Endure And Survive
I let a breath out once I see tree's pass by me, knowing I was a little safer now I was in the forest. I didn't stop running though, my feet wouldn't let me stop.The adrenaline taking over my body as I try to listen for footsteps behind me but yet I hear nothing.Keep going. Keep going.I can feel my lungs starting to object, pushing harder to keep me running as my through feels like it's getting smaller by each second.I see a large tree trunk coming up, so I slow my pace a little to prepare for a quick stop so I could catch my breath.I turn my head quickly to see nothing but trees and grass behind me, no one following.I take this chance to hide myself behind the large tree, my back leaning against the hard bark of the trunk. I can still feel the glass in my hands as I look down to see blood dripping over my fingers.I sigh in frustration as I let my head drop back against the tree, looking up at the blue sky above.Then I hear it.The unmistakable sound of a gun clicking a bullet into the chamber.... right next to my temple.Slowly I let my eyes shift, then my head... I hold my breath as i finally look beside me....... I'm staring down the barrel of a gun.I look past the gun to see a woman.... the first thing I notice is her eyes.... her green eyes. Then her freckles and the slit in her right eyebrow from what looks to be a scar.Then I notice the expression on her face.... Confusion and shock.I feel my hands tremble as I stare at her, waiting for her to pull the trigger and take my life away from me.... "Please just make it quick" I whisper in a small voice, watching as the eyebrows crease slightly.I close my eyes and hold my breath, waiting for the impact... And then she pulls the trigger.…