Short Stories
Little snippets of stories I'll never write and ideas never finished.…
Little snippets of stories I'll never write and ideas never finished.…
JackxReaderYour one of Markiplier's (Mark's) close childhood friends, you might as well be siblings since Mark treats you like a baby sister. Jack is visiting LA for PAX East and to just hang out at Mark's place.What happens when you two meet???(Yeet this in the garbage)(2016 unicornjewls was garbage and I doubt I'll continue this) whoooooooo…
Jack has just moved to the Americas!He doesn't quite fit in with his accent and all but he does eventually make some friends who are also new students from Europe. Follow Jack as he questions his sexuality, friendships, and life in general. Mostly first person (Jack's POV), but may have the occasional switch. (I'll say when)…
Your are now Marks neighbor and are slowly becoming friends and you meet Jack and friends along the way.Your just trying to live your life but things happen and you start to kinda like the great Markimoo. Also will you make it in the world of YouTube, will people accept you or hope you die in a hole?Mark x ReaderMy first thing with x reader It will be great (I'll try)…
Lovey dovey romance stuff Writing at night as usual :PI'm using meh online friends names btwAlso had to change a name so now the friend is Elle…