Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)
17 years has passed since Goku defeated Omega Shenron. Only in this version, one last wish was made with the Dragon Balls before they scattered: to make Goku an adult again. After that, Goku lived happily with his family... Its a perfect ending.Over these years, Goten and Bulla got married, and they had a little girl named Tora. As of now, Tora is 14 and still the new Saiyan in the family. She is always working her hardest to improve her skills. Little did she know that she would soon meet another full blooded Saiyan girl around her age, named Shay-Z, who also strived to grow stronger. Only.. Shay has an interesting past..Together, the girls grow stronger and become great friends. Find out how this new found friendship came to be, and what battles Shay and Tora must face, in "Dragon Ball NG (Next Generation): The New Saiyan's"(I wrote this story with @GirlDrawsManga. She wrote the even chapters (Tora's POV), and I wrote the odd ones (Shay-z's POV). This story will be on both of our profiles to hopefully get more reads and stuff. @GirlDrawsManga also drew the cover and wrote the description. Hope you like the story! Niether of us owns Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, or Dragon Ball GT. We only own Shay-z, Tora, Oran and Apele, and the other few random people we decided to throw in along the way.)…