Fairytale [poetry collection]
When our thoughts become too messy to fathom, we turn to words.…
When our thoughts become too messy to fathom, we turn to words.…
[a collection of short stories and everything else that has no place anywhere]Life is like the cold frost that spirals across our windows, spreading out on the glass, out of our control. Life is in the wildness of something that we cannot fully grasp, in the haunting shadows of an unfathomable mystery. Life is in the way each of us have our own stories to tell. Despite our differences, we all end the same way. Ashes to ashes, we all fall down. {mature themes inside, read at your own discretion}{trigger warning}…
Felicity Williams isn't the kind of girl to crumble. She isn't the kind of girl who collapses the moment her throne is threatened, isn't the kind of girl who runs sobbing into the waiting arms of a knight.Felicity Williams is the kind of girl who holds her head up high, even when her tiara is made of bones and her makeup is made of ashes. After all, when you have everything to lose and nothing to gain, what can you do but fake a smile and hope for the best?[a story about acceptance][#VillainsArePeopleToo, #BreakStereotypes, #ProjectWomanUp]…
skinny love \skin-ee luhv\ [noun]1. when two people love each other but are too shy to admit it but they still show it.2. love that's too skinny to survive. it's not properly fleshed out, and is doomed to failure.[trigger warning][#FreeTheLGBT]…
She prays that he will notice the little things, and he prays that someday she will notice his feelings.…
"mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the greatest fool of all? must be the girl who can't stop crying, or the girl who kept on trying."Hope is a four-letter word, one that embodies the light within us.Sometimes, that light will fizzle out, leaving us in complete, utter darkness, where we only have ourselves and our demons.I thought that the absence of my hope signified that I would never be rescued from the depths of my depression.That is, until he came.[a short story about hope][possible trigger warning]…
"i'm a slow dying flower. frost killing hour. the sweet turning sour and untouchable."Sometimes, fairytales don't have happy endings, no matter how hard we wish for them. [a short story about a girl who didn't deserve it][trigger warning]…