(5) A clog in the log
- Snitches... get... stiches... - OJ mumbled
- Could you repeat that...? - Nickel asked... OJ looked at Nickel his expreeion changing to an invinting one... OJ knew how utterly idiotic Nickel was... and maybe just maybe he could get one of the most annoying residents out of the hotel... for good... Maybe working with Taco would't be so bad after all...
- Well... Nickel... I think you sould meet her again... She's really changed I promise... - his smile... it didn't seem genuiene, but as expected...
- Uhm... sure..? - Nickel was an idiot... OJ led Nickel deep into the forest... This wasn't just for Taco... He wanted Nickel gone... And nothing was going to stop him... When they got to the s.s. spot... Taco wasn't there... as expected... OJ gestured for Nickel to sit down on the log...
- So where is she?
- Oh... dont worry she'll come... eventually - OJ moved slowly to a nearby log picking it up... Nickel still didn't catch the hint that he needed to go... OJ walking towards Nickel him finally realizing...
- Your with her aren't you? - Nickel stood up and started to run... OJ lunged at him bashing the log in Nickel until... he was nothing the a worthless husk... still alive... knocked out... dissformed... and bleeding... Taco came out of the shadows... looking quite terrified but also impressed...
- Wow OJ I didn't know you had it in you... HA! That fool... Gone by your own hand! Well I'll be damned to be impressed...
- Well he is a nickel so...
- Are you suggesting I commit cannibalism?! OJ do you understand how me- - her stomach(?) Growled - well I dont really have a choice now leave I.. don't need you here! I'm going to hate myself for this...
- Well I found out how to get an annoying ressident dead... and you... you got yourself some food...!
- You are a psycho... I love it! Hahahahaha! But you know I could kill you... right here right now...
- Well shit... I have to get back to the hotel! Bye - OJ left blood stained him he got to the nearby lake washing himself off... He knew what he just did he was trully losing himself... but why did Taco enjoy it...? She wasn't that insane... right..? Right? She stood there chaining up Nickel's body to the wall she had never tasted blood before it would a nice refresher... after soo many years of only metal... this... this... would be her... new love... a love for blood and torture... Taco had a grin on her face... she was covered in his blood but she didn't mind all she wanted to do was satiete her hunger... Once and for all... It had been a few hours after OJ killed Nickel well not kill him... he originally knocked Nickel out but... he had a feeling... she would do... something worse... something so so much worse...
(Ok this chapter is finnished that means Hiatus... I will inform you when Im ready with a special anniversary chapter! Bye everyone - Dee Dee)
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