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When Audra decided to run for president, she knew there'd be obstacles. She just didn't know one of them would be the man of her dreams.• • •There's no doubt that Audra Graham is tough. If she wasn't, she wouldn't be in the midst of her presidential campaign. But the stakes are getting higher. The media is attacking her choice of lipstick shades and toothpaste brands. After a scandal within her campaign, she needs some serious rebranding.Enter Edmund Cartwright, former Presidential Press Secretary and beloved of D.C. He might have two heads of state and three dozen celebrities on speed dial, but his career is the opposite of flourishing.When Edmund takes on her campaign in a last effort to save his career, Audra is overjoyed. The scrutiny is finally shifting away from her shoe choice to her policies. But with late-night meetings and take-out food, the lines of their professional relationship are blurring, and suddenly their secret romance threatens to go public. Now, Audra must face not securing the nomination to be with Edmund or choose her career.© 2023 Trenchantly | All Rights Reserved.…