and work, so stay here and rest up."
Well, it was a worth a shot.
Beomgyu sighed softly, feeling a bit guilty for slacking off like this, but he knew if he tried to go against Taehyun's words he would never hear the end of it, so with a bit of hesitation he sank into the couch and allowed the younger to let the movie play out.
It wasn't until about an hour later, a new movie playing on the TV, Taehyun had moved from his floor spot and onto the couch, more specifically, right against the elders side.
It was safe to say Beomgyu was internally freaking out right now.
He had one arm wrapped around Taehyun's shoulder, the two of them squished against one another side by side while he was gently playing with the ends of the males fading blue hair, it was a bit of a struggle focusing on the movie when he had the love of his life right against him.
Beomgyu flinched slightly when Taehyun had suddenly spoke up, locking in right away into the movie incase he had a random question or statement about it, curse him and being so distracted!
"I'm... I'm really happy that I'm the one here for you..." Taehyun said, his voice more softer than he ever heard before. "When I heard that you fell sick, I dropped everything to get to you, I'm glad it's me and not someone else, as selfish as that sounds."
Beomgyu stayed silent, unsure of what to say, all he could do was stare at the TV in front of him — whatever topic the movie had going on was now long gone, all he could pay attention to was the feeling of Taehyun's fingers gently brushing against his own, the gentle tone he had in his words, the giddy feeling bubbling up inside.
"Y'know, as much as I love performing and promoting, there are days where I can... can relax like this," Taehyun said softly, making him question whether he meant watching a movie or... spending time with him. "There was never a day that went by that I didn't miss you, hyung."
"Were... you serious about taking care of me for the next few days? Despite your busy schedule?" Beomgyu asked, straining his voice slightly — scared that he might say the wrong thing.
The silence he received back made him extremely nervous, the way Taehyun's fingers gently separated from his own, leaving his body feeling cold, he definitely said the wrong thing and he messed it all—
Just before he could panic any further, the feeling of a pair of soft lips against his own instantly made his mind go blank.
Beomgyu sat there frozen, his mind processing what had just happened before the feeling faded away just how fast it came, his eyes flickering down towards the younger who stared at him with a bright red face.
Holy fucking shit.
Taehyun... just kissed him.
Holy fucking shit—
"Was that a good enough answer for you?" Taehyun spoke softly, his tone barely a whisper as he stared into the elders eyes, a lingering wave of adoration swirled in his eyes.
Beomgyu stared at him with his mouth parted open in shock, he hadn't expected that at all, the dreams that he has about loving and kissing Taehyun felt so different from this — was he hallucinating? Did the sickness make him go crazy? Certainly there's no way that his crush of four years just kissed him.
"Hellooo?" Taehyun said, a slight hint of embarrassment started to come through. "Earth to Gyu? This is really embarrassing if you don't—"
Just before he could finish his sentence, Beomgyu had immediately cupped the younger's face and pulled him back in for another kiss, years of longing breaking through — years of holding back began to crumble down.
It only took a few seconds for his kiss to be reciprocated, and gosh, did feel like heaven itself when he felt the younger's lips move against his own, the two of them sinking into a familiar yet messy pace.
Taehyun took the chance to crawl over the elders lap, guiding his arms around his waist before resting his down arms around the elders neck, running his fingers through Beomgyu's long hair, the two of them messily kissing each other without a sense in the world.
Tilting his head, Beomgyu deepened the kiss further while pressing his body against the younger's more, gently pulling on the bottom of Taehyun's lips which made the younger gasp softly — allowing him to let his tongue into the others, the warm feeling almost causing him to moan in delight.
Their tongues, dancing against one another felt so right, the way Taehyun was practically shivering under Beomgyu's hold as he tried his best to keep up — because when the hell was Beomgyu so experienced in kissing?
Although he wanted to keep that euphoric feeling going, Taehyun was the first to pull away in order to regain air, feeling the elder lean forward to chase for more, but after his lips met the skin around the younger's neck, he backed up.
The both of them, breathing heavily stared at one another, their eyes burning with longing desire and lust for that they've held back for years, only staring in silence until Taehyun began to smile, a soft laughter echoing out.
"I guess that was a good answer, huh?"
Beomgyu scoffed softly, rolling his eyes despite how it made his head hurt to do. "So you like me back? I guess?"
"No, Beomgyu," Taehyun rolled his eyes. "I just kissed you then made out with you for fun!— what do you think you dumbass?!" He hissed angrily, smacking the elders head.
"Ow! Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!"
The both of them broke out into a small fit of giggles, only the dim light of the TV gave off enough illumination for the both of them to stare at one another, and lord was it a pretty sight.
Beomgyu is definitely going to get sick more.
"Y'know..." Beomgyu softly spoke up, causing Taehyun to hum in question. "There's a chance that you might get sick... since mouth to mouth contact and I do still have a fever so.."
"Then you'll take care of me, right?" Taehyun said, titling his head while his fingers played with the hem of his shirt.
Beomgyu pursed his lips together tightly before licking them, a small smirk growing on his lips.
"Yeah, of course I will."
"By the way," Taehyun mumbled softly, leaning closer until the tips of their noses were touching. "I think this means you owe me a date now, wanna take me out on a date?"
"What if someone spots us...?" Beomgyu asked, a bit nervous, he was terrified of what crazy fans would do if they found out their precious idol was dating a useless music producer. "Your company... our company... would hate us — your fans would hate me."
Taehyun leaned back, a bit of pain flashing on his face before he shook his head. "I don't care about what others think, if they were true fans, then they would be happy for me... for us, you're credited in all of my songs, they love you. If they don't, then I'll sacrifice my entire career for us to be happy."
"I love being an idol, I love making music, I love being happy with fans..." Taehyun continued on, gently cupping the elders face. "But... what I love most, is the man who encouraged me to continue on even through my hard times, the man who sees me for me and not just my idol life, the man who selfishly captured my heart..."
"...I love you, Choi Beomgyu."
Beomgyu felt overwhelmed and so fucking happy to hear those words that seem unreal be spoken, biting on the bottom of his lip to conceal his smile, but when he saw how happy the younger was — all hell broke loose, flipping the both of them over so he was now hovering over him.
"You won't regret this?" Beomgyu asked softly, giving him one more chance to back away.
Taehyun only tilted his head and smiled, wrapping his arms around the elder and pulled him impossibly close.
"I'll never regret you, Beomgyu."
。゚ ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ 。゚
Staying true to his words, Taehyun really did take care of Beomgyu well throughout his sick days.
Whenever the elder would wake up in the morning overheated and aching in pain, he was there to gently place a cold wet cloth on his forehead while also giving him some tea and medicine before soothing him back to sleep.
Whenever he would wake up and immediately rush to the bathroom to puke out all of the contents in his stomach, Taehyun was right there behind him, holding his hair back while gently patting his back — helping him through the pain while whispering encouraging words.
He was there to help cook actual meals the both of them could eat together, there to do the elders laundry, help clean up his apartment, he was just there in general.
Oh has Beomgyu fallen for this even more.
In just only a week under Taehyun's care, which would've taken Beomgyu more than one week, the elder was eventually found healthier and even better than before, his fever fading away more and more until the day he could finally go into work.
"Beomgyu hyung!"
The new voice had made the male instantly look up from his phone, away from the little chat he was having with Taehyun about some date plans after his shift and after his vocal training lessons, looking down the hallway to see a familiar face rush up to him.
"Sunoo!" Beomgyu said happily, a big smile growing on his lips seeing the new rookie idol running towards him. "Long time no see, how have you been?"
"I've been great! We've been preparing for our comeback while also taking vocal lessons from Taehyun!" Sunoo immediately started to babble on and on.
The both of them stood there for a few minutes, Beomgyu happily listening to the younger talk about all of the fun things he got to experience while he was absent along with wondering if he could work with him on new songs, and who was Beomgyu to deny such a good offer?
"I'll see you later, Beomgyu!"
"Bye Sunoo!"
After departing from one another, Beomgyu took the pleasant stroll heading back to his studio — for once in a long time, he didn't feel miserable going into word or in pain, he was so happy and excited to start working again! Along with taking his little boyfriend but not boyfriend out on a date after this.
He was just a bit worried though, the two of them couldn't... necessarily keep their hands off of each other, and years of longing and pining really hit them hard when they did a lot more than just kiss sometimes.
Beomgyu was worried, he would always question if Taehyun really wanted to do anything while he was sick but the younger just brushed his worries off and reassured he was okay.
He can't win in an argument against Taehyun anyways.
After walking around the company for a few minutes, stopping by the cafe on the third floor to get a cup of honey milk macchiato, the male hurriedly rushed to his music studio where he was met with a familiar face.
"Soobin hyung!" Beomgyu beamed brightly, happy to see his best friend in his studio... wait why was he in his studio? "Whatcha doin' here? Stealin' from me?"
"As if," Soobin rolled his eyes, looking around. "Nothing is worth stealing in here, anyways I came by to greet you, that fever hit you hard, huh?"
"Like a damn truck."
The two of them fell into a small conversation, Soobin catching him up on what was happening in the music world while also telling him that he took care of some of his music work with Intak, most of the files having to go through confirmation of his liking.
"Oh by the way," Soobin spoke up, watching Beomgyu nod his head to the instrumental of a song they've been working on while he was gone. "Are you doing anything after work? The producers are planning to go out for some beer and chicken, y'down?"
Beomgyu hummed softly, opening his mouth to reply—
The males lips pursed into a thin line, hearing his phone echo out a new message, smiling apologetically towards his friend he fished his phone out of his pocket and clicked on the message right away, an amused smile growing on his lips.
« Tyun <3 »
| hey hyung... about plans for after work and stuff... i don't think Im able to go...
| you were right... Im sick now ☹️
| take care of me tonight? <3
He was definitely not going to let the younger live this down.
After sending a few messages back, Beomgyu looked over towards Soobin who was staring at him in confusion as to what made him smile so widely, but he wouldn't push it.
"So... about my offer?" Soobin said, attempting once again.
Beomgyu hummed softly, feeling a bit guilty for denying the offer. "Sorry... I can't..."
"Oh? Why's that? Is everything alright?"
The male bit of the bottom of his lip, containing the smile that was growing on his face while looking back at his computer, his heart fluttering rapidly.
Just like Taehyun took care of him, he was ready to take care of him.
So looking back over towards Soobin, he tilted his head and smiled brightly, his eyes scrunching up into adorable lines as he showed off his whisker-like smile, announcing his reason with full pride.
"I have to take care of my sick boyfriend!"
。゚ ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ 。゚
a/n : small little drabble to get back into writing :))
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