Lollipop (X-Men Evolution Fanfic)
Lance meets Todd only to find himself not quite amused at the younger teens antics.Disclaimer - I don't own X-Men Evolution. Original publication date 03-04-08.…
Lance meets Todd only to find himself not quite amused at the younger teens antics.Disclaimer - I don't own X-Men Evolution. Original publication date 03-04-08.…
A Christmas poem about poor Ronald and how much his brother's pick on him to the tune of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reigndear/…
Draco watches Pansy with her issues and doesn't like the fact she is placing herself into a stereotype.///I originally wrote this back when Rowling had her site instead of Pottermore and she commented about how she wished her daughters would have more sense like Hermione and not like Pansy. The subject matter in the story is a serious one and not a laughing matter, but sadly as Rowling noticed then a lot of girls struggle with self image issues.The other thing I notice is that a lot of people like to give canon characters from various fandoms the trait of being anorexic or bulimic when it doesn't fit their personality. Like Hermione. And yet there are wonderful characters like Pansy that are wonderful for exploring the issue in a realistic and believable manner.…
Poems about Lily and Severus' childhood friendship from the point of view of various characters.Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. Original publication date 08-01-2007.…
Would Draco make the choice between being a good brave person, or slither away like a snake.Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. This was originally written 07-22-07, likely before the last book came out.…
This is the story of Legolas' first horse.Disclaimer - I don't own Lord of the Rings. The original publication date is February 2, 2007... less then a week after Barbaro the racing horse passed away.…
Sakon goes to Sayoko's birthday party to perform. There is a special gift there from her grandfather.Disclaimer - I don't own Ayatsuri Sakon. Original publication date 6-26-2006.…
These are some of my short stories that poke fun of the Mary Sues found within the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fandoms. They were originally written back around 2006 and 2007 when Mary Sue hunter fics were very popular. Not quite that kind of story though. Disclaimer - I don't own Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. If I remember correctly there are three that ended up tying into each other.…
Deadpool narrates a day spent with Wolverine... albeit a short day.Disclaimer - I don't own Marvel. This is written for the FanFicFriday "Comic-Con Contest". My brother specifically requested that I use Deadpool and Wolverine as the main characters.…
Pippin thinks about horses and their relations to people and comes to some interesting conclusions.Disclaimer - I don't own Lord of the Rings. Original publication date 2-12-2006/…
A short story dealing with a discussion Thranduil had with Elrond after the Last Aliance.(I don't own Lord of the Rings.)Original publication date 02-10-06.…
Some tips for future contests for those who want them. May or may not get updated as more contests are put together.Cover was created by @skyepanda1 for me. :)…
This is a collection of older fanfics that I plan to hopefully rewrite eventually due to having grown as a writer since I started them. Younger writers, feel free to read and learn from my own mistakes.…
This is a one-shot collection based around theories I have or had about the final arc for Bleach.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach.Original publication date 07-21-12.…
Everyone knew that Gin was guilty of being a traitor to Soul Society. According to Rangiku though he had played the role of double traitor and quite intentionally. Nobody though knows how deep Gin's guilt actually goes.Not even the small captain of the tenth division can imagine that Gin is guilty of child abandonment of all things, something that his trial isn't even for. Even this isn't as it seems, the man who always wore a smile as a mask hiding his real self pulling constant surprises at each turn.(Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach.)Notes - This story is an AU to the Winter War arc where Gin is picked up alive and a trial is held for him. Taicho - captain or first seatFukutaicho - lieutenant or second seatBushido - the code of the samurai…
(NaNoWriMo 2013) When Toshiro was a child Rangiku was supposed to find him and convince him to go to the academy but something prevented her from doing so. Instead of having positive things occur in his life a lot of bad things happen.(Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach.)Note - Original publication date 11/1/2013…
Horseland - When Will's in a car accendent with his main family on their way to visit their family at Horseland, his life and that of Bailey's ends up changing drastically and they end up having to grow up and face their fears.(Disclaimer - I don't own Horseland. Original story was written in eleven parts but changed it to a one-shot for wattpad.)Note - Original publication date 12/22/2008.…
Rukia comes to see the young taicho through her her blade's eyes only to be even more confused by the end.(Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach)Note ~ I used the theory that Bambietta and Toshiro are related in this one. I also used the theory that Ukitake and Rangiku are relaated, but whether it be uncle, brother or father... that is still vague. Father fit best for this fic. Also... I used the theory that Toshiro's grandmother on his father's side had a sword like Hyorinmaru and could seal something away for a thosand years. Oh... and the theory that Byakuya may be half-Quincy as well, but that never got mentioned like I originally planned.Originally written 3/3/2014.…
Toshiro lived with the stigma of being different all his life. The fear of rejection made him hold back on letting people know his real self and at times he questioned whether being himself was o.k. Then came the decision to face said fears for one person despite the fact the fears wouldn't go away over night. He's also not going to let the fact people will likely tease him for his feminine side get in the way... or at least that is the plan. Sometimes people need a little extra help.(Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach.)Note - This works with the theory that Toshiro is Gin and Rangiku's child. In Japan there are traditional dances that are danced by males, ones that are done by females and ones that are done by both. The "dance" in the fic though is a dance from Soul Society.taicho - captain or first seatfukutaicho - lieutenant or second seat#fanficfriday…
What is fanfiction? For those interested, come and find out.…