Taegi One-shot: Best Chemistry - Taehyung's POV
- ''I hope we will hold our hands forever.''
I said, holding up Yoongi's hand in mine, our fingers intertwined for the camera. We just won the "Best Chemistry couple" Award, as well as Namjin and Dancing trio (3Js - J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook) and it was my turn to say something for our team. Yoongi smirked at my words.
- ''That means we will have a fight all the time.''
He said and everyone started laughing.
I joined in weakly, slightly disappointed for being misunderstood, but I felt Yoongi squeezed my hand a bit harder for a moment before letting it go. I brightened up at that, feeling better instantly. I knew what that squeeze meant to say.
"I know what you tried to say kid and I'm with you."
I always knew what all the members meant to say, what's between the lines. It's a part of me. I observe. I see the little things, details that everyone else misses or discards.
I have a great relationship with all of my Hyungs, and with Kookie, of course, but Yoongi Hyung was always the one that I had the most difficult time getting along with, and ironically, he was always the one Hyung that I respected the most. It was not about the difference in opinions or our different nature, it's just that I always had that feeling, that I was too annoying to him, too childish. I used to be afraid of him. Hah truth to be told we all were, except for Jin Hyung. Jin Hyung could be terrifying at times, especially if you mess up his kitchen.
I look at him now, standing all dressed up in a tuxedo with pink bowtie, his black hair split in half, with black-rimmed glasses and dangling earrings on both ears. He was an MC for this special Run episode. I always admired his skills as a host. He had that MC aura and voice that works perfectly on TV shows and radios. If he weren't a rapper and music producer, I could easily imagine him as a Radio Host.
-"Ladies and gentlemen it is raining outside, perfect for sleeping and laziness and I sincerely feel sympathy for all of us who have to work on the days like this. Sometimes I just wished I was born as a rock. Maybe my wish would be granted in my next life so I could finally get some well-deserved rest. For all of you who have that leisure to nap all day, just remember - We all look ugly in the morning. And now let us take a trip to a memory lane with this great old hit that perfectly fits today's mood - "It's a Man's World" by one and only James Brown."
I chuckled a bit. I could imagine his calm deep voice speaking lazily in the microphone. He looks at me for a moment, trying to figure it out why I'm I chuckling, but how could I explained to him that I just imagined myself listening to his radio show in a parallel universe. So I pretend that I was looking at Jimin, which worked since he turned his gaze to him instantly and smiled gently. Hyung always had a soft spot for Jiminie.
I observed him carefully, he looked so handsome. All of my Hyungs and Jungkook are extremely good looking, but Suga Hyung always had that cool swag emanating from him. He was cool without even trying.
I remembered how nervous I felt when I was teamed up for the first time with him. We were filming season two of "Bon Voyage" and I really didn't want to annoy him. I always took the utmost care to behave well when he was around. I wanted his approval, to be proud of me and I work really hard not to disappoint him. When the production team told us that Suga Hyung and I will be at the same team through the entire trip, I felt excitement, but also a slight fear and nervousness. How all seems so funny and a long time ago now. I smiled as memories started to pour in.
Yoongi Hyung deciding to hold my hand each time we are about to have an argument. I laughed embarrassingly, holding his hand, trying to seem like I found it silly, but deep down I just hoped that my palms are not sweaty.
-"We almost always have different opinions."- Suga Hyung said back then, while we sat at the living room in our temporarily Hawaiian home. - "I'll try to follow his suggestions. Since I know he can't follow my opinions. If we can't agree, we will hold hands."
A day later, we spend time together. We went on the beach, grabbed something to eat, and played "Rock, paper, scissors" while eating ice cream.
I lost, so I had to give him a piggyback ride all the way to our hotel. I didn't mind though. We had fun and talked a lot that day. I got to know Hyung better and I hoped I grew closer to his heart at least a little.
And then we bought the matching bracelets and necklaces, promising that we wouldn't take it off till the end of our journey. He cheated though and took them off the next day. Ah, Hyung.
We were teamed up a few more times. Once we lost because I cheated during the game. Hyung, who doesn't like to lose, was annoyed, but I could tell that it wasn't the fact that we lost that annoyed him, but that I was caught doing it.
But the other time, we showed a great connection. Ah, the Romeo and Juliet team. Jungkook was teasing us that we have a bad connection, but we proved him wrong. The one thing people don't understand is that both Yoongi Hyung and I are competitive and when working together, we would do everything to achieve victory. I mean V stands for Victory and Hyung loves collecting trophies, enough said.
We became closer since Bon Voyage. I mentally thanked the production team countless times for the opportunity they gave us. I am blessed to do what I do, to be surrounded by great people, whom I love and respect. Yoongi Hyung became different afterward as well. Whether it was because he got to know me better or he simply deemed me mature enough now, to be his friend, not just annoying little brother, the fact is that I'm thankful. He was always there for me when I'm in my bad moods when I want silence. His silent presence is so calming. I could sit for hours with him when he is working, not saying the word, just enjoying his calming aura and think about everything that is crossing my crazy mind at the moment. But he could also be very playful and would sometimes allow his inner child to take control. We would often have fun then.
I laughed at the last memory, it was a fun time. Suddenly I felt such warmth, love, and respect towards him, while the memories we shared filled my heart with joy and happiness. And while everyone was joking, holding their award trophies I felt someone's eyes on me. It was Yoongi Hyung's. He cocked one eyebrow in question and I grinned at him, shaking my head that it was nothing. I look at the others, still feeling his gaze on me. I know that he would ask me again in a few days, casually, out of bored curiosity, like he doesn't really care. He wants us to think that, but we all know that he cares a lot. That's why we love and respect him so much. As for me, the time might change me, I hope for the best, always for the best, but I truly hope that some things would remain the same. Love and happiness, hard work and rewards...family...best friends and brothers.
Yoongi Hyung came closer to me and said in a hushed tone.
-''Want to grab some ice cream with me, after the filming is done?''
-''Do you seriously need to ask Hyung?''
I beamed happily and he smirked, nodding in approval. We were about to wrap up the episode shooting. I look impatiently on my watch and thought.
"Oh, how long till the end?"
I heard Hyungs chuckle as if he read my mind. I look at him, but he spoke before me.
-''Be patient, I'll buy you extra candy if you are good.''
I huffed, raising my head high affronted.
-''Hyung! I accept nothing under three.''
He laughed at that and I was happy.
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