Labyrinth X Simpsons
This is a cross over between the Simpsons and Jim Henson's labyrinth. This won't be a fully accurate retelling of the labyrinth but I did l Keep it pretty accurate to the movie. Although this does have a lot of my own added elements to it which will require some explanation. So for the main character sarah i decided to use my own oc Chloe. In this story Chloe is the daughter of Marge and Ned Flanders. Marge however passed away giving birth to maggie, Ned was devastated but soon got remarried to Maude, who was the nurse that delivered Maggie. Ned moved Maude and her boys rod/tod into his home. About a year later, one unfortunate evening spends Chloe on an adventure to rescue her baby sister who has been taken by the goblin king snake. I'm new to writing and I'm not doing great in my English class so please forgive me if it sucks I just want to share my love for the Simpsons and the labyrinth!…